Older Adult Assessment - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-26
Older Adult Assessment - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Diabetes Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 681 words
6 min read


Home safety and independence or dependence are critical in helping one understand their health conditions. Regarding this case, I have assessed Ian who is a geriatric patient on these two subjects and have done so using the Tinetti assessment and the Home Safety Checklist. Ian is in a nursing home resident, and functional and safety checks have been made on him.

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Ian recorded a total balance score of 9, a total gait score of 10, and a full test score of 19. The patient's primary problem is decreased cognition, dementia, depression or anxiety, and ADLs ad home safety. Mr. Ian is a 62-year-old man born in Michigan and moved to New York at the age of 20. His son died in February 2015. He lives alone after his only son moved to his house in the same city. However, he is being taken care of by a nurse who leaves in the evening and reports in the morning for work.

Diabetes Mellitus

The patient has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for the last four years, and since the diagnosis of the disease, he has been put under drugs that help him control blood sugar levels. One of the most visible psychosocial disorders that he was experiencing is loneliness. The client is living alone with the hired nurse who leaves in the evening. His children often visit him, but that does not minimize the loneliness he experiences. He has gone frail with time due to the controlled diet that he keeps. He was advised to eat low-sugar content food, which helps in regulating his blood sugar levels.

Based on his health status, Ian will need to access a medical facility for closer observation since home-based nursing will not meet all his health requirements. His living situation has changed from being independent to being helped, and he has developed an increased need for home care resources to manage medical and functional needs. He was shaky in his left hand more than the right. There was no observable effect on his Aricept, but he is under a lot of stress. He does not experience auditory hallucinations.

Decrease in Memory

His son noted some decrease in memory for the last two years, even before losing his wife. He has trouble with family names and names of places as well. His long-term memory seems to be okay, and he has never lost his property. He has made word substitution, and I am not sure whether an MMSE was ever done or not. Based on an MRI done in October 2019, there are numerous small subcortical white matter changes and microangiopathic disease. He neither smokes nor drinks. Loneliness is a factor that could have limited his nutritional status. Vitamin or mineral supplementation was not his habit. He has a mild depression, which he has never been treated. He used to read widely, but his vision is falling, and he has not met an ophthalmologist for assessment, and he barely reads these days.


After assessing Ian's home using this checklist, it is safe to say that a safe environment is provided for each patient. Some points do not necessarily apply, like points about swimming pools and garage doors, but each checks out for those that do apply. These things that check out include handrails provided for steps, mats and foot grips near bathtubs and showers, salt used on icy driveways and sidewalks, and others.

Ian is independent in every aspect of basic ADLs. His son assists him with shopping, and he has never experienced any fall. He bathes independently. For instrumental ADLs, his son helps him with groceries and cooking. He once encountered an incident where he let the water overflow from the basin since he was distracted by his grandson. He can do the cleaning, laundry, and telephoning, but his family does his online banking. He forgets his password. His past medical history is significant for Osteoporosis and dementia.


Report: U.S. drug prices far exceed the average for 11 similar countries. (n.d.). American Hospital Association | AHA News.

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Older Adult Assessment - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 26). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/older-adult-assessment-free-paper-sample?pname=speedypaper.com

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