Out of the Transylvania Night - Book Analysis in the Free Essay

Published: 2017-08-20
Out of the Transylvania Night - Book Analysis in the Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Society
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1654 words
14 min read

The trees on my street had grown microphones among the ten million microphones that bloomed the whole of Romania is the monumental sentiment that conspicuously marks the beginning paragraph of this epic novel Out of the Transylvania Night by Aura Imbarus (Part I, 1). From the words of this line, a reader can easily depict horror, grief and tame; the key characteristics of the major theme in this reading. This life-changing storyline explores the theme of love and loss majorly to depict the intention of the text to the audience. Based on the content from reputable reviews coupled with a personal understanding of the text, this paper critically analyzes the theme of love and loss in the novel Out of the Transylvania Night by Aura Imbarus. As will be evident, the theme of love and loss is central to every aspect of this novel.

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Normally, love and loss are oppositely placed in most contexts. To most writers, therefore, combining activities to depict love and loss in a single storyline can be a daunting ordeal. Nonetheless, Aura has put in upright ingredients to make one believe that her pursuance of love and loss as the major theme in this story was not merely accidental. It is a common notion that love constitutes psychological as well as a physical relationship between people with other people or that between people with objects. The same relationships could occur contextually between people with the society, culture, norms and many aspects of the environment in which an individual is based. Love can be lost; thus love and loss can arguably be viewed as the most thrilling theme that an author could pursue in a storyline. The impact can be felt from the understanding that application of the same theme in the plot triggers in the mind of a reader.

Evidently, thematic exploitations and depiction of texts intentions are done through actions of the characters. To this effect, Aura is not different. The story is anchored around a dominant protagonist who narrates a real-life story to her readers. The application of a single dominant character is a style that whose aim is to instigate clarity in the mind of the reader. The storyline is long, and the contexts are varied. Further, the major theme is complicated. An application of devolved characterization could ruin the ease of understanding the story. Characteristically, the protagonist stands out as an individual who not only loves herself and her personality, she as well cares for her context, her neighbors, society and more importantly she is in love with her country- Romania. It is this massive love that leads the protagonist to a big loss.

Love and loss are apparent right from the opening sentiments of the story. Here Aura is not happy with the imagination that she is almost losing her beloved country. Romania is run through the lanes of dictatorship with the people to whom she bears great love paying back with hate and constant baseless of information to security units who mercilessly kill the populace. The love between family members or members of the society is eroded so much that she quotes we were like vampires who came to life after sundown (Part I, 3). Moreover, Aura has so much pride when talking about where she grew up. She refers to Transylvania as homeland (Part I, 7). This depiction is sandwiched between a lot of words that only shows an individuals pride of where they have grown up and the love for their neighborhood. The description, however, does not last so much before the tone is saddened by the mentioning of dictatorship. Probably, the depiction of dictatorship in the reading symbolizes the genesis of loss.

Not so much love can thrive where dictatorship is the order of the day. At this point, love and loss probably start pulling strings to the same direction. As love loses its meaning to the protagonist, loss sets in. At a drastic instance, the protagonist shows the need to fight back. Aura shows the willingness to restore her society back into love. She quotes, tonight, Ceausescu would die, to symbolize the end of dictatorship through nationalism and the return of love for the nation; love and trust for the neighbors (Part I, 20). None of this comes to reality. At the end of the fight and after a massive defeat to dictatorship, the status quo remains unshaken. There is no love gained and people still hate with no signs of an end to their rage. It is at this point that the protagonist comes to note that she has lost everything good that her country could ever provide her with: her nation, her community, and her family are all gone.

Clearly, it is so unfortunate how the only decision the protagonist is left with, after her loss, is to let go of the love she has had to everything she held dear to her heart since birth. Just to give a glimpse of how much she has lost, she comes to say that I buried the family heirloom jewels, tucked the flag into my sweater and left my outpost At this point, the imagination of the reader is critically tucked into the loss of love that the she is going through (Part I, 17). Predictably, after the fight and after the losses, Aura leaves her country for the U.S.

Aura left Romania with two small bags and her new husband. Noticeably, so much has been lost by the protagonist. Somebody would think that changing her nationality would help save the issues that she was currently experiencing, but none of that happens. Going to America, in the first instance, was a life- saving idea. After going through the sets of suffering, everybody would seize the opportunity to search for a better life in another nation- especially with the promises that going to America avails to the imaginations of many people. Symbolically, the choice of America was very strategic. America almost represents a whole set of characteristics that are different to the ones that are seen in Romania from this reading. America is depicted as the hub of democracy as Romania comes out as the home of dictatorship. As America gives the populace that opportunity to express their feelings, Romania suppresses those feelings and only allows people to express their wants at night. Finally in America, security is mandated to protect the populace; Romania, on the other hand, lets their security kill the populace. Clearly, the contrast is even more attractive to a Romanian.

Coming to America, unfortunately, does not prove as promising as it was first thought. Aura and her husband come to note that trying to be Americans is much more complicated (Part II, 14). The lifestyle, the culture and the way people do things in America is much more different from that of Romania. Predictably, Aura and her husband went through a torrid time trying to adapt to life in America again. Through hard work coupled with sacrifice, the couple finally acquires a car and a home. At this point, they clearly are getting the lost love back into their custody. The unfortunate then comes to happen to this couple once again.

Besides, there reaches a point where losses come to set in this couples life all at once. Not only does Aura receive the news of the death of her mother, but thieves also raid their property and walk away with jewels. At the same time, the crushing of the stock market results in loss of their car, house, and savings. The influx of losses once again in Auras life is made worse when her husband, out of the stress, walks away from his wife. The agony that the protagonist is exposed to sends her wondering of how much of ones life is owed to others. Life is getting tougher to the protagonist that she recounts that the basic sources of survival bread, milk, sugar, butter, potatoes and meat had become increasingly scarce (Part II, 24). From this depiction, Aura is losing the tight grips that she once regained on life. Everything seemed to be walking out of her hand. Unfortunately, things that she loved most (her mother and her husband) were getting diminished by day. This is on top of the other losses that she incurred in Romania.

Finally, the theme of love and loss in Out of the Transylvania Night by Aura Imbarus is as well depicted through the style that the author employs. The storyline shows nothing less than realism. One fundamental characteristic of people is that people are attached to the past. As such, they will always remember what happened to their past; good occurrences or the bad ones. Remembrance in literature brings the reader into real life. Sentiments such as: the room was almost as cold as the temperature outside, but the memory of my mother always made me feel the warmth of care (Part III, 34) gives the reader a realistic attachment to the book. The whole plot exploits the series of losses that the protagonist goes through; one after the other. Use of memory is definitely to create imagery in the mind of the reader that all the losses that the protagonist goes through in the text are not merely fictitious.


The theme of love and loss is very conspicuous in Auras Out of the Transylvania Night. With the critical understanding of the basic aspects of this piece of literature such as contextual transition, the plot of how events flow in the story as well as the actions of the characters, one can easily relate the similarity lanes in which love and loss run in this storyline. It is notable that it is the theme of love and loss in the story that explicitly makes this novel to capture the rare characteristics of uplifting, fascinating and heartbreaking all at once.

Works Cited

Imbarus, Aura. Out of the Transylvania Night. Barnes & Noble Publications, 2010. Print

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