Oil and Gas: Growing Demand & Safety Concerns - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-25
Oil and Gas: Growing Demand & Safety Concerns - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Philosophy Environment Ethics Immanuel Kant
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1246 words
11 min read


Throughout the world, there is a significant dependence on gas and oil supplies, which has resulted in many issues. There is an increasing demand for oil across the globe, reaching up to 90-barrel demands daily (Al-Majed et al., 2012). As a result, the world’s oil reserves are being exhausted at an alarming rate. Consequently, the issue of safety has not been addressed fully; there are many incidents of accidents recorded in the oil and gas industry. Because of accidents occurring frequently, there have been critics and complaints about the general safety of the society and individuals involved.

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Many people have also criticized environmental risk. Issues of prosperity, innovation, and wealth have resulted in high costs in the oil and gas industry; the paper focuses on ethical concerns that should be considered to improve effectiveness in society. Throughout the 20th century, there have been numerous disasters resulting in thousands of casualties and even damage to the environment. Some of the most devastating accidents resulting in both human and environmental harm are Piper Alpha Platform Disaster, which occurred in early 1988.

The major causes of casualties have been attributed to human error, especially communication challenges, which have resulted in the loss of human life. Another immediate challenge has been pollution to the environment and the creation of an imbalance in the ecosystem. There have been multiple accident cases in the industry across the globe. However, most of them show the same-origin, especially human error.

Some of the prominent cases include improver personnel training and the presence of faults in the manufacturing systems. Under close investigation, most issues resulting in devastating environmental and human threats can be avoided if they are carefully treated. Topics such as accidents demonstrate how human endeavours can result in massive destruction due to inefficient industry policies, lack of safety regulations enforcement, and human error.


The hypothesis of utilitarianism is the moral convention that guides individuals to settle on choices dependent on the potential results of their activities. Utilitarianism "rates" individuals by numbers, where the littler gatherings are by one way or another less significant than bigger gatherings (Mazur, 2016). The outcomes of activity should bring about the making of the most useful for a great many people largely all together for the choice to be viewed as moral. Utilitarianism upholds fracking to personal interest.

Since just those people found legitimately around fracking destinations are potential up-and-comers of burden, a Utilitarian would agree with the extraordinary number of individuals who might turn out to be in an ideal situation, either monetarily or regarding being vitality rich, from water-powered cracking. A contention to the Utilitarian view would be that changes in the vitality separating industry could prompt significantly more useful for additional individuals by lessening the number of fracking casualties.


Kantianism as a moral hypothesis varies from utilitarianism. In contrast to utilitarianism, it does not request that we boost a specific worth, it includes unpredictable counts, and it does not regard gatherings of individuals as important relying upon the amounts of people or nature of encounters among them (Mazur, 2016). Kant's equation of mankind expresses that one should treat individuals such that is significant for the good of one's own. Under Kantianism, an individual ought to empower and help other people soundly settle on the correct choices.

This ethical theory would not treat the casualties that live around fracking destinations as less significant than the bigger number of individuals who will utilize the normal assets from Pungesti.

Overview of how Exxon handles ethical issues on the environment

Shortly at 12noon on Walk 24, 1989, in an awful accident severely howled by the institute, the Exxon Valdez supertanker steered into the rocks in Gold country's Ruler William Sound. Despite of the endeavours embraced to balance out the pitcher and forestall more leakage of oil, over 250,000 containers of oil were lost in only a transitory period (Al-Majed et al., 2012).

Exxon and the U.S. Coast Gatekeeper commenced a monstrous cleanup effort that in the end incorporated more than 11,000 Alaskan occupants and a huge number of Exxon and contractual worker staff (Al-Majed et al 2012). In 1992, the U.S. Coast Gatekeeper proclaimed the cleanup complete. ExxonMobil is engrossed on upholding its enterprise imminence as an enduring, in fact, a proficient industry innovator in welfare and natural stewardship. Their complete and competent policy encourages them to keep up an unflinching spotlight on occurrence counteraction, readiness and crisis reaction should need to emerge.

All vessels in Exxon administrations are twofold structure development, relieving the impacts of about all low vitality occurrences (Lopez, 2016). Given the extended progress and significant job that oceanic carriage plays in international craft, Exxon's marine offshoots keep on willfully invention and support creative ways that frequently outdo managerial guidelines to upgrade the safety, sanctuary and fidelity of oceanic conveyance.

How Exxon handles the ethical issues and recommendations for Exxon

Exxon Mobil Company arranges to conform to every administrative law, rules and guidelines pertinent to its business. The Company picks the course of most noteworthy honesty (Boem, 2018). Neighborhood customs, conventions and mores vary all around, and this must be perceived. The Company minds how results are acquired, not simply that they are gotten. Chiefs, officials and representatives should manage one another and with the Partnership's providers, clients, rivals and other outsiders.

The Partnership expects consistency with its norm of respectability all over the organization, and will not tolerate representatives who achieve outcomes at the cost of contravention of regulation. The Company's captains and officials uphold and forestall that the Partnership's representatives should uphold, any worker who leaves behind a chance or complimentary position, would go through penalty of moral guiding principle.

It is the strategy of Exxon Mobil Enterprise to confine the embracing by officials and staffs of managerial position in nonaffiliated, income driven connotations and to preclude the acknowledgement by any official or evocative of such directorships that would embrace an incompatible situation with, or interfere with, the discharge of the official or worker's duties to the Company.

Exxon Mobil Organization urges representatives to pose investigations, opinion concerns, and make appropriate sanctions concerning the strategic approaches of the Enterprise. Workers are relied upon to report immediately to the board associated infringement with law, the Company's approaches, and the Organization's inward controls, so the executives can make the fitting restorative move (USDL, 2018). The Company immediately examines reports of associated infringement with law, arrangements and interior control strategies.

I vouch for Exxon since it follows the protocols fully laid by the law to protect workers, consumers, environment, and the enterprise at large. The board is eventually liable for the examination of and suitable reaction to reports of associated infringement with law, approaches and interior control methodology. It has conformed ways of protecting the environment and tracking the spillage in other branches all over the world.


Al-Majed, Abdul Aziz, Adebayo, Abdulrauf Rasheed, Hossain, M. Enamul. December 2012. A Sustainable Approach to Controlling Oil Spills. Journal of Environmental Management (213-227). Retrieved from https://www-sciencedirect com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/science/article/pii/S0301479712004033

Boem. (2018). Regulatory Reforms: Retrieved from https://www.boem.gov/Regulatory-Reform/

López, M. (2016). The Role of Transnational Companies in Oil Imports in the United States: Reviewing After the Fracking Boom. The Extractive Industries and Society, 78-94. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F000203971605100104

Mazur, A. (2016). How Did the Fracking Controversy Emerge in the Period 2010-2012? Public Understanding of Science, 207-222.https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0963662514545311

United States Department of Labor. (2018). Occupational Health and Safety Administration: Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/oilgaswelldrilling/safetyhazards.html

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Oil and Gas: Growing Demand & Safety Concerns - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 25). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/oil-and-gas-growing-demand-safety-concerns?pname=speedypaper.com

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