Paper Example on Cancer Patients Living With Diabetes

Published: 2022-12-26
Paper Example on Cancer Patients Living With Diabetes
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Cancer Diabetes Depression
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1144 words
10 min read


Background of the StudyAs a result of the increase in the aging population, on-time diagnosis, and effective treatment, the number of cancer survivors keeps on rising. Consequently, many cancer patients suffering from other terminal illnesses such as diabetes are becoming one of the most common ones. The occurrence of coexisting diabetes among the people living with cancer vary based on some factors such as the nature of cancer, age at diagnosis, quality of life. Hall (2017) added that the situation varies from eight percent among people living with prostate cancer to about twenty-six percent among pancreatic cancer patients aged sixty-five years and above. In such a case the high prevalence of diabetes among the people who are diagnosed with cancer might lead to a serious health condition.

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Due to the devastating effects that they have brought to human life, researchers have taken an interest in investigating diabetes and cancer, based on their causes, prevalence rates, and death. The latest research has concentrated on diabetes, and they have established that it is closely related to endometrial and pancreatic cancer. However, they are also related to the bladder, colorectal and cancer (Larsson et al., 2006), diabetes was found to be associated with the reduced prevalence of prostate cancer (Advokat, Comaty, & Julien, 2014). Also, the past research determined that diabetes is linked to 30-49% increase in mortality among the people suffering to cancer-related conditions, something common among the patient s who is suffering from breast cancer, endometrial and colorectal.

Problem Statement

With the increase of cancer and diabetes incidences among the patients, more concerns have been put on the people who are living with both conditions. Nevertheless, this research is mostly ignored. Patient-reported outcome (PRO) assessment like the health-related quality of life, symptoms, and functions are important as there is possible that the patients with several chronic illnesses undergo several challenges. Such information is considered to be imperative when it comes to promoting the health care situation of the increasing number of patients. A noteworthy number of cancer survivors consistently report lower physical functioning, sexual functioning, as well as the symptoms of distress and fatigue.

In the same aspect, diabetes patient has the possibility of suffering from depression (Wassersug, Walker, & Robinson, 2014), lower sex functioning (Smith, Eriksen, & Bor, 2015), and report a lower quality of life (Advokat, Comaty, & Julien, 2014). Since both diabetes and cancer patients report deteriorated (PROs) compared to the people without diabetes alone, we hypothesize that suffering from both terminal illnesses will lead to even more devastating PROs. This systematic literature review intends to summarize the current knowledge on the effects of having both diabetes and cancer on PROs. Also, as the study intends to overlook this research area, this project aims at offering direction for future research. Therefore, this research focus aims to establish the feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger experienced by persons living with cancer and diabetes and the effects these feelings have on their general wellbeing.

Research Questions

What are the psychological effects of cancer?

What are the psychological effects of diabetes?

What are the similarities and differences in the psychological effects of these conditions?

Literature Review

The psychological impact of having diabetes

Although diabetes is the primary cause of ill health in America, most Americans with diabetes tend to die due to a cardiovascular condition. The diabetic female has a common predominance of the coronary heart condition to their male counterparts. However, cardiac deaths in males with diabetes have decreased but increased of female diabetic due to age balance. Advancement in the management of coronary illness and recommendations offered on the treatment of different aspect such as depression among other dysphoric moods has resulted in the reduction of death rate in diabetic people.

Dejection is an autonomous hazard aspect for cardiovascular disease since it leads to poor personal-management as well as decreased wellbeing. About twenty-five percent, diabetic people suffer from depression. Moreover, the rate of dejection in diabetic females is twice that of diabetic males. Furthermore, diabetic women show poorer diabetic self-management, blood sugar level control, as well as inadequate access to quality healthcare compared to their male counterparts. The aggravation of dejection supplements such effects. Besides, these effects, some disturbing symptoms, such as nervousness together with rage, which is usually accompanied by depressive symptoms tend to enforce common threats for poor medical results that happen more frequently in diabetic females than diabetic males.

Numerous diabetic self-care initiatives have a module, which may momentarily deal with self-management approaches for dysphoric signs, specifically depression; on the other hand; their main focus is not to evaluate but to manage such indications.

Most diabetes management programs majors on the diet, medication, and exercise; however, the psychological factors of diabetes are more are overwhelming than physical factors. Depression is among the most common psychological factors affecting diabetic adults. The speed of dejection in diabetic people is twice higher compared to non-diabetic persons. Nonetheless, on condition that the health care supplier doesn't always detect depression, it often remains untreated. Additionally, barriers together with beliefs regarding dejection and its control might hinder the flexibility of searching and procuring the treatment of this disorder, significantly for Black Americans. Significantly, depression incorporates adverse impact on glycemic management as well as self-management; hence, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Depression directly influences glycemic management. Therefore, it is assumed that this may be a consequence of dejection on glycemic control through the system pathways similar to the effects of dejection on polygenic disorder self- management. The dejection-induced changes in the system before neurochemical roles are planned as methods, which negatively influences glycemic management. According to Hedrick (2017) and Hall (2017), the impact of grief in glycemic management is critical. Based on Akabas, Lederman and Moore (2014), the meta-analysis of twenty-seven research studies illustrate that dejection is considerably related to hyperglycemia since each form one as well kind two polygenic disorder.

Additionally, hyperglycemia has been related to a hyperbolic risk of cardiovascular events. Based on Mello, Tavares, and Mountzios (2015) research study, ten thousand persons who were followed lengthwise were used to determine the connection of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) to incident vessel events, which was used as the dominant risk aspect. The researchers established that in each one-point additional of HbA1c, increased cardiovascular events by twenty-two percent increase in men and a twenty-eight percent in females. Hemoglobin A1C, an evaluation for glycemic management, relies on the effectiveness of self-care and control of diabetes.

Depression influences polygenic disorder self-care organization. Depression in polygenic disorder person leads to inadequate diet as well as drugs loyalty, more significant practical constraints, with hiked health management prices (Patni, 2017). Null (2016) connected the link between polygenic disorder observation to self-care behaviors as well as depression in 4463 individuals with polygenic disorder. The results illustrated that main depression was related to minimum physical activity, an unbalanced diet together with lower adherence on drugs (oral hypoglycemic, drug, and lipid-lowering medications).

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Paper Example on Cancer Patients Living With Diabetes. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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