Paper Example Professional Accountability in Nursing

Published: 2023-01-22
Paper Example Professional Accountability in Nursing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Profession Nursing management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1763 words
15 min read


The nursing theory refers to the rigorous and creative structuring of projects with the application of ideas that are purposeful, tentative, and systematic. Developing advanced knowledge in nursing is an essential part of ensuring that patients are well served and taken care of amidst the challenges and uncertainties that are often experienced. On the other hand, nurses and other medical professionals, through professional accountability can enhance medical delivery in various medical institutions. Also, through professional accountability, nurses are capable of developing knowledge that relevant in improving the care to the patients. Historically, there have been different historical figures that have shaped or enhance the development of various nursing practices. Florence Nightingale, for instance, developed systems and operational procedures continue to be applied to date in various medical institutions. Several nursing theories influence and guided every nurse in accomplishing their tasks, taking care of the patients. In addition to nursing theories, there are also other factors that influence nursing practices. For instance, there are different acts or congressional bills that guides the operational activities of medical professionals as well as the medical facilities. The paper elaborates on professional accountability in nursing.

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Nursing Theory That Influences Values and Goals

In nursing practice, there are several theories that influence an individual's approaches to work. Even though some hospitals or medical facilities may incorporate specific theories to their operational processes, every person has a personal preference. As a nurse, one of the theories that often influence my values and goals in the Need Theory formulated by Virginia Henderson. The theory emphasizes the need for increased patient's independence to ensure the continued healing processes after they have been discharged from the medical facilities or after hospitalization. The above theory marks the difference between medicine and nursing. According to the Need Theory, the main function of a nurse is to help people or individuals sick or well in the performance of different health activities that contributes to the recovery processes or healthy status (Judd & Sitzman, 2014). The Need Theory enables patients to develop a sense of responsibility in their recovery processes. As the patients become independent in their ways of thinking, it becomes easier for them to heal faster.

Nurses often apply the Need Theory to implement their excellent nursing practices. In most cases, nurses are required to facilitate the recovery or healing processes; therefore, while incorporating the need theory in their practice, they tend to enhance the healing processes both mentally and physically. While using the above theory, nurses also tend to monitor the recovery processes. In the process of implementing the need theory in the nursing practice, nurses tend to improve their skills and experiences and at the same time, improve the health of the patients. While incorporating the theory in the actual practice, nurses tend to improve the health of the people and also enhance the healing processes. The Need Theory fits my professional practice as it stipulates what I believe in; It has always been my belief that independent healing process encourages both mental and physical healing, and therefore, it is the best approach that nurses should employ in their practices. In my professional practice, I have always advocated for the patient's corporation in the treatment process; this theory, therefore, brings out this idea and facilitates my nursing approaches or practices.

Contribution of Nursing Figures

Historically, there are several personalities that have contributed immensely to nursing practices. The above nursing professionals have come up with different approaches that aim at improving the quality and accessibility to the medical or nursing services (Judd & Sitzman, 2014). One of the greatest nursing historical figures is Florence Nightingale; her contributions in nursing are immense; she is the nursing pioneer who advocated for the human and patient rights and formulated a model of advocacy; also she advocated for the concept of the holistic nursing. Florence brought evidenced-based to the poorest members of society (Sheingold & Hahn, 2014). Florence Nightingale increased the standards of care for all the patients through the introduction of nursing theories, and through his work, she marked the history during the Crimean war. Florence Nightingale promoted the concept of holistic nursing, the concept which continues to be employed to date. Another great personality in nursing practices is Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger contributes to different policies on birth control (Sheingold & Hahn, 2014). Having been brought up in poverty and lack of access to the adequate health care system, she advocated for the effective healthcare system and appropriate nursing theories that continue to be employed today.

The above two personalities have similarities and differences in their contributions. Florence Nightingale contributed immensely to the introduction of holistic approaches in the nursing practice at large (Sheingold & Hahn, 2014). She created a lot of professionalism in nursing practice. On the other hand, Margaret Sanger contribution was in the area of birth control. The contribution of both Florence Nightingale and Margaret Sanger has influenced my profession in nursing (Sheingold & Hahn, 2014). The holistic nursing, as well as the birth control procedures, continue to impact my practice in the nursing profession. The ideas of the above personalities continue to impacts my knowledge in nursing practice. In most cases, during the education program, several theories, as well as the concepts set up by these personalities, were more employed, a scenario that has greatly improved nursing practice at large (Judd & Sitzman, 2014).

