Navigating Digital Health Innovation - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Navigating Digital Health Innovation - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 673 words
6 min read
Why are health systems likely to resist digital innovations?

The health systems are more likely to oppose the innovation path because of the varying and conflicting interests of the stakeholders. While digital innovators may focus on improving the quality of service provision in healthcare, the health systems may see this to be the immediate increase in the costs of service provision. Therefore, the competing interests among different groups may lead to health systems resisting digital innovations. Secondly, health systems may resist digital innovation as a result of high levels of development funding for the innovation as well as the financing of the services arising from the installed innovations. Thirdly, the health systems may demand a high-level of accoi8untability from the digital innovators, which they [digital innovators] may fail to guarantee, thereby leading to the resistance to digital innovations. Finally, the health systems can resist innovations due to the anticipated changes in policies that will bring about adverse government regulations.

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What are the ways to reduce the communication barriers between health systems and digital health innovators?

The modeling of innovation activities in healthcare requires reducing communication breakdown between health systems and innovators in various ways. Firstly, the establishment of a detailed and system-level description of the innovation helps eliminate communication issues. Secondly, setting up a clearly defined overarching mission ensures that both sides are always on the same page. Thirdly, a clear definition of the organizational and operational roles clear communication barriers. Standardizing processes and procedures in the health systems can also address communication barriers in digital health innovation (Desveaux et al. 2019).

What are some of the good business practices and proven strategies for selling innovations to health systems? Provide specific examples to support your arguments.

Several business practices and strategies for selling innovations are applicable and have proven useful in health systems. One of the most practical and essential strategies is understanding the audience. It is critically crucial for the digital innovator to realize that the innovation target the patients who are the direct beneficiary of the innovation, as well as the healthcare providers who will be using the innovation to facilitate their service delivery. An innovation that focuses on these stakeholders is more likely to be successful when selling them to health systems. An excellent example is the use of EHR in health systems in America that have been successful due to understanding the audience, thus the need for hospitals in managing digital data. Another practice and strategy are the organization of the innovation and preempting anticipated challenges arising from applying these innovations. The strategy involves when innovation is subject to debate or controversial. The strategy helps to reduce resistive force from stakeholders. An excellent example is the introduction of memory-enhancing implants to patients with mental illnesses. Finally, the timing of the innovations and outlining clearly the success metrics are essential strategies in selling the innovation to health systems.

What types of innovations will thrive in today’s digital health ecosystem?

Several types of digital inventions and innovations are recently emerging and expected to thrive in the health ecosystem. Among them include the use of blockchain technology in enhancing pharmaceutical and clinical research and enabling the sharing of data between the researchers and other key stakeholders in healthcare. Thus, the application of blockchain technology improves the digital health ecosystem by introducing efficient supply chain management and enhancing interoperability in the management of digital data. Another key innovation in today’s health ecosystem is applying virtual reality and augmented reality to simulate medical conditions and healthcare space. They form a useful diagnostic and treatment measures, particularly in healthcare education. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine are also vital innovations in the health ecosystem as they play the pivotal roles of networking and responding to patients’ insights, as well as providing specialist care.


Desveaux, L., Soobiah, C., Bhatia, R. S., & Shaw, J. (2019). Identifying and overcoming policy-level barriers to the implementation of digital health innovation: a qualitative study. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(12), e14994. doi:10.2196/14994

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