Paper Example on the New Platform Business Project

Published: 2022-12-18
Paper Example on the New Platform Business Project
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Students Business Career
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1809 words
16 min read


Platform business is an essential tool that can help students make the right career choices. Academic performance similarly facilitates the process. Identifying university specialization is an integral part of learning. It offers students a unique opportunity to decide on what they plan to study. The current problems faced by high school students is the lack of proper models that guide them in making the right choices, identifying or choosing a career. Choosing careers can be achieved by determining the right personalities and qualifications for a particular profession. One of the methods to consider is the personality test which can be obtained by analyzing different psychological behaviors. The business plan should integrate essential elements such as those that allow students to answer some questions about themselves. As a result, the system will work by classifying confident personality and psychological aspects based on the careers that best comply with specific occupations. Although setting a business platform is challenging, identifying the rights models allows the company to strategies on methods and plans of meeting its business goals.

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The platform should address the principal problem associated with career choices and the inability of students to understand what they can do best. Most high school students face a dynamic challenge in making decisions, and the platform should offer easy access to the procedure. Each time the individuals are called upon to make choices, then that is prone to such a problem. A similar case is noted with other people when making business choices. Having an opportunity to resolve the issue would then depend on many factors.

The platform should integrate academic factors such as results from their exams which further reflect the capabilities of students to pursue particular courses. Similarly, the case translates to the analysis measures interrogated un addressing significant outcomes associated with identifying one's personality (Muzellec et al., 2014).

Innovation is vital in any society. Without these elements then the community would be left with many challenges addressing business problems. One of the major concerns is that high school students tend to be influenced by peer pressure. The case translates to the way they make choices. Consequently, most of them make choices to compete for a particular market segment.

Potential Customer

The business platform would, therefore, focus on potential clients. Having a keen consideration of different psychological aspect is vital in providing adequate services to the group identified. For example, it aims to address major communicating problems between clients and service providers. The group identified is prone to risks of making the wrong choices. Therefore, the project would seek to fully understand the kind of people facing the problem as this would be potential customers.

Customer segments exist in multiple means, and this is being divided based on what the projects aim to achieve. Even though the project has narrowed down to the students, it is essential to segment the target market further to increase sales and reaching new customers through networking. Customer segmentation would be conducted based on the psychographic analysis. The process allows the marketing team to target clients based on intangible aspects such as personality, lifestyle, and social values influencing the purchasing rates of a particular group (Bohnsack et al., 2014). The target, therefore, would be achieved by appealing to intrinsic values rather than external factors such as the physical appearance of the products offered from the business platform.

Proposed Solution

Offering solutions to customer's needs are vital in providing appropriate service. The platform is new projects, thus requires testing to determine its validity in offering quality services. One of the ways to test this is to identify the rising rates of misunderstandings that students face while marketing choices (Muzellec et al., 2014). Similarly, no agency has offered to assist the students. One of the methods that were used to test the procedures was to include students as part of the testing measures of the accuracy of the strategy.

The program would be facilitated through social media and company websites. The reason for choosing the channels is that the presence of the internet has increased the number of social media users and this would be a unique way of reaching them. The website is a vital communication and marketing component in any projects. It is one of the elements that the customers access the company information. Secondly, internet presence is essential and allows the company to reach a good number of customers. It is fast, reliable, and appropriate; thus potential customers can be identified (Bohnsack et al., 2014). For example, it would allow the students to analyze significant outcomes of the services provided by the company. The new projects should provide lasting solutions that improve the encounter of the customers by integrating the procedures outlined in the business platform.

The new platform business project seeks to identify the impact of the method on helping students. Project's considers the need to create awareness and education. Therefore, they should attract a good number of customers. The project would offer this in a simple way of using the platform (Muzellec et al., 2014). Adverts and correct choices in testing personality also excellent opportunity to access other challenges associated with the project.

