Essay Sample on Object-Oriented Programming C++

Published: 2023-01-19
Essay Sample on Object-Oriented Programming C++
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Information technologies Software
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1140 words
10 min read

1. C++

C++ refers to object-oriented programming; it is also an extension of the C language. Thus, it is possible to program C++ in an object-oriented style or C style. Also, it considered as intermediate-level because it encapsulates both low-level and high-level language features. Previously, it was known as C with classes since it had all the properties of C language plus concepts of classes. However, in 1983 it was renamed c++.
C++ is mostly used with embedded firmware, client-server application, drivers, and application/software. The key feature of C++ is the collection of predefined classes which can use multiple points. Also, it allows users to declare their classes. Some classes can be inherited by new classes which take in the protected and public functionalities by default.

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2. Write a 150-word essay on the importance of operating systems (OSs). Locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library (See Attached PDF) and one article from an Internet search (Please find an article online). You may also use the required readings to support your essay. You must cite your sources within your essay.

The operating system acts as an interface between the computer hardware and user applications. The operating system kernel determines or schedules which task will use what resources at what time. It organizes tasks to be processed in a specific order as well as clocks them out and in of the professor. Some tasks are given priority over others due to the nature of the request (Bura, 2016). Also, the operating system controls a set of queues that contain processes waiting for specific resources. It determines which task will be held temporarily in the virtual memory as well as which remain in the main memory.

The operating system manages output and input devices. It uses device drivers to communicate as well as manage them. It also performs error checking on software, hardware as well as data. It may recommend some solutions to the issues that are recognized. Operating system implements security policies that prevent unauthorized users from accessing the network or the computer. They also manage to retrieve and storing of data from backing storage (Carnegie-Mellon University & Wendorf, 2007).

3. Identify three mobile OSs and three personal computer, OSs. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Describe each OS. The total wording for each OS description/advantages/disadvantages should be no less than 100 words. You must cite your sources.


1. Windows 10. This is the latest version of the operating system from windows. This new version combines some features of Windows 7 and 8.1 to improve user experience. Performance and stability have greatly improved in Windows 10.

  • Better integration with windows phone.
  • The loading time is much less compared to Windows 7.
  • It gets Directx which provide offer better gaming.
  • It is safer to use the recent version of the Windows operating system. Personal information is shared with Microsoft for improvement and better service.
  • It does not operate well with the old computer. Upgrading may slow down the machine since some hardware is out-of-date thus insufficient to run the new system smoothly.
  • Updates are not free

2. Linux. This operating system is an open source as its source is easily available, and it is free to use in most cases. It was designed to reflect UNIX compatibility. It rarely freezes as well as very reliable.

  • You are not required to pay for it; it's free.
  • It is a more secure and stable system compared to another operating system.
  • It uses very little resources as well as space, unlike windows. Thus, you run a system virtually on 300mb of ram and 500MB of the drive.
  • It is not user-friendly compared to windows. Inexperience users may find it difficult to use.
  • Fewer computer games utilize and programs are available for Linux.

3. Apple OS X. This is an operating system that operates on Macintosh computers. It is a development that supports several development technologies such as scripting, Web, a host of open source, Java, UNIX, development, and database technologies (Christensson, 2014). It is user-friendly thus easy to use.

  • It is very reliable compared to another os such as Windows.
  • It provides an advanced app store.
  • It has low installation price.
  • In case of theft, users can wipe their system remotely. Therefore, sensitive data remains safe.
  • It is not compatible with older Mac system.
  • It has a smaller third-party developer community.
  • It is an expensive operating system since it only operates of Apple's computer system.

4. Android. The TheAndroid operating system is a mobile operating system designed by Google. It primarily utilized by touchscreen devices such as tablets and cell phones. It design enable users to manipulate mobile devices automatically with finger movements. It is customizable; one can change almost anything.

It is easy to access the Android App Market.

It offers an Open platform.

It is easy to access notification on the home screen such as missed call

It is affordable to purchase. Some applications that contains the virus are available in the market.

Most applications have not been updated over five years.

Some of the application in the market are of low quality.

5. Chrome OS. It is an operating system designed by Google for users who spend most of their on the internet. Also, it is an open-source lightweight OS. It is both efficient and effective when it comes to the use of hardware resources.

  • Its user interface is cleaner and simpler than macOS.
  • It supports Android apps.
  • It is affordable to purchase.
  • It is easy to maintain as well as simple to us.
  • Easy to carry around because of its portability. It has limited computing capabilities, thus not ideal for heavy or advanced users.
  • It is suited for reliable and fast internet connection.
  • It is not cost effective if the user owns other devices running OS such as Android or IOS since they offer competitive app ecosystems.

6. Apple iOS. This is a mobile operating system designed by Apple, and it operates on iPod, iPad, and iPhone. Like the modern desktop OS, it uses a graphical user interface (GUI). Generate less heat compared to the Android operating system.

  • It has great performance.
  • It has the best gaming experience.
  • It has excellent user interfaces, as well as fluid responsive.
  • It has excellent security.
  • It provides a high number of applications.
  • It has excellent camera quality. It is not compatible with another device, only support iOS devices.
  • It does not support widget, and the Apps are costly.
  • Support only single sim.
  • The repair cost is very high.
  • No Radio or NFC supports.


Bura, S. (September 01, 2016). AI and the future of operating systems. Information Services and Use, 36, 127-131.

Carnegie-Mellon University., & Wendorf, J. W. (2007). Operating system.

Christensson, P. (2012, February 29). Windows Definition. Retrieved 2019, Jun 12, from

Christensson, P. (2015, July 30). Windows 10 Definition. Retrieved 2019, Jun 12, from

Christensson, P. (2014, December 31). OS X Definition. Retrieved 2019, Jun 16, from

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