Essay Example: New District Manager

Published: 2023-03-27
Essay Example: New District Manager
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Job Personal experience Leadership management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1298 words
11 min read

As the emerging new boss of Dunkin' Donuts, I have to put specific facts clear. Therefore before starting anything will like to brief you on the donuts stores status currently in the world, the success achieved so far, and the history of where the organization has come from.

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Dunkin' Donuts are known to be the leading in coffee chain and baked food that are providing services to three million clients daily all over the globe (Contois, 2013). The company's brand offers more than fifty plus different kinds of donuts. However, most of the customers can also keep up with several most beautiful drinks, bagels, breakfast sandwiches, and baked foods.

To the present, the company has mushroomed. It has opened more than 11300 Dunkin' restaurants globally, of which 8500 of the restaurants exist in 41 states of the USA and more than 3200 restaurants in 36 countries in the world (Contois, 2013). However, dunkin' is a subsidiary of dunkin' brands, inc. Therefore the organization has over 130 years of experience of franchising and is the home for the two most renowned and acknowledged franchises in the world. It is also the world's leading in the market sales of flavored coffee, bagels, iced coffee, muffins, and donuts. We are proud of where we are as Dunkin Donuts stores. It has not been an easy task, but it is through the hard work that we, as the employees of this great organization, have put forward to reach where we are.

Therefore the opening of the new stores will require extra efforts with creative ideas and in making sure that the stores have stabilized as fast as possible. This can only be achieved through proper communication channels on both sides of the ranks. All that is needed is hard work and discipline. Nothing is impossible; we already have the brand name as the best hot coffeehouse industry, and all is needed is to replicate the same picture of our organization.

Job Design

My work as the new district manager in the organization will be overseeing the work of the four stores, integration of the job responsibilities to the company. All the duties and responsibilities of the employees will be deliberately executed towards achieving the organizations' goals in terms of productivity and service delivery in their respective departments. All the employee's interest in the job should be facilitated over the work done as a way of enhancing job satisfaction as well as increasing productivity.

Managers and supervisors should be required to ensure that the requirements of the employees in terms of skills are achieved. Mainly through training them would be of great significance since most of the employees will be enlightened of what they will be required to do to make sure the objectives of the organizations are at their fingertips (Poole, 2017). Safe working condition is also another aspect that would be ensured by making sure that all employees are up to their duties with transparent communication process throughout the organization. Training the working employees in a way that every employee is a manager of his own by eliminating unnecessary supervision at work to bestow confidence in the employees. Therefore, employees will be appropriately equipped and involved in matters of decision making. However, customer service should be paramount at whatever cost, despite anything. For the newly open dunkin' donuts to succeed, there must be proper working relations among the employees and their seniors through the encouragement of the public feedback links where all the employees will be free in airing their views concerning the essential matters of the firm.

Job Analysis

The analyzing of the job is very important for any organization, particularly when looking for new employees who will fill specific existing gaps in the organization. Therefore, for the Dunkin' Donuts, there is a need to do thorough job analysis for the employees who will be working in the newly open branches in the area so to make sure there proper, and qualified employees are recruited (Landau, & Rohmert, 2017). Having gone through the current positions that we require at the organization, I chose a team that came drafted and came up with the job description of the employees, which we want to recruit in our newly opened branches.

Job Description

In most cases, the job description is fundamental in any organization for the recruitment of new staff and in ensuring that the right qualified individuals are attained. Job descriptions are known to give a clear indication of what the employee is required to do, the position or rank of the job and the responsibilities required to perform. Therefore the drafted job description for the employees in different areas in the newly opened Dunkin Donuts subsidiaries entailed accountability alongside the scope of the job. By stating the position of the situation, duties, and responsibilities that the job requires and the skills for the job.

Job Specification

The job specification is another crucial part that narrows down the described job into the level of knowledge that the company requires the recruits to have ascertained for him to qualify for the job. For instance, our young opened branches require different job specifications regarding the various employees and the qualifications that are needed for each of the sections required (Landau & Rohmert, 2017). However, some of the specifications like mental health, social, emotional specifications, particularly in the role of managers and supervisors, are very important since all of them need to behave in an orderly way while directing their juniors at work. Knowledge is essential for one to work in our restaurants and therefore it is a must qualification for the candidates seeking to be recruited by our company.

Furthermore, dunkin' donuts being a restaurant organization, candidates will be thoroughly analyzed of their behavior and personality since our work is to provide services to customers. Therefore a person who will be handling a customer will have no room in dunkin' donuts locations.

Organizational Design

The four branches will stick to their plans and functions as required by the organization, and their structure should also match that of other dunkin' donuts stores (Poole, 2017). As for the work, every branch should be competitive in terms of coming up with innovative ideas on the best ways of serving customers to win their trust. Remember, the purpose of the organizational structure is to come up with new ideas on the ways to double our profits and increase our customers as we anticipate to achieve our goals. Regarding that, we are in the digital era; online services will be of significant consideration as a way of changing the way we serve our customers. Therefore the need to incorporate online kiosks in the design for the supervisors and patrons use as workers will be delivering the orders to the clients as requested upon payment at the website kiosk. Therefore, attracting more customers due to exemplary customer service.


Dunkin Donut stores have come a long way. The strategies that the organization has put down in opening new branches, it is a clear indication that the organization is ruling over its competitors for good (Poole, 2017). The organization's success has been in the way its employees are treated. Fair treatment of employees inspires them to work extra harder and therefore makes the company to be successful. However, dunkin' donuts should make sure that the organization maintains it is brand name at all costs through continuous innovation in the industry to avoid any downfall. Excellent leadership and accountability are always the keys to success in any organization. Therefore maintenance of ethical leadership in Dunkin Donuts stores will sustain the organization's status quo for a long time in the future.


Contois, E. (2013). The Dunkin' Donuts Origin Story: A Meaningful Beginning. Posted by Emily Contois in Coffee Culture.

Landau, K., & Rohnert, W. (Eds.). (2017). Recent developments in job analysis (Vol. 24). Taylor & Francis.

Poole, S. (2017). Recent Acquisition: 1978 Dunkin' Donuts Certificate. Financial History, (121), 7.

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