Essay Sample about Networking in the Nutritionist Job Field

Published: 2022-09-26
Essay Sample about Networking in the Nutritionist Job Field
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nutrition Communication skills Career development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

Networking is important because it enables one to establish professional relationships with people. It helps in securing employment opportunities and sharing knowledge. Recently, the nutrition field has been experiencing a shortage of workforce. Therefore, now more than ever, there is a need to attract skills and talents in people who are interested in practicing the professions. In this paper, I describe my experience at a nursing fair, what I learned and my plans to continue networking in the future.

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Recently, I attended a nursing fair organized by, an organization that provides learning materials to people interested in learning about nursing. They invited students, people on internships, job seekers, and people who want to advance their careers in nursing. The primary objective of the career fair was to teach participants how to stay successful in the nursing field (Nadermann & Eissenstat, 2018). Through this event, I got the chance to present myself to possible employers and experienced the primary form of interviews.

I learned that technology is significantly influencing healthcare hence anyone interest in the profession should understand technological advances sufficiently. The speaker acknowledged that health care is among the fields that are prone to frequent changes. Currently, at least 80% of nurses in the country hold a bachelor's degree. Therefore, people who plan to practice nursing should always strive to be informed about technology and stay motivated.

Also, I learned that one empowers a career in nursing by deciding the faculty to pursue. There are many career opportunities in nursing (Venkatesan, 2017). For example, one can become a research nurse, a legal consultancy nurse, nurse care manager, or any other nursing specialty. It is essential to decide on specialty since it channels attention towards perfecting skills and improving knowledge. Since I am interested in the nutritionist job field, there are still many opportunities here as well. For example, I learn that within the nutritionist category, one can work in medical and diagnostic laboratories or specialized food services. Alternatively, one can pursue home health care services or retail consultation.

Further, I learned that there are many job openings in the nursing field. Admittedly, many people attend career fairs to find available job openings. However, being that many recruiters participated in the career fair, it shows that healthcare centers are looking for skilled and passionate people to join the workforce.

In the future, I plan to attend industry events, volunteer experiences, and alumni events at my college. Attending nutritional events will gain more information and skills in the nutritionist job field (Venkatesan, 2017). Similarly, volunteer experiences will give me practical experience of nutritionist job field. I plan to volunteer at a local medical and diagnostic laboratory to improve my skills and knowledge of nutrition. Further, I plan to continue attending alumni events at my college because it will give me the opportunity to exchange knowledge and get to share my progress in my career. Through this, I will learn and even empower people who are interested in pursuing a career in the nutritionist job field.

In conclusion, the purpose of this paper was to describe my experience at a nursing career fair, the lessons I learned, and my future networking plans. I attended a career fair organized I discovered how technology influences the nursing field, the importance of choosing a particular faculty in nursing, and the availability of job openings in nursing. I enjoyed my networking experience at the nursing career fair, and I plan to continue networking through attending nutrition industry events, volunteering, and attending alumni events at my college.


Nadermann, K., & Eissenstat, S. J. (2018). Career Decision Making for Korean International College Students: Acculturation and Networking. Career Development Quarterly, 66(1), 49-63.

Venkatesan Iyengar, R. (2017). People Matter: Networking and Career Development. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 11(1), 7-15. Retrieved from

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