Essay Sample on Network Innovation Process

Published: 2023-01-20
Essay Sample on Network Innovation Process
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Internet Computer science Strategic management Business management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1204 words
11 min read

Innovation has become a basic part of daily life. Furthermore, the importance of innovation is ever increasing. In this age and day, being innovative has become a strong force in business success as well as wealth creation. Advanced innovation has led to the generation of new business ideas and technological revolution. Peter Drunker a management specialist argues that the key survival aspect for any business is that they need to innovate or face the threat of extinction. In line with this point, most businesses are changing their mechanisms in order to strengthen their ability to innovate (Nambisan, Lyytinen, Majchrzak, & Song, 2017). Apart from services and products, innovation includes; new supply systems, advanced marketing methods, new leadership styles, and new processes, which will have a substantial impact on growth and productivity.

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Literature Review

Innovation management helps managers to attain knowledge that is useful in helping them manage their enterprises in a certain business environment. Thus, this knowledge gained through the efficient management of innovation assists in developing services and products that meet the client's expectations (Goffin & Mitchell, 2016). In the modern market, the level of competition is very high. Hence, businesses should be able to easily identify and take advantage of the weakness of their rivals.

Innovation is characteristically seen to be the wheel-power of little and new businesses since they will, in general, be extremely unique, it is likewise an indispensable and feasible angle in major organizations. The most satisfying thing about network innovation is having the option to complete thought into an effective idea. To do this, one has to experience a long and complex procedure. For one to succeed one should comprehend the procedure well and should have the help required; this is the thing that separates a fruitful advancement process from an ineffective development process. Most thoughts are really gotten from endeavors to take care of existing issues. All things considered, when you energize advancement, you are opening entryways for answers to issues both inside and outside your organization. For the businesses that give administrations, one may have to understand that their clients do not have a road to impart their insights, protests, and compliments (Goffin & Mitchell, 2016).

An important point to note is that innovation may be either sustaining or disruptive, as innovation is a lengthy process that occurs in phases or stages within an organization. For instance, in developing a new product, the first step is the thought process. It is later followed by the manufacturing of the product and later ends with the marketing process (Kasemsap, 2017). Innovation is therefore believed to be, "Incremental or radical changes, which take place in an organization." These changes, therefore, relate to the ways in which decisions are made, the production of services and goods, as well as the distribution process. Technological advancement focuses on using innovation to improve all aspects of business in the modern economy. According to scholars, innovation management is a crucial process as it facilitates resilience and growth.

The second phase of innovation management is complex and advanced as it involves the implementation of new ideas. Here, ideas are materialized into actions that are necessary for the survival of a firm. It is at this stage that the management must provide all the required resources. Other than financial resources, the business has to invest in technology which will assist in the actualization of the innovation plan (De Massis, Audretsch, Uhlaner & Kammerlander, 2018). The process above may be achieved through assessment programs, which help to identify the weaknesses of the organization. Obsolete technology needs also to be replaced with current technology. Lastly, there should be training programs that aim to improve staff competence.

Examples of Network Innovation Process

Optical wireless networks

Network systems dependent on radio waves have been far-reaching for a long time now. One advantage is that information move speeds on the RF range are restricted which is a piece of the motivation behind why sending information over a remote Internet association is quite often slower than utilizing an Ethernet interface. also, the RF range has a restricted degree, which prompts obstruction that can upset remote availability. A superior arrangement is underway with the introduction of the optical network process. As the term infers, the optical network innovation process makes it conceivable to utilize optical light waves, instead of radio waves, as the spine for remote correspondences. Utilizing optics, data can be transmitted all the more rapidly and with a lower danger of obstruction, which means optical remote systems offer radical execution upgrades over conventional Wi-Fi.

Auto charge

Keeping telephones, tablets, workstations, and other battery-controlled gadgets charged is a huge struggle. At the present time, the main approachable way is to connect a gadget when required. Microsoft is examining an answer for this test called AutoCharge. AutoCharge charges gadgets consequently utilizing light shafts. With this innovation process, one does not have to make sure to put a gadget in a specific region. Cameras can follow it and naturally divert the light shaft! Network AutoCharge light bar organizing development of the AutoCharge. The innovation stands to make life simpler, for cell phone clients who help oversee battery-controlled gadgets.

Fast Pass

The current network a system, information is broken into little pieces called bundles. At the point when a gadget sends a message onto the system, a system switch needs to choose when to advance the bundle, just as which course the bundle should take between various hubs to achieve its endpoint. This procedure can present postponements and wasteful aspects if the switch has such a large number of bundles to process, a hub startlingly goes down, or different issues happen. Fastpass, a task created by specialists at MIT, expects to make bundle directing progressively effective. Fastpass works by utilizing gadgets the specialists call focal authorities to settle on choices about parcel steering. By re-appropriating directing choices to focal referees and ensuring reinforcement judges are accessible on the off chance that one goes down, Fastpass enables systems to keep away from the postponements brought about by switch crashes or over-burdens.


Managing innovation can be only possible if the management in the organization has relevant knowledge and the required skill set, which will enable them to inspire the staff to be innovative (Martin-de Castro, 2015). Innovation management not only relies on the management team but rather it is a process that must bring together all potential clients and all members of an organization. As a final point, all the perspectives of each party involved have to be considered.


Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K., Majchrzak, A., & Song, M. (2017). Digital innovation management: Reinventing innovation management research in the digital world. Mis Quarterly, 41(1).

Goffin, K., & Mitchell, R. (2016). Innovation management: effective strategy and implementation. Macmillan International Higher Education.

De Massis, A., Audretsch, D., Uhlaner, L., & Kammerlander, N. (2018). Innovation with Limited Resources: Management Lessons from the German Mittelstadt. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(1), 125-146.

Martin-de Castro, G. (2015). Knowledge management and innovation in knowledge-based and high-tech industrial markets: The role of openness and absorptive capacity. Industrial Marketing Management, 47, 143-146.

Kasemsap, K. (2017). Strategic innovation management: An integrative framework and causal model of knowledge management, strategic orientation, organizational innovation, and organizational performance. In Organizational Culture and Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications(pp. 86-101). IGI Global.

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