Essay on Neoclassicism: Art, Music, Architecture & Literature of the Romantic Period

Published: 2023-10-28
Essay on Neoclassicism: Art, Music, Architecture & Literature of the Romantic Period
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Literature Architecture Art
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 548 words
5 min read

Neoclassicism is among the various art movements which had its antiquity culture. Including visual as well as decorative arts, architecture, music, and literature. At the time, a piece's original purpose was diminished since it was highly served in comparison to the baroque and Rococo periods.

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In the romanticism period, various subject matters such as religion, landscapes, and peaceful beauties were covered. A major focus of the period included fervor, imagination, spirituality, and mystery different from other periods.

The realism art movement which has its origin from France followed the romanticism period that had earlier dominated the nineteenth century. There is less regard to the imagination when it comes to realism with a more focused upon contemporary life and nature. Plain air painting is among the reasons why the impressionism art movement started pioneered by a group of artists in the 1860s.

Post-impressionism followed next in France till the realization of favoritism in the early twentieth century and went against the prior perception of impressionism concerning light depiction.

Abstract expressionism includes the creation of paintings originating from emotions as well as pure thought. Thin brushes and the aggressive mixing of various colors are part of its form in an illuminating form. The abstract art was emotional as well as expressive that touching the subconscious part of the mind that depicted actual feelings. The style is referred to as action painting as a result of its vigorousness and its sweeping applications in the effort of painting the canvas. The style followed the after-effects of the Second World War that involved some actions across the European region.

Pluralism and appropriation as it relates to the postmodernism period refer to the ability to incorporate many styles within various forms of arts that work either dependently or independently. Following the above ideas, there is the articulation to appropriate values and ideas within the art world. Such syncing helped various artists to borrow from each other in the effort of creating some of the famous works of the time. Andy Warhol the creator of Marilyn Diptych (1962) depicts the fading of color to the light which represents the essence of life and death. Together with other series of popular works, the artist was able to include features of pluralism. Claes Oldenburg another artist of postmodernism has the shuttlecocks as one of the very creative artworks that are in domination to the current times.

Due to the opening of borders and the easy access to transport, there has been more integration in the art world with the restriction of art in certain capitals being changed and more open. Small artists can showcase their various projects internationally through technology and good transport channels. Just like any other commodity, art has been influenced by globalization to the sense of importation and exportation across various regions. The broader platform offered by the spreading nature of art gives all artists an ability to showcase their various strengths. Since geography unfetters various artists, the essence of globalization has brought about various plugged –in artists across the globe that have been described as the rise of biennials. The greater contribution to the rise of such a generation is the reduced overshadowing by the more popular artists across the globe.

Works Cited

Getlein, Mark, and Rita Gilbert. Living with art. McGraw-Hill, 2008.

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Essay on Neoclassicism: Art, Music, Architecture & Literature of the Romantic Period. (2023, Oct 28). Retrieved from

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