Navigating Long-Term Care: The Impact of The National Alliance for Caregiving - Free Report

Published: 2024-01-07
Navigating Long-Term Care: The Impact of The National Alliance for Caregiving - Free Report
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy Politics Health and Social Care Family
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 515 words
5 min read

The National Alliance for Caregiving leads the way in conducting policy analysis and tracking codification dealing with family caregiving issues (Steven, 2020). It develops national best practices programs and works to increase public awareness on family caregiving issues. Also, The National Alliance for Caregiving provides assistance in terms of financial contributions. It is done towards the well-being of those in care, through the National Network for Caregiving Coalitions in the United States (Steven, 2020). The organization plays a great role in political decisions affecting long-term care.

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Various reasons make this organization among the most influential in matters regarding long-term care. First, the organization gives its services to a large area, supporting nearly thirty (30) states (NAC, 2020). Second, the organization acts as the founder and the secretariat of the International Alliance of Carer Organizations. The organization being globally recognized makes it quite influential. Another influential element of The National Alliance for Caregiving is its members. They engage with the board’s constituency of providers, researchers, medical products innovators, and other professionals in many processes (NAC, 2020). Therefore, members own the decisions and support any provisions emanating from the organization. Further, it has national organizations represented in the coalition where each is a leader in its field. As such, it becomes easier to mobilize from different sectors in a bid to meet the organization’s mission of caregiving (Avanzi et al., 2018). Having worked for more than twenty years has made the organization quite powerful in political circles.

The resources and services offered by the National Alliance for Caregiving also make it a force to reckon with. Some of these services include; relief food to the poor, and less fortunate persons in the society, health facilities among the sick, and creating awareness among the people among other services that make it prominent (Avanzi et al., 2018). Also, it gives financial step care. All these combined have given the organization a positive public image, which ensures that its voice is listened to by policymakers and political schemers (Jegermalm & Sundström, 2014). Substantial membership in the organization helps it be one of the most prominent in caregiving.


In conclusion, the National Alliance for Caregiving has brought beneficiaries among vulnerable people and nations. It's an organization that should be an excellent example among others operating the same justifications. It’s an organization that has made a great effort on political, and social growth, and togetherness among people and states. On that account, one would be convinced that the organization is among the most influential in matters of long-term care.


Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F., Castelli, L., Marcionetti, J., Crescentini, A., Balducci, C., & van Dick, R. (2018). How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification. Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 154-167.

Jegermalm, M., & Sundström, G. (2014). Stereotypes about caregiving and lessons from the Swedish panorama of care. European Journal of Social Work, 18(2), 185-197.

NAC. (2020). Resources.

Steven, J. (2020). Home.

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Navigating Long-Term Care: The Impact of The National Alliance for Caregiving - Free Report. (2024, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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