Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership - Free Essay

Published: 2023-03-27
Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare policy Nursing care Human services
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 903 words
8 min read

In the modern healthcare system, different health institutions often attempt to ensure quality in medical delivery and the general treatment processes. Usually, patient safety is the basis of the high-quality healthcare system. Much of the work involving patient practices and safety that prevents harm focused on the negative outcome of care, including morbidity and mortality. Attempts to define the quality of the nursing practices started with Florence Nightingale, who had a passion for improving conditions in different medical facilities and the overall patient outcomes. There are several nursing quality outcome indicators that are supposed to focus programs and plans to improve safety and quality in the patient care. Patient satisfaction is one of the main pointers when it comes to the measurement of nursing quality. In most cases, satisfaction results from the services, both medical and non-medical, rendered to the patients to improve their safety. The nursing-quality indicators could assist nurses in Mr. J's case in identifying issues that could have interfered with patient care.

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Question One

In healthcare settings, the nursing quality indicators are applicable when it comes to the monitoring of performance and progress to support the decision-making processes and evidenced-based practices. In Mr. J's case, the application of nursing-quality indicators could have assisted nurses in ensuring the delivery of the right food ordered by the patients. In other words, through following quality improvements in every process, nurses, especially those in the catering and general service programs, could have served the right kind of food as ordered by the patient. Quality nursing indicators are meant to define the roles of nursing care when in the determination of patient safety and outcomes through the analysis of process-outcome, structure-outcome as well as the structure-process-outcome relationships (Duffy & Duffy, 2013). Through the application of nursing-quality indicators, nurses would be able to align service provisions with the quality outcomes, and Mr. J would have been served the right food as dictated by his religious beliefs. In some hospitals, very little is known on how the profession-specific quality indicators are applicable in monitoring safe practices and drive improvements that aim at mitigating or eliminating the adverse events. In the above scenario, the nursing-profession-specific qualities were never applied in the process of service delivery, a situation that led to inadequate service provision to Mr. J. The application of nursing-quality improvement could have dictated that the right food is served in line with the traditions and religious practices of the patient.

Question Two

Hospital data is a valuable source of information for the researchers and the entire good of the healthcare facility. Patient care data often reveals what occurs in the real world rather than the test environments such as the laboratories. The data may aid in filling the gaps in the present or current evidence-based practice and provide valuable information in the general clinical practices. In most cases, patient records can be used to identify the shortcomings and areas that require improvements. The hospital administrators can, therefore, put more resources towards improving the areas of weaknesses. The hospital data are often derived from different processes from treatment, general services, and the conduct of the medical practitioners over a period. When these data are analyzed, the hospital may find adequate information that can be used to improve quality services. For instance, the hospital data of specific nursing-quality indicators such as pressure ulcers and the prevalence of restrain could advance the quality of inpatient care. From Mr. J's case, taking data on the incidences of mixed up in the food given to the patients may help the management in improving the quality of catering services within the hospital, a situation that will aid in the enhancement in the general quality services as well as the advance patient quality care. Also, data on the patient's complaint, as in the case of Mr. J, may be used in improving advanced nursing practices in a bid to enhance patient satisfaction. For medical professionals, patient's data are critical in defending the clinical negligence or complaint claims; they provide an opportunity to improve clinical judgment exercised at a given time.

Question Three

Finding strategies on how to deal with ethical conflicts is essential not only to the distressed nurses and other medical professionals but also to the administration who strives to improve the overall outcomes. Because moral distress can unfavorably impact patient care, it is often necessary to mobilize resources, colleagues, and referrals to enhance resolution for the ethical issues, as in the case of Mr. J. To resolve the ethical issue in the above scenario, the nursing shift supervisor must use an ethical resource center to inform the nurses in charge of how to deal with the situation and avoid further complications. There is also the need for the nurses to understand several ethical practices surrounding Jews traditions. Specifically, the nursing supervisor should use the Judaism book of cultures to make an informed decision on how to resolve the matter. Also, the nursing supervisor may seek support from colleagues who may have been involved in a similar situation and identify options in the resolution processes. Finally, the supervisor in charge may also find support from medical practitioners with the understanding of Jews traditions or from the Jews doctors and nurses to aid in the identification of the best strategies to resolve the matter.


Duffy, J. R., & Duffy, J. R. (2013). Quality caring in nursing and health systems: Implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders.

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