Organizational Structure: Divvying Up Tasks & Assigning Roles - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-13
Organizational Structure: Divvying Up Tasks & Assigning Roles - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1322 words
12 min read


The organization is a collection of individuals who are tangled in pursuing some objectives. It encompasses work division among workers as well as task alignment towards the company’s ultimate goal. All of them have a structure of management that determines the interactions between various activities along with the members (Markgraf, 2019). The tasks are subdivided to the employees, and they are also assigned roles, responsibilities, along with the authority to accomplish various tasks. Establishments are open schemes, and they can either affect or be affected by their surroundings. There are several functional elements in an organization, and all are discussed in this paper, as well as the way they interact.

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Recognize, Understand and Discuss the Interaction Between Functional Elements

Functional elements in an organization include mutual purpose, synchronized effort, work division, and authority pyramid. An organization that lacks a clear mission or purpose starts to drift, and at last, it becomes disorganized. A common purpose unites members or employees hence giving everyone the organization’s direction understanding. The central work of the manager is to make sure that common purpose is communicated well across the organizations. The purpose is described by educating all the members or employees on the mission statement, short- as well as long-term objectives, values, and general strategy of the organization. The coordinating effort entails working together to maximize resources (Picincu, 2018). The common purpose in the organization is achieved by the individuals as well as groups coordinated effort within an organization. The essential manager’s responsibility is the organizational effort co-ordinational act since it motivates as well as distributes human capital to capture value.

Division of labor involves delegating certain sections of a broader job to different employees in the organization based on their particular skills and ability. Using the labor division, an organization can section out a multifaceted work effort for experts to perform. By dividing complex jobs systematically into specialized tasks, the human resources of the organization are used more efficiently. Authority’s hierarchy is essentially the command’s chain and a rheostat mechanism for ensuring the right thing is done by the right people and at a suitable time. Knowing the one who is responsible for decision making under various circumstances enables establishments to be nimble, while authority’s ambiguity can often make the process of decision-making slow. Authority allows directions to and strategies to be set and selected in an organization hence allowing a common purpose.

Understand the Key Drivers of Operational Management

Operations management is referred to as business administration practices for creating the highest efficiency levels possible in an organization. It is anxious about converting resources as well as labor into products as well as services to maximize the company’s profit. The teams of processes management try to stabilize expenses with income to acquire the maximum net operating turnover. The key drivers of operating management include organization as well as productivity, and the work frequently needs versatility and innovation (Picincu, 2018). An operational management expert understands customer demands, local as well as global trends, and the resources that are available for production. It approaches the material acquisition and utilization of work in an appropriate, cost-effective means to ensure extreme measures are on hand. Operations management finds merchants that supply suitable goods at reasonable costs and can deliver the products when needed.

It is also involved in delivering goods to their customers. This includes making sure that the products are in the agreed period commitment. They also ensure they can follow all their customers to make sure the goods meet functionality and quality needs. From this point, it is the responsibility of the operation management to deliver the received feedback hence distributing the pertinent information to all departments to be used during process improvement. It involves using resources from constituents, staff, expertise, and paraphernalia. Operations managers develop, acquire, as well as deliver products to clients depending on the needs of the client along with the company’s ability. The operation management handles various strategic issues encompassing engineering plants, methods of scheme supervision, and information technology system structure implementation.

Understand the Use of Analysis, Data and Information in Operational Performance of Organizations

Analysis, data, and information in the operational performance of organizations are used for various reasons. Analysis plays a vital role in problem or inferences identification to create strategies to deal with various challenges. The analysis shows the structure of the organization as well as how they operate hence bringing a need for identifying issues more quickly. Furthermore, it also helps with mergers, expansions, or transitions for the organization to know their needs. Sometimes it may be hard for the employees to understand the needs of the company nut with the help of the analysis. It makes it possible for them. Organizational analysis is suitable for showing employees whatever that is right for the company. In some instances, the employees may not know what the company is supposed to do, and most of the time, they are found doing the wrong thing but at the right time. The analysis is presented to some departments to measure the employees who are aware of the company’s rights and do what is right for the company.

Organizations use data for various reasons. To begin with, it is useful for backing up the argument. Data in an organization is the main component of system support. Making use of the data helps in presenting a strong row for change in the system. Whether the manager is arguing for maximizing funding from private or public sources or making a change case in regulation using the data in argument illustration allows the manager to demonstrate the need for change. Data can be used to find solutions to various problems. Data allows the establishments to determine various causes of problems more effectively. When the data is used, it becomes easy to visualize the connection existing between whatever that is happening in various departments, locations, and systems. It may sound challenging to find solutions to various problems in the organization. When data is used in different situations, it becomes easy to get the solution in case the problem develops hence solving it immediately (Markgraf, 2019). Some organizations fail to get solutions to various problems due to a lack of proper data arrangement in the organization. As a result, many companies incur losses, which could be solved earlier by an appropriate arrangement of data.

Information is useful in an organization. It helps in reducing operational costs, improving collaboration, as well as boosting the revenue. Most companies that implement the use of an information system enjoy the benefits after a short period (Picincu, 2018). They give an organization a competitive advantage hence providing the data needed for making faster as well as smarter business decisions. Depending on the needs of the company, the management can opt for a knowledge management system, transaction processing system, and decision management systems. Before choosing the best information system to be used in an organization, company management should consider the industry, budget, and business size.


In conclusion, organizations are essential in the life of several people. They create job employment hence making it easy for the employees to cater to their expenses as well as family issues. Functional elements in an organization are vital since they help the company to achieve its goals. May organizations are unable to meet their objectives due to lack of knowledge in functional elements hence leading to the probability of poor delegation of work. Data, analysis, and information are essential elements in companies since they enable the organizations to reach their target.


Markgraf, B., 2019. Importance of Information Systems in An Organization. [online] Small Business - Available at: <> [Accessed 16 July 2020].

Picincu, A., 2018. Role of Information Systems in An Organization. [online] Bizfluent. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 July 2020].

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Organizational Structure: Divvying Up Tasks & Assigning Roles - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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