Paper Example on Methods of Selecting Judges

Published: 2023-05-14
Paper Example on Methods of Selecting Judges
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Court system Judicial system
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 521 words
5 min read

Commission-based appointment. This is where the nominating commission evaluates the judicial candidates. The commission then refers to the names of the top qualified applicants to the governor, who, in turn, selects the most qualified nominee (Peak & Madensen, 2019 pg. 535).

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Partisan election. Multiple applicants may hunt for a similar judicial position. The voters vote for the judicial aspirants as they do for any other public bureaucrat. The aspirants run through the official authorization from various political parties through which they are elected.

Nonpartisan election. In this method, the judicial aspirant party membership, if any, is not selected in the ballot.

Gubernatorial appointment. In this method, the governor appoints the judge. The appointment might require validation by the executive council or the legislature.

Legislative election. Judges are selected and appointed through legislative voting only (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p. 535).

Meaning of "good judging" and Importance of Courtroom Civility

Good judging means that a judge should treat individual cases and parties in court with dignity and total impartiality while delivering leadership for court procedures (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.543). Therefore, it influences judges to provide their most unbiased opinions.

Courtroom civility is essential since it maintains professionalism in the court. It also permits the judge to uphold "civility, balance, and humility" (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.544). However, for the judge to retain control, he has to abide by the rules established by the model code of judicial conduct. Besides, these codes necessitate the judge to act "dignified, patient, and courteous to jurors, litigants, layers, and any other individual that he/she deals within an official dimension (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.544).

Prosecutors as Powerful Player of Criminal Justice

Prosecutors can reduce charges, provide an arrangement recommending a specific sentence, or even cast-off a case. In any case, they enjoy the freedom of choice. Therefore, this means that the prosecutor can practice his/her individual judgment unimpeded by the law, but legal issues frequently figure in the prosecutor's decision (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.548).

Prosecutorial Immunity

It refers to absolute immunity that the prosecutors possess in the beginning an indictment and introducing the case of the state. Prosecutorial immunity is vital, as the prosecutors are not able to punish other prosecutors and their victims. The immunity weaknesses are that the prosecutors may stifle exculpatory evidence, use false proof, and encourage misleading testimonies in sensible justification hearings, and devoid of fear that they may be held accountable, irrespective of the likelihood that they malignantly and purposefully abuse the privileges of innocent people (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.551).

Defense Attorney's Primary Responsibility

Under the Sixth Amendment of the U.S constitution, the defense attorney's main responsibility is the "assistance of counsel" for the accused "in all criminal prosecutions." This denotes that a litigant enjoys the right to have a lawyer assist during the trial. Besides, it suggests that if the respondent cannot afford a lawyer, the administration will pick one of them to handle the case without any charges (Peak & Madensen, 2019, p.552).


Peak, K., & Madensen, T. (2019). Introduction to criminal justice. Retrieved April 8, 2020, from http://file:///C:/Users/monvares/Downloads/Introduction%20to%20criminal%20justice%20_%20practice%20and%20process-sage%20publications,%20inc%20(2018)PDF%20(3).pdf

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Paper Example on Methods of Selecting Judges. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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