Paper Example on Statement on Capstone Report Usage Authorization

Published: 2023-05-14
Paper Example on Statement on Capstone Report Usage Authorization
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  History Political science Government
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1152 words
10 min read


The achievement of a stable political system in any country lies on the leaders at the top of the government. The Republic of Guinea is one of the African countries faced with political challenges since the colonial period. France colonial masters left the country in deplorable condition with no assistance from the French professionals. After Guinea achieved independence in 1958, it was not easy for Sekou Toure to get skilled professionals in the government. Instead of guiding the country to promoting democracy that the citizens voted for during the independence, Sekou Toure was more concerned with achieving self-interests and remaining into power until his death. China entered the country with a mission to help the government in addressing many of the political and economic challenges brought about by France since the colonial era. The paper sought to examine the differences between France and China in their involvement in Guinea. The term francafrique guides the researcher is exploring the topic in an in-depth manner. A document analysis has been used to establish the findings of the study on what other researchers have determined regarding the topic in previous papers. A phone interview was undertaken to help the researcher in gaining more information about the subject of investigation from a government representative in the Republic of Guinea. Based on the findings, Guinea has much to learn from China and its political system that drives the development of other sectors in the country.

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GDP Gross Domestic Product

UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

USA Union of African States

US-RDA United States Rassemblement Democratique AfricainCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION

I. Background of the Research

Francafrique is a term that describes the influence of France over previous colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a phrase that describes all the informal, as well as formal French lobbies and networks associated with Africa, are described in this one phrase. Francafrique is a political phenomenon that emphasizes the continuous subjugation of the self-governing African states, including Gabon, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Niger, and Benin, among others. Francafrique in Africa differs from China on how it influenced the continent when looking at economic aspects. The research paper will examine how China is different from France's input to African countries with a particular reference of the Republic of Guinea.

i. France Colony and the Rise of China in the Republic of Guinea

From a historical point of view, research shows that France was a colonial power in Africa and specifically in the Republic of Guinea. France is considered as the second largest realm in the world after Britain to dominate Africa and its countries during the 19th and 20th centuries. Even after independence, France still maintains good relations with its colonies in African, including the Republic of Guinea. It shows that Francafrique describes the French neo-colonial dominance in African countries through the military, cultural, geopolitical as well as economic presence. The Republic of Guinea, like other African countries, is making an effort to pursue a domination strategy to maintain its independence. That raises the question of how the Republic of Guinea achieved to do away with the France dominance in the country after independence? Even with the good relations with France, the country still sees the importance of doing away with the French policy that puts the nation in the jeopardy of France. As such, French involvement in the matters of the country has minimized. Also, the Francafrique term has lost its influence on French operations or participation in the activities to the Republic of Guinea.

French Colonization of the Republic of Guinea can be dated back in the 1830s to 1962 when the colonial master was in Africa. The political motives of colonizing Guinea and other countries in Africa entailed investments, looking for markets, raw materials as well as cheap workforce. These shared goals would drive France to victory and gaining strategic advantage in many parts of Guinea. Apart from political motives, France also wanted to spread its culture to people in Guinea, the Catholic religion, and education to the locals. The Republic of Guinea was colonized directly by France through the creation of French administrations within the nation.

The dawn of China in the Republic of Guinea has changed the situation of Francafrique in the country. Even though Francafrique influenced the geopolitical and economic context of the country, France relations with Guinea, like other African nations, are weaker currently when compared to the colonial period. France has made efforts to continue influencing the defence agreements of African countries, including the Republic of Guinea. It interferes with the affairs of the country, depending on what France wants, and the nation's resources remain top issues in French politics. The recent coups in Guinea were hard-pressed by the presence of France in the country to gain energy interests. It shows that France in the Republic of Guinea is still maintaining some neutrality and keeping the score of influence even though in a diminishing lane.

ii. The Rise of China in the Republic of Guinea

China is giving France high competition in its involvement in the Republic of Guinea. China is considered to be one of the largest trading partners of the African continent in the present time. In the Republic of Guinea, Chinese firms are challenging French organizations such as Bollore Construction Company. According to Lekorwe et al., most of the Africans, 63% support the presence of Chinese firms in the continent. In Guinea, China's presence in development was 22% in the year 2014/2015, the external influence of the country from China was 13%-12% in the respective years, political power was 15% in the year 2015. It shows that the presence of France operations, control, and involvement in African countries such as the Republic of Guinea is diminishing while that of China is increasing. That may change the situation in the future to have Chinafrique replacing Francafrique.

II. Statement of the Problem

With France's influence diminishing in African countries, more and more nations are gaining more popularity in the same region. One of these nations is China's presence in Africa. Previous researchers from different perspectives have explored the subject of Francafrique. The topic of Francafrique has become a hotbed issue across nations colonized by France. Researchers covering the political influence of France today in its colonies consider Francafrique as having a significant impact on the operations of the governments in the colonial nations. However, researchers focus on the topic based on Africa as a whole. Korkmaz explored la Francafrique: the special relationship between France and its former colonies in Africa. The United World International Report examined the failure of Francafrique and why France is dropping its impact in Africa. The effect of China on the declining influence of Francafrique in African countries receives little attention from researchers. Studies reveal that China has dramatically impacted on France's influence on the geopolitical arena in African countries. Little has been covered regarding the topic based on a single African country case.

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Paper Example on Statement on Capstone Report Usage Authorization. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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