Native Americans: Higher Risk for Diabetes & Kidney Disease - Paper Example

Published: 2023-08-14
Native Americans: Higher Risk for Diabetes & Kidney Disease - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Diabetes
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 849 words
8 min read


Diabetes is a health condition where the body does not produce or utilize insulin. It is a major health crisis that causes other health conditions such as kidney failure. Across America, many people from different races have diabetes. Native Americans, for example, is one racial group in America that has several people with diabetes. According to reports from the CDC (2017), Native Americans have a higher chance of having diabetes than any other racial group in America. Additionally, kidney failure from diabetes is the highest in Native Americans than any other race (CDC, 2017). Nevertheless, between 1996-2013, the rate of diabetes-related kidney failure reduced by 54% (CDC, 2017). More so, between 2013, to 2017, there has been a substantial decrease in diabetes among Native Americans at a rate of 5.2% (Weahkee, 2020). Undoubtedly, despite the figures, the prevalence of diabetes in Native Americans has made the medical costs from its treatment high. Looking at those components, there is a need for a teaching plan for diabetes among Native Americans. A teaching plan is a comprehensive outline of the steps that Native Americans will need to follow to improve their health. The teaching plan will include aspects such as a nutritional program, motivational strategies, barriers, and limitations. A teaching plan on diabetes on Native Americans is useful because it will help them to improve their quality of life.

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Teaching Plan

Many Native Americans are diagnosed with diabetes yearly and they do not understand that managing the condition requires lifestyle changes especially in nutrition and physical activity. The teaching plan aims at assisting Native Americans to make sustainable food and lifestyle choices that would help to maintain their blood sugar and promote healthy living. Recognizing dietary changes in Native Americans will be significant to help in managing diabetes. Murdaugh, Parsons, and Pender (2019) indicated that the definition is healthy and unhealthy foods vary across cultures. According to them, an assessment of a group’s food patterns is necessary to understand the changes that help to promote health. Also, the authors affirmed that the specific factors that influence culture on eating patterns include the following:

  • Understanding cultural beliefs about the connection between food and health
  • Identifying how food consumption practices result in cultural identity
  • Evaluating the extent of acculturation to dominant-group nutritional behaviors
  • Offering consultants who have similar ethnic backgrounds
  • Knowing the nutritional elements of ethnic foods
  • Strengthening positive ethnic nutritional practices
  • Providing information on nutrient values of ethnic foods
  • Working with ethnic restaurants to offer acceptable healthy choices
  • Integrating healthy ethnic food choices in work and schools

Learning Needs of Patients

Patients with diabetes have leaning needs that focus on managing their glucose levels. Treas and Wilkinson (2013) indicated that a healthcare practitioner ought to comprehend a learner’s needs and engage them through the entire learning process. In the case of diabetes, the learning needs are complex. For example, learners should be aware of the appropriate nutritional plan, medications, monitoring their glucose levels, and managing their hyperglycemic episodes. Lifestyle changes in the areas of nutrition and physical activity will be important. In terms of nutrition, some of the healthy foods that will help Native Americans to sustain their diabetic condition includes beans, squash, and grains (Barnard, 2014). The population should understand that meat and grains increase their chances of having diabetes because they are the major source of saturated fat and cholesterol (Barnard, 2014). The goal of the teaching plan is to equip the learners with the knowledge to make responsible choices to improve their quality of life.

The Behavioral Objective of the Teaching Plan

A behavioral modification will enrich learners with information on ways to make responsible lifestyle and nutritional changes to manage their condition. Treas and Wilkinson (2013) asserted that the nurse should ensure the learner achieves their desired behavioral change. The teaching plan will help the learners be aware of their diabetic medications, explain the benefits of exercise, and self-monitor their blood sugar.

The teaching plan will include a 5-day and 2-hour sessions of education about diabetes

  • Day 1: An overview of diabetes
  • Day 2: Blood glucose monitoring
  • Day 3: Administering of medications
  • Day 4: Learning about the types and benefits of exercises
  • Day 5: Learning about the healthy diet to manage diabetes

Motivational Strategies, Barriers, and Limitations

One of the primary motivational strategies would be putting up flyers and posters to make the teaching area attractive and enable more Native Americans with diabetes to gather for the session. Also, group discussions will be available to enhance the interaction process and encourage the learners to actively participate in the teaching plan. One of the barriers would be language. Some of the learners might not be conversant with the English language. A translator will be needed during the learning session.


The five-day teaching plan will be designed to help Native Americans manage their diabetes conditions. The learners will need knowledge on the way to live with the condition and improve their quality of life with proper nutrition and exercise. Overall, by the end of the teaching program, learners will be enriched with information about diabetes.

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Native Americans: Higher Risk for Diabetes & Kidney Disease - Paper Example. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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