Paper Example on Resolving Parking Congestion Issues in Pine Grove Apartment: A Tenant's Perspective

Published: 2023-11-04
Paper Example on Resolving Parking Congestion Issues in Pine Grove Apartment: A Tenant's Perspective
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Problem solving
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 660 words
6 min read


Hello, I am a resident of Pine Grove Apartment, and I am writing to inform you of the parking issues that we as tenants experience in the apartment. Currently, the parking situation is pathetic due to overcrowding of vehicles within the available parking lots. The parking spaces were designed to serve a few tenants because initially, only a few people were living in the apartments. However, the situation currently has changed with the number of tenants doubling within the past few months. The majority of the tenants own vehicles, which makes parking a significant issue due to inadequate parking spaces. Hence, this has forced some people to park their vehicles behind other vehicles in the parking lot, which is a problem, especially in the morning when people have to leave for work because of the delays caused.

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Also, tenants consume a lot of fuel as they drive around looking for parking spaces despite these hard economic times. Furthermore, the limited spaces have forced other tenants to park their vehicles outside the apartment or in other apartments where they incur extra costs of having to pay security to safeguard their vehicles. Despite these, some tenants have reported carjacking cases and vandalism of their vehicles. Moreover, the parking spaces are in poor condition with large portals, and the paint marks of the parking spaces have all faded. Since the markings have faded, people park randomly, which further contributes to the congestion chaos because people park on a first-come, first-serve basis.


The first solution is to do a renovation of the parking spaces; this includes filling up the potholes and marking unmarked spaces. Hence will help restore some order because open parking spaces create confusion among tenants because there are no markings or structures to follow. The second solution is that outside the pine groove apartment perimeter, there is a vast space that can be converted into a parking space. The vacant space can be tamedacked or any cheaper option, street lights erected, and security guards installed in the parking space to help guard the vehicles. Thus, the problem of congestion will be solved, and also tenants will be assured of the security of their vehicles. The apartment will be able to keep the current tenants in the apartment and even attract more. The third solution is to employ a security guard to marshal the vehicles that park within the apartment. The security guard will ensure every person parks in the right spaces assigned to them and ensure that no vehicle is obstructing the entrance or exit of any vehicle into the parking lot.

Alternative Solution

Since few parking spaces are forcing some tenants to park outside of the apartment, the management of Pine Groove Apartment needs to consider charging separately for rent and parking. Thus, this will be a fair move for a residence that has to incur the extra costs of parking outside the apartment and still has to pay for parking fees charged at Pine Groove Apartments. Through this, the landlord can keep rent lower and generate extra income by renting parking spaces to people who need the spaces. However, this is a short-term solution because it would not be appealing to every tenant because of inconvenience. No tenant would want to pack their vehicle a meter away from their house because they would still be forced to walk the distance to either their vehicles or homes.


The issue of congestion in parking spaces at Pine Groove Apartment has been a significant issue that has affected tenants for several months now. The congestion causes several delays as people wait for parking spaces and also a lot of fuel is used as tenants drive looking for available parking spaces. Tenants who park outside the apartment incur extra costs and security issues. As a resident of Pine Groove Apartment, I hope you will implement these recommendations not just to benefit the tenants but also you as a property manager.

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Paper Example on Resolving Parking Congestion Issues in Pine Grove Apartment: A Tenant's Perspective. (2023, Nov 04). Retrieved from

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