Overcoming Challenges Faced by Transgender Individuals and Community - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-13
Overcoming Challenges Faced by Transgender Individuals and Community - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Discrimination Abuse
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 542 words
5 min read


The LGTBQ community has up to date gone through significant development and progress. The transgender community, however, has not been as widely accepted or understood. Helping professionals working with the transgender community may face several challenges arising from differences in religious beliefs, values, and morals. Therefore, the paper seeks to provide my insights on some aspects of transgender individuals and the community.

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I would be comfortable working with someone who is transgender. This is because individuals who are transgender are just like normal people, and they ought to be treated with respect and dignity, which all human beings deserve. However, one needs to be self-aware when working with transgender people to effectively handle challenges relating to differences in religious beliefs, morals, and values that may arise at the workplace.

From watching ‘’ The T Word’’ Full documentary video, I have gained a lot of information about transgender individuals, which I did not previously know. Firstly, I have realized that the most important thing regarding how people identify their gender is self-awareness and not the gender they were assigned at birth based on their genitalia. Moreover, I have learned that transgender individuals face many challenges relating to discrimination and violence in their attempt to have the freedom and live their lives truly as they are. This information would significantly change how I would work or view transgender individuals. For instance, I would view transgender individuals as self-aware individuals trying to lead true lives according to their personality as opposed to the gender they were assigned at birth based on their genitalia. I would, therefore, grant them the freedom to express themselves and living just as they are. Also, I have realized that there is an urgent need to stop violence and discrimination against transgender individuals. They are ordinary people who live according to their personality, and they ought to be treated with respect and dignity, just like other human beings.

A professional journal article that I could utilize to assist me in working with a transgender client experiencing issues of bullying, discrimination, depression, and harassment, among others, is the National Center for Transgender Equality Journal. It informs about supporting transgender people in their lives. Moreover, it guides how to become a good friend, especially to transgender individuals.

The article can assist me in several ways of working with a transgender client. The guidance on interacting with transgender people provides essential information and knowledge which can enable me to interact with the transgender people and communities in a respectful and dignified manner. Furthermore, the article informs about some of the useful qualities and things to remember and uphold to become a good friend to transgender individuals. These qualities can enable me to interact freely with the transgender client to learn more about him/her, thus providing appropriate support.


Lastly, in response to Zoey's post concerning the passing of the law, which allows transgender students in California to use their preferred washrooms. Indeed, transgender people, especially students, often face a lot of challenges in their lives. These include bullying, discrimination, harassment, and violence from other people. Therefore, the relevant agencies need to put in place appropriate laws that provide more excellent protection for the rights and welfare of transgender individuals.

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Overcoming Challenges Faced by Transgender Individuals and Community - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 13). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/overcoming-challenges-faced-by-transgender-individuals-and-community?pname=speedypaper.com

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