Navigating the Skies: Unraveling Human Factors in Aviation Safety

Published: 2023-12-28
Navigating the Skies: Unraveling Human Factors in Aviation Safety
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society Human Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1007 words
9 min read

Human factors are things that determine how humans attend to their duties and the results to be obtained. These factors may bring forth positive or negative effects, and they can be social or personal skills. Through human factors, information is collected and integrated into machines and systems to ensure they are secure for human use (Wise et al., 2016). Proper understanding of human factors in aviation is important because they are directly linked to technology and ensuring operations are smoothly running. Humans can assure aviation systems' safety through the guide of human factors, which is also achieved through dedication and incorporation of new technology. This research paper analyses the human factors issues with the Next Generation System.

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Several human factors related to aviation include communication and personal interrelation. Communication is an important factor because a lack of communication or poor communication can negatively affect the entire aviation system. For the smooth running of operations, information has to be passed through the correct medium and make sure the instructions are clear so that the recipient does not misinterpret it. The recipients should be advised not to make assumptions about the meaning of the information being passed to them, and the individual passing the message should not assume that it has been well understood. Communication in aviation is biblically related. Before taking off, instructions are issued to the passengers while in a church, before starting a sermon, the preacher tries to gain the congregation's attention.

Complacency is another human factor issue that may affect the aviation industry. Complacency is a feeling that develops due to routine duties, and one can easily assume that everything is all right while it is the opposite. For example, in preflight checking, because this is an activity conducted every time before a plane takes off, one can develop a secure feeling and fail to do it, marking a plane secure while it is not. In the scriptures, Paul kept in touch with the Ephesians, advising them to plan for the master only like in aviation, where the groundwork for a flight is done. At last, be solid in the Lord and his strong force. Put on the full protective layer of God, with the goal that you can stand firm against the demon's plans. (Ephesians 6:10-11 New King James Version).

Another human factor affecting aviation is knowledge. It enables the making of correct decisions, and it is acquired through training and also learning from workmates. To conduct the preflight checking and flying of a plane, one must have the required skills acquired through training. The same applies to preachers, whereby they have to prepare a sermon to deliver to the congregation. In the aviation industry, employees should continually learn to acquire new knowledge because technology is gradually advancing day by day. Teamwork is a very important human factor in aviation. Every employee in each department has to do their part to contribute to the whole operation's success. If a person delays performing their duties, this delays the whole operation. Good teamwork ensures no time is wasted, and the scheduled scheme is followed. Also, through teamwork, safety and efficiency are achieved. Through the team, work members can learn from each other, acquiring new knowledge contributing to their motivation. Teamwork improves the listening and interpersonal skills of team members, and this creates the right working environment.

Fatigue is another human factor that affects the aviation industry. Fatigue may result from overwork, like taking of extra shifts. A person may not be aware of their fatigue limit levels hence end up overworking and not delivering as required because of decreased ability to carry out tasks. Another cause of fatigue may be insufficient sleep over some time. Sleep helps the body to rest and also contributes to physical and psychological body stability. When a person is physically and psychologically fit, they can work well and achieve their goals. A high workload may also lead to fatigue. A pilot with a high workload may get fatigued and easily cause an accident.

Another human factor affecting the aviation industry is stress. Stress may be acute or chronic. In aviation, stress may result from dealing with emergencies or maybe from one's social life. When under stress, a person is prone to poor judgment and poor concentration because stress reduces memory capacity. A person in the cockpit may get stressed by factors like unfavorable temperatures, sudden alarms, and noise from the communication radio. The pressure to meet deadlines may also cause stress to the employees. Awareness is another human factor that is important in the aviation industry. Flight attendants are supposed to capture the people's attention and ensure they are in the correct plane (Patankar & Taylor, 2017). Proper understanding of roles and responsibilities helps in achieving set goals. Pilots are expected to follow the manuals provided by manufacturers to avoid accidents. The following manuals also apply to Christian churches where the bible is followed and acts as a manual to the preachers and the Christians. The bible creates awareness among Christians. The man of God may be thoroughly equipped (2 Timothy 3:16, New King James Version).

Human factor issues may add to mishaps or safety, contingent upon whether they decidedly or contrarily impact. Human errors bring about more airplane mishaps. These mishaps might be kept away from by guaranteeing that the flight team has enough information and making awareness a priority. Keeping up situational mindfulness is the way to forestalling by far most severe incidents and mishaps related to human mistakes (Kelly & Efthymiou, 2019).


Bible, New King James Version

Kelly, D., & Efthymiou, M. (2019). An analysis of human factors in fifty controlled flight into terrain aviation accidents from 2007 to 2017. Journal of Safety Research, 69, 155-165.

Patankar, M. S., & Taylor, J. C. (2017). Applied human factors in aviation maintenance. Taylor & Francis.

Wise, J. A., Hopkin, V. D., & Garland, D. J. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of aviation human factors. CRC Press.

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Navigating the Skies: Unraveling Human Factors in Aviation Safety. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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