Northwell Health: Delivering Quality Health Solutions for All - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-12
Northwell Health: Delivering Quality Health Solutions for All - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1517 words
13 min read

Northwell Health is responsible for providing health solutions for people in Long Island in New York and the rest of the US. Northwell Health has developed care management programs that offer support to both patients and health care providers in coordinating care and producing quality outcomes. The provision of care is tailored to fulfill the needs of different people. Health care providers conduct patient follow-ups after discharge from the hospitals, do telephone care management for patients in the community, and one-on-one interactions between patients and care providers (, 2020). Moreover, the hospital has leveraged technology to enhance population health management.

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Northwell health solution operates closely with the technical team to develop the care tool software. The care tool is incorporated with the hospital’s Health Information Exchange (HIS) system that links data from various Electronic Health Records (EHR) and claimed health insurances (, 2020). Thus, care managers and community health providers can obtain a centralized method of viewing individual patient's details and updates. The care tool is web-based and thus can enable healthcare providers to identify patients with high risks, assess the needs of each patient, develop and share care plans, and notify the care providers about patient updates such as admissions.

The care tool has been integrated with various information infrastructure, thus enabling interoperability. The care tool supports efficient workflows by complex integration. Physicians now have wide access to patient data in the dynamic field of population health management (, 2020). The presence of population health information can help physicians to make community health decisions efficiently. Moreover, the care tool provides standardized measures for continuous improvement. Thus, health care providers can always recognize the areas of care that they need to work on.

Northwell Health has collaborated with NowPow to assist patients in getting help in overcoming the social determinants of health. NowPow provides a platform that links people to resources for recurring social and health conditions (Dietsche, 2019). The platform comprises a community resource directory, close loop referrals, social determinants of health screenings, and resource matching algorithms. NowPow will kick start its services to 1,200 registered Medicaid patients under the Health Home program (Dietsche, 2019). The program is oriented to provide drug abuse, mental health, and medical, family, and social support services.

NowPow will source for diagnostic codes in medical records to recognize the patient's most urgent needs. NowPow will pinpoint the non-medical needs, such as poor access to healthy food for diabetic people. NowPow will use algorithms to suggest social organizations that can assist patients (Dietsche, 2019). Moreover, NowPow system keeps patient's data such as the geographical location and language. Northwell partners who are participants of the Home Health Program can be allowed to access the platform. Thus, Northwell and other partners share referrals, track, and access information to show whether patients used the community organization's resources.

Northwell managers recognize that good health involves not only medical care but also the consumption of healthy food and a safe living place. Northwell can succeed in its mission by engaging the community in social issues and integrating NowPow into the process of healthcare services. The hospital can link people to the necessary tools and resources they require to develop healthy lives (Dietsche, 2019). Nowpow has been tackling the social determinants of health care access in the communities. Many organizations are collaborating to implement NowPow tools in different places to investigate the social and health services that they need.

Power BI is an efficient data visualization tool for gathering intelligence. Power BI was a powerful analytic tool that I used to demonstrate data about NowPow. I was comfortable using the tool because it has a simple interface that was easy to use. The tool was very interactive since it allowed me to create reports and dashboards. For instance, I generated dashboards to show acceptance status for various service categories. Power BI was very reliable because it helped me analyze unrelated data that I used to get insights. The tool helped me to discover hidden ideas in my data. I was able to monitor the results very closely because of the rich dashboards that the tool provides.

Power BI tool is a combination of datasets, reports, and dashboards. I was able to combine on-premise data and cloud-born data in a single view. This combination allowed me to the most significant data enterprise. Moreover, the tool enabled me to embed other analytics, and I was able to get interactive reports. Also, I did not encounter a software failure when using the tool. Thus, Power BI was very reliable during my entire data analysis period. Power BI could connect with different data sources. Therefore, I was confident that I would get reliable results.

The analysis work that I did using Power BI gave me confidence that I never had before. I was able to confidently analyze and use the data to make decisions and conclusions. I was able to get the most out of the data. The data helped me to make conclusions about NowPow data. Power BI has enabled me to analyze NowPow data accurately. As such, I have trusted the whole process of data analysis. I can confidently present the data that I analyzed in all organizations. I have developed a high level of trust for Power BI in research situations that require data analysis.

Power BI has enabled me to make decisions faster about NowPow data. The tool provided me with metrics that I needed to do my job. I did not have to wrangle with the data to get the answers to my questions. Power BI was efficient and simplified the work that I was supposed to do. The tool was flexible because I was able to compare different data sets and get real-time results. Moreover, I was able to compare different factors using the tool. Also, Power BI is very interactive. Power BI has a good user experience because it was easy to use and work out different data types.

The meetings allowed me to understand how social determinants impact health outcomes, especially for the vulnerable people. I learned that factors such as the patient's level of education are important considerations when providing care. The meetings provided a conducive environment to enable me to understand the essentials for community healthcare providers. The meetings helped me recognize that it is essential for caregivers to consider social determinants for health to allow for a more comprehensive healthcare for the populations they serve. I realized that factors that are not associated with health have a significant impact on the provision of healthcare in communities.

I was able to establish that poverty prevents access to the consumption of healthy food and secure neighborhoods. Also, the meetings enabled me to recognize that high levels of education influence better health. When some resources are lacking in people's lives, they can have problems accessing quality healthcare. Some people may not recognize the importance of taking medical cover from a good company. Some individuals make decisions based on affordability rather than quality of care. Thus, the level of education may determine the quality of care that a person gets. However, I learned that community sensitization on healthcare services could function to create an excellent platform for people to learn and make informed decisions regarding their health.

I got invaluable knowledge from the meetings. For example, poverty may lead to a lack of resources leading to the creation of undesirable circumstances such as discrimination. Some acts of social injustice can lead to poor health outcomes, which can impact various generations. Negative perception of health services can have an impact on an individual's knowledge about healthcare. This perception can limit a person's access to healthcare knowledge required to make proper decisions. I recognized that negative social determinants that lead to disparities in healthcare could be costly. Moreover, the negative social determinants inhibit the general quality of and population health. Thus, leading to additional healthcare expenses, productivity loss, and early deaths.

The meetings helped me understand that social determinants of health, such as integration and social acceptance, have a significant impact on health outcomes. Some people may not accept various forms of health services so that they can fit in their societies. Also, other people may accept some services to fit in their communities. Moreover, some communities have better social support than others. I learned that communities with better support than others have higher chances of getting better health outcomes than those with weak support systems.

The provision of health care services in the community is an important task. However, due to various negative social determinants, healthcare providers do not achieve their desired targets. People are barred from obtaining the best healthcare in their communities due to factors such as poverty, level of education, and social support systems. Policymakers must recognize the need to address the negative social determinants to deliver the required healthcare services for all deserving people.

Reference 2020. Care Management & Technology | Northwell Health. [online].

Dietsche, E. (2019). Northwell partners with NowPow to address social determinants of health - MedCity News. MedCity News.

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