Navigating Compliance and Project Management: A Comprehensive Exploration

Published: 2024-01-24
Navigating Compliance and Project Management: A Comprehensive Exploration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Risk management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 633 words
6 min read

1) Name and describe two (2) U.S.-based compliance laws that exist.

  1. FISMA-(Framework & FISMA, 2019) Federal Information Security Management Act U.S. legislature body outlines the compressive context that will safeguard operations, human-made threats, and assets alongside natural and protection of government information.
  2. HIPAA-HIPAA: United States Health Insurance Portability plus Accountability Act, 1996. It consists of dual segments of Deed, namely. HIPPA Title 1 this act involves the protection of well-being insurance. (Shrank, 2020) HIPAA Title II involves related information of standardization on health care. Layman has always mistaken HIPAA II Title as Health Information rather than insurance but is majorly concerned with the healthcare world and Hospitals.

2) Discuss the levels of the CMMI improvement approach

  1. Level 1-Initial: On maturity this level achievement of an organization depends on the information of work intricate in the system slightly than the course that is established by the governing organization
  2. Level 2-Repeatable: By maturity level 2, success advancement, success is recurring; hence basic management is used to monitor the cost.
  3. Level 3- Defined: level 3 on maturity. At this glassy, a process is a well-established tool and methodology used regularly to deal with any complications. Processes are described in standards, tools, methods, and procedures; hence they are well understood and characterized.
  4. Level 4-Managed: In level 4 at maturity, software development effort can be effectively controlled using precise measurements by management. Management always has control over the process; hence, it has a better footing, which establishes and improves new protocols. It is easy for management to identify ways to adapt and adjust processes to particular projects without deviations from specifications or measurable loss of quality
  5. Optimizing: Level 5 at maturity; at this level, its main focus is to continually improve process performance using both innovative and incremental technological improvements. The quantitative process improves objectives for an organization established by continually revising to reflect how business objectives will be changed and used as a form of criteria to improve the management process. However, IT is of significance for an individual who focuses on the improvement of understanding and methods that will enable changing the world around us.

3) What is the scope and why is it important to a Risk Management Project

Scope can be used to identify limits or limits incurred by risk management strategy. The situation is vital to risk organization because this scope guides the plan and ensures that the situation is focused and leads in a good direction.

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4) What is Cost-Benefit Analysis and why is it important

Cost-benefit analysis plays a role in equaling the charge of commendation against the company's profit by implementing the commendation. The situation is important to identify the price of an item and the impact of the item on you. Uncertainty the thing will cost 1 million; will it be worth securing such a thing? However, it is subjective to the person who wants the thing because it might seem 1 million is a small price to secure security while another person will see it as a high price.

5) Name and describe the three (3) types of project management charts

  1. Milestone-milestone: graphical illustration with main landmarks, but likewise the situation shows inconsistencies among the previous milestones, like aims that are neither failed nor achieved.
  2. Gantt chart- The Gantt chart is the chart that shows the scheme schedule. Commonplace which is cast off by project managers as well as managers towards the show the progress of the project schedule
  3. Critical path chart – precarious path always shows a list of scheme tasks accomplished on phase. It is of significance when structuring and seeing the project and realizing what should be accomplished and which order should be used.


KFramework for HIPAA, CUI, and FISMA." (2019).

Shankar, Anurag. "Building a NIST Risk Management Framework

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