Essay Example: Mystery and Melancholy of the Street

Published: 2023-07-09
Essay Example: Mystery and Melancholy of the Street
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Inspiration Analysis Arts Emotional intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 646 words
6 min read

One of the most creative contributors to the art of modern ages in the 20th century, named De Chirio Giorgio championed the transformation of the neoclassic in many ways. His work of art entitled the mystery and Melancholy of the Street date 1914 under the metaphysical painting. This is one of the most baffling and yet surprising picturesque art showing the unsettling and impossibility in the world (Scott et al, 49). In the painting, two buildings are designed in the styles of Renaissance architecture, which enclose a deserted space. This space creates a jittery atmosphere where some things can be entrapped. Two figures present themselves as intruders in the late afternoon glowing light. The two intruders are a girl (lower left) holding a hook, and a shadow of a human in the top right (Johnson et al, 71). This girl is seemingly drawn to attend to the unseen adult figure in the upper top right. Meanwhile, in the far end focus, the audience can note the horsebox on the wheel whose doors and dark inside give insights into the feeling of the concealed jittery.

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In the subdivision of the real world, De Chirico employs contrasting opinions in vanishing points. Therefore, the lines in the illuminated arcade of the left meet above the horizon contrary to the darkened building on the right that meet just above the roof of the horsebox. In many ways, his creation resembles an empty stage upon, which some drama is about to unfold (Klingsohr et al, 40). The street has the possibility and full of melancholy as the title suggests. Objects in the picture have no obvious purpose but are included for a certain reason. The author might have had to include his or her childhood memories. He also knows that the use of geometrical shapes like arch portrays an array of emotion sets such as nostalgia and anxiety. Just like the majority of his workings, the painting of the mystery and the melancholy street remain clandestine. There seems like no reason for the inclusion of objects like the running girl, hook, the statue with human shadow, the horsebox among others (Scott et al, 49). However, the common edition is that he did his painting with precise intent. It can be articulated that De Chirico loved the Greek architecture having grown in Greece but he does not include classical motifs to identify his antique. These were included as symbols of beauty as artistic references to make comparisons with modern paints and motifs.

How does the work impact on the society ate the time of serious coronavirus pandemic? People are dying, resources are overstretched to contain the epidemic and the essence of freedom is fast sinking. Thus, people are moving into the inner space of thoughts and imaginations, a place where is often ignored. In the painting, just like the corona situation, many minds are locked in deserted thinking lines that can easily be entrapped. This disease is a source of jitter like that space in the painting (Scott et al, 49). The cooperate world is now vividly understanding the importance of art and the contribution to human wellbeing. This is some way confined to the coronavirus situation that locks many at home.

Though, for the majority of people, there are more pressing needs. However, I think untold joy still comes through the painting of De Chirico in the collective expression of the mystery and melancholy in the streets. The streets are a source of sadness and attempts are made to ensure people do not interact along streets of all world economies. This would serve to prevent more sadness arising from the coronavirus mystery.

Works cited

Johnson, Stephen. "Pictures capture memories."

Klingsohr-Leroy, Cathrin, and Uta Grosenick. Surrealism. Taschen, 2004.

Scott, Nancy J. "The Mystery and Melancholy of Nineteenth-Century Sculpture in De Chirico's Pittura." Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Art 3 (2013): 49.

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