Personal Elements

The new projects aim at addressing the existing challenges based on the methods of identified and those that would be drafted to solve a particular problem. Some of the personal elements include the skills and the business practices that projects to create a fully working business. Some of the experiences and skills required include leadership and management. The two are separate entities and requires different personnel. However, the new project requires the skills of both staffs. Although the tea is fully prepared for setting the plans, some few skills lack in the way the projects should be handled and maintained to remain the customer's preferences. Moreover, risk mitigation is vital for any project. As a result, team managers should then conduct training and upgrade the skills of their worker to boost the confidentiality of the customers.

Lacking one or two skills will not stop the project from being launched. However, the personnel needs to take a keen interest in integrating abilities that can translate into business (Veit et al., 2014). Identifying such skills is essential in resolving challenges. However, the present skills include innovative skills, leadership, management, and psychological skills. Based on the current demand for the services, creative skills would provide an opportunity to offer the required services and focus on a substantial problem facing the groups identified. One of the fundamental issues affecting the target market is the ability to have an independent method of addressing challenges that occur when making choices. Therefore, the case similarly determines the rate at which skills would be used to offer better services.

ICT is vital to every business projects. However, the skills of translating the plans into ICT dependent programs are lacking. As a result, employing a new person to address the problem is vital in ensuring that the programs get their online presence, secured and acquires the rights market through online platforms. Securing the site is critical in protecting the customer's information (Bohnsack et al., 2014). The process also considers the fact that the customers need to access the services through the online platform and this offers an excellent opportunity to hire qualified staff to create a good business platform that is easy for the customers to access.


The project would provide services to the targeted market. The process of completing the project must account for economic, political, technological legal and scheduling factors. By analyzing a range of factors at which the plan will work, the methods applied will result in successful outcomes. It is possible to determine potential positive and negative consequences after launching the platform. The first step is to consider the cost that the project will require to be completed. Along with this procedure, the management should have the ability to identify significant obstacles such as competition. The findings are significant in meeting the project's goals.

One of the critical factors considered for the project includes financial feasibility. Besides, it defines the sources that business will use and the structure that represents the roles taken by the key stakeholders. As a result, appropriate measures taken against the existing problem would define the significant issues associated with the market. As a result, noting issues linked to competitor issues is vital. One of the significant areas that indicate the growth of the project is the inability of the personnel to secure the right strategies in dealing g with high market competitions (Bohnsack et al., 2014). Other problems include the lack of a plan to establish the proper channels in identifying customers. Focusing on specific issues facing a group of people is important since the platform needs to draft an idea on how it would address the risks associated with marketing and ability to sustain the customers for a long time.

The program is a new type of platform business in the market. Therefore, it requires an appropriate business strategy should similarly face competition. Competition is good since it allows the company to improve its services and boost organizational outcomes in terms of risk analysis to provide better chances of reducing losses and providing adequate plants to address the threats facing the project.

Competitors exist in direct and indirect form. Therefore, analysis of competitors trends is essential. One of the major advantages of the new project is that it would utilize new techniques new plans and strategies in terms of market segments. Addressing competition would be difficult. However, the existing social and academic institutions could pose a significant threat by acting as direct competitors to the business (Veit et al., 2014). For example, educational institutions could introduce the platform as part of the strategy to govern students in making the right career choices. Other direct competitors include the welfare and non-governmental organizations. They are considering the problem as part of the social and mental support that teens require would initiate many welfare organizations to offer direct services.

Apart from the local competition, international competition could also threaten the growth of the project. For example, international career management programs can facilitate local companies to conduct similar business. The case could result in the stiff competition thus hindering the growth of the new industry. Other in-direct competitors include the schools, colleges, and other learning institutions that could opt to introduce the program as a part of the school curriculum. Although competition could threaten the project, it is essential to prepare alternatives for offering services. Offering services in a unique way discourage the rates at which the services can be copied, and this provides an opportunity to progress in delivering adequate services to the customers.

Economic aspects of the projects play a vital role in understanding the economic outcomes of the platform. The assessment of the cost and benefits associated with the projects serves to enhance project feasibility.

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