Packshots Research Essay Example

Published: 2019-09-11
Packshots Research Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Research
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1579 words
14 min read

Packshots Product Photography; Beginnings. Explicit. Less complicated yet reliable. Provided to you on a total chalky background and effective for incorporation in product listings and websites.

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Imparting the precise perception with regards to your project personal service.

Your attending of the shoot is okay with us. The biscuits, the sofa and the tea are all on us. Mark you our product photographers for the day are employees in our firm hence have a goal in common; providing the desired image for your project.

You have the freedom to pose any questions or comments with our flexible photographers before, during and after the shooting. Questions and comments from you will be highly appreciated.

Account management services/Production management

Our production team will share their thoughts with you as you do your bookings for the subsequent shoot. This is to confirm your preferences with regards to the next shooting.

You are entitled to sharing the details of the kind of photography shootings you desire to your account manager who will in turn confirm your price. We shall ensure we do as your specification entails. All this aimed at provision of our first class services with regards to photography shooting.

From making sure your image files are labeled correctly to sizing your shots according to brief, we ensure u do not have to do further work. The final shots delivered to you will be ready for uploading into your websites or incorporated in your brochures as desired by you.

Innovative Product Photography

Even though white backdrop cut out shots are always on point, there are instances when projects demand for something special. For example the Hero products that demands for sophisticated advertising when promoting in print and online. Henceforth our innovative ideas come in handy.

Our innovative ideas include incorporating mood lighting, a perfect reflection or a drop shadow. Similarly, blending unique lighting features or effects like smoke and mirror with sensational angles will work for you.

Brilliant use of different backgrounds.

To ensure your final images are perfect, we can incorporate several innovative backdrop effects. These effects include explicit backgrounds of your choice.

You are free to call or email at any time to share your thoughts on what you would want to be done by our photographers as we enlighten you on the choices available for you.

Great Wealth of lighting acquaintance

By adopting the above, our studio gurus are able to amplify the beauty in your shots to create the imagery needed for audience in print and online.

(Name of studio) photographers are full time employees with one common mission; providing you with services that yields to your desired results. Our team is just a phone call way just in case u need something unique about lighting background and you are not really sure.

Use of watery effects in production of a superb Rippling Reflections

Reconsidering watery effects in your production will be a best way to produce imagery in your shots. This, of course is dependent on the product in question.

This type of creativity can only be done by our team. Word of mouth alone is not enough. So you are free to browse the images above or simply contact us to get it done.

Still life Fashion Photography. By browsing this page, you are able to see illustrations of many ways we can execute Still life Photography on your behalf. We can also add creativity into it by adding rolls or coils, tailoring your attire into sacks or any other technique as so desired by you. Worry not. All this is possible because our still fashion photographers are just a phone call away to advise you and make this desire become a reality.

With regards to your next shoot with studio with studio EA, we recommend you to browse the carousel of images above and look up on the features. The features include flat styled images and invisible mannequin.

Photography using individual mannequin

This technique is the most common way we are requested to shoot still life photography. Your garments can be shot using any angle you so desire and with any technique of styling.

Our stylists will do wonders on your clothing so that it appears according to your specification when you choose to shoot with still life Photography on a mannequin. Opting for this photography will create a striking image representing customer population and target audience.

With regards to producing the best fashion photography images, our Still Life Photography team has developed certain techniques that would aid in achieving this. All the images produced by our team are of the highest standards.

Photography using Flat styled clothing

Young fashion brands tend to adopt a number of garments that lend more to being styled flat. To bring out the beauty of these garments, our team cautiously brings out the pure movement and fluidity of the aforementioned fabric.

Whether you are selling from printed listings, targeted promotion or on the websites, we promise you that our flat styled imagery will sell your brand beyond your wildest of imaginations. That is what makes us the best of the best fashion photographers in the United Kingdom.

Prior to the commencement of shooting your range, we are able to mail you test shots. This is to ensure we are well conversant with your styling specifications. This is due to difference in preferences by brands with regards to levels of movement, fluidity and ruching represented in the fabrics.

Our stylists can help you get creative by advising on the proper fashion outlooks. We will help you create a striking still life clothing be it full range or just Hero items.

When you are in need of showing contrasting colors jointly, creative fashion photography such as coils and rolls are the most preferred. Additionally, we can adopt varied backgrounds like stone, wood or in a room scenario to shoot your clothing. The effectiveness of these shots is realized when you opt to display the components of the fabric close-up.

Click the image on top to browse a handful of our best innovative trendy shots.

Creative & Detail From the images above, it is clearly evident how creative we are to assist you with your fashion photography. From varied backgrounds all across stacks, rolls & coils to detail shots, it is obvious we are the best in the fashion game.

Innovative arrangements are well suited for catalogue and PR stances. Take a tour through the above. You are free to build castles in the air prior to your next photo shoot with us.

Showing contrasting colors of clothing

Clothes together in a stack are the best way to show contrasting colors. You are able to display a pattern or alternatively we can fit the image to enable the filling of the picture frame with dynamic colors.

Stacking of your garments as mentioned enables us display more of your clothing jointly in a single shot. This is an effective means of showing a product of varied colors or a pattern of definite textures.

You are highly recommended to browse through the creative fashion photography and give us a call or email for more styles from our selection.

Bringing out the differnces within the colors.

An alternative common way of displaying your clothing involves the use of folds, bundles, rolls and coils. This is a superb way of showcasing your clothing in a single shot and the same time bringing out the differences between the colors. You can as well not hesitate to call on us to talk the stylists in case you are not certain which arrangement will give your brand the best of results.

Images like this are becoming more common as fashion brands attempt to find creative avenues to place their designs as the best in the market. We can also design on innovative backdrops. The backdrops in question are distressed driftwoods, coloured backdrops etc.

Lay em down..

Designs styled flat and displayed in an innovative way as the image on the right depicts is a superb way to showcase your colors and range in the most appealing way suitable for brochure and PR shooting.

You may want to consider an exceptional item to advertise your brand. This may involve advertising in hazardous environments for example ice of fire. Worry not. Using studio props, lighting systems and set, our photographers are able to make this happen.

Corporate photographers for businesses in the United Kingdom

When it comes to quality corporate photography, us at Studio NEA are the best of the best. A number of UK businesses have benefited from our specialized videos and corporate photography. Many UK firms have sold their brands with the help of us at Studio NEA. We have your backs when it comes to photography. Similarly, for those who prefer covering of conferences, events or shooting behind the scenes, we are there for you.

We are a phone call away. We are geographically mobile and able to cover our clients wherever they are. Dont hesitate to call on us. We are at your beck and call.

With the recent technology along with the industry standard imaging applications, the studio is just a phone call away from you.

We can separate you from the rest by making you the best edging out other businesses. We can achieve this by incorporating documentary realities to your publications and webpages.

Our team will strive tirelessly to provide you with the best images to help develop your brand as a business.

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Packshots Research Essay Example. (2019, Sep 11). Retrieved from

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