The Functional Differences between the State Board of Nursing and the American Nurses Association (ANA)

The State Board of Nursing is the regulatory body and the state-specific licensing organization that set the standards for safe nursing care (American Nurses Association, 2010). It also decides on the scope of the practice within the nursing profession within its jurisdiction. The organization also issue licenses to competent and qualified nurses after undertaking successful training. The State Board of Nursing is present in every state, all the fifty states in the United States of America in addition to the District of Colombia, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands as well as the Northern Mariana Islands (American Nurses Association, 2010). All these regions have boards of nursing that jointly represent the member organizations that makes up the national organization. The State Board of Nursing often authorizes the use of licensing examinations; it approves the education programs for nurses that meet the conventional criteria. The State Board of Nursing offers advice to the legislatures on the legal scope of the nursing practices (American Nurses Association, 2010). The American Nurses Association is an organization that aims at protecting and advancing the practices of nursing. The organization started in the year 1896 (American Nurses Association, 2010). The organization operates to ensure promotion, protection, as well as the optimization of health and capabilities. Additionally, the American Nurses Association aims at preventing injuries and illnesses, elimination of suffering through the diagnosis as well as the treatment of human responses. American Nurses Association also enhances advocacy when it comes to the care of families, individuals, populations as well as communities.

Both the American Nurses Association and the State Board of Nursing influences my nursing practice. The standards set by the two organizations enables me to acquire further education and training programs, which in turn increases my skills. Specifically, the standards set by the American Nurses Association influences my skills and capabilities in as far as the provision of holistic nursing is concerned (Judd & Sitzman, 2014). The professional license renewal is a requirement for every nursing board in any state in the United States of America. In Florida, where I work as a nurse, the renewal is often done after every two years. Some of the requirements in the renewal processes include the completion of twenty-four contact hours. These number of hours must include one hour of HIV/AIDS training and education and two hours of medical error prevention (American Nurses Association, 2010). Also, every third renewal sometimes requires the completion of a domestic violence course, which usually takes two hours and a total of twenty-six hours for every third renewal (American Nurses Association, 2010). The license renewal fee usually stands at $154 in addition to the $100 fee for the dispensing practitioners (American Nurses Association, 2010).

In Florida, failure to maintain the license requirements sometimes seems gross. In most cases, the license is deemed irrelevant if the renewal is done. Also, the medical practitioner or the nurse may not be allowed to dispense duties to the patients as they will be considered unprofessional or incapable of discharging duties in every healthcare facility. In some other cases, if a nurse fails to renew license the license on time, and the failure is discovered early, the nurse may be deemed incompetent and at the end subject to the continuing education course which covers nursing practices acts as well as the importance of licensure. On the other hand, some licensing organizations or boards may place the nurse on probation for a specified duration. While in probation, the nurse will be frequently monitored by the licensing boards (American Nurses Association, 2010).

In compact states, nurses are given licenses by the boards which they can use to operate in multiple states. Currently, there are over 34 states that issue that above forms of licenses (Judd & Sitzman, 2014). On the other hand, in non-compact states, the boards of nursing require that licenses issues can only be used within that state.

Functional Differences between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMC)

The Food and Drug Administration agency is responsible for promoting and protecting public health through the supervision and control of food safety, dietary supplements, tobacco products, prescription of drugs, or medications. Also, the organization works to ensure that blood transfusion, vaccines, medical devices, and cosmetics are all used appropriately for the benefits of the patients. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is often empowered by the Congress to implement the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which was passed by the senators; this is always the primary focus of FDA. Also, the FDA enforces other different laws, specifically the Public Health Service Act as well as other similar organizations, most of which are related to food and drugs. Some of these regulations include control of lasers, condoms, cell phones, assisted reproduction, and sperm donation.

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMC) plays a role in administering the Medicare programs; it always works in collaboration with the state and Federal government to ensure the administration of Medicaid as well as the health insurance portability standards. Also, CMC operates in an attempt to implement legislation on health insurance policies passed by Congress. The above two regulation agencies, CMC and the FDA often influences the role of every nurse.

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