Paper Example: Body Organ Tissues and Their Functions

Published: 2023-12-25
Paper Example: Body Organ Tissues and Their Functions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 920 words
8 min read


Tissues are as elaborated as a combination of cells with structural similarities and specified functions. Different body organ tissues play an essential role in body functions. Their primary functions differ depending on their location in the body. According to the creation of medical terminologies, for an organ to be termed so, it must contain two or more tissues (Liz & Lavenniah, 2020). This paper will evaluate and analyze the different tissues present in the heart, lungs, and bones, further discussing their functions and location.

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The heart is a masculine organ that serves as a collection of deoxygenated blood from all body parts. It carries it from the lungs where it is oxygenated and later released as carbon dioxide. The oxygenated blood is then pumped to all aspects of the body by the heart. For it to perform this function, it is aided by several tissues.

Nervous tissue

It comprises an intrathoracic extrinsic system that links it to the intrinsic cardiac system within the heart to the central nervous system. Its principal function is controlling and coordinating the pumping of the heart muscles depending on the activity carried out by the body, such as exercising. It is present in the ventricles, atria, and myocytes of the heart.

Muscle tissue

The heart comprises a particular category of muscle known as cardiac tissue. In other terms, it is referred to as the cardiac muscle (Tzatzalos & Abilez, 2016). They are located along the walls of the heart and are striated and involuntary muscles that play a significant role in aiding the heart to pump blood.

Connective tissue

Has a significant role in connecting, binding, supporting, and separating organs or tissues from each other, especially in the heart chambers. Its arrangement in the heart differs in organization levels known as epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium.

Epithelial tissue

Plays a significant role in cushioning the heart against rubbing and damage from external organs surrounding the heart, such as the lungs. It comprises two layers one is the endocardium, which covers the inner lining using a layer of cells. The epithelial tissue is further categorized into two sections the simple squamous epithelium and the simple cuboidal epithelium.


They give support and facilitate the protection of body organs. In addition to that, they store minerals, produce various blood cells, and support mobility with the help of muscles. It is also defined as a rigid connective tissue that makes up the body's skeleton (Tzatzalos & Abilez, 2016). It has three significant tissues that aid it in performing its functions.

Compact tissue

They are closely packaged osteons or Haversian systems to form what appears to be a solid mass. It is the more rigid and exterior bone tissue surrounded by concentric rings of a matrix. It provides the bone with a dense, stable, and an appearance, which is smooth.

Cancellous tissue

Resembles a sponge inside the bone; hence they are less dense and lighter than compact tissue. They have plates known as the trabeculae and irregular cavities, which comprise the red bone marrow. It has uneven spaces in the network, which act as the filling of the bones.

Subchondral tissue

Located at the end of the bone with particular tissues called cartilage in the formation of joints. It contains many blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the bones while at the same time taking away waste. Acts as a connecting tissue to adults, and in kids, most bones develop from the tissue.


According to Kaptan, N., & Turan, 2000, they are respiratory organ systems in human beings and animals whose primary function is to facilitate gas exchange from the environment to the bloodstream. Also, they further subdivide into individual lobes, which again divide into millions of alveoli. It also has two significant tissues, which are the alveoli, and the pleura tissues.

Alveoli tissues

They are tiny structured, and wall sac-like at the end of the small air branch tubes in the lungs known as bronchioles. It plays a significant role in air exchange in the lungs. The lung alveoli are located in the acini, which begins in the respiratory zone. The acini are the basic units in the respiratory, where gas exchange takes place.

Pleura tissue

They are thoracic cavity membrane that secretes fluids that fills the pleura space to reduce friction during lung movement when breathing. They are further classified into two the visceral and parietal lines on the internal of the ribcage and thoracic cavity, whereas the visceral lines are at the lung's exterior.


In conclusion, tissues can generally be elaborated as a community of cells that function beyond what a single cell could manage to accomplish. For tissues to be healthy, they comprise a mixture of cells; for instance, the heart has various primary tissues as analyzed in this paper. To perform and coordinate their functions, they have been structured to process and respond to signals from each other regularly; for an organ to be considered that way, it must comprise of two or more types of tissues.


Lim, T. B., Lavenniah, A., & Foo, R. S. Y. (2020). Circles in the heart and cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular Research, 116(2), 269-278.

Severcan, F., Toyran, N., Kaptan, N., & Turan, B. (2000). Fourier transform infrared study of the effect of diabetes on rat liver and heart tissues in the C H region. Talanta, 53(1), 55-59.

Tzatzalos, E., Abilez, O. J., Shukla, P., & Wu, J. C. (2016). Engineered heart tissues and induced pluripotent stem cells: macro-and microstructures for disease modeling, drug screening, and translational studies. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 96, 234-244.

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