Paper on Enhancing Security and Employment Opportunities: A Contract Security Business Proposal

Published: 2023-11-08
Paper on Enhancing Security and Employment Opportunities: A Contract Security Business Proposal
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Employment Security
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 527 words
5 min read

Project Abstract

Security and unemployment are some of the major challenges that people face. Security refers to the measures that are undertaken to ensure the protection of a place or people (Fennelly, 2016). Security is paramount for people's peaceful co-existence; may it be at their homes, workplaces, or public places. This business is seeking to obtain a grant which will operate as start-up capital. It is a contract security business. Safety and security are part and parcel of everyday lives. The main objectives of this business are to provide security services and create employment among unemployed persons.

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This will improve the security and safety in our area and ensure that the lives of these people improve through employment. This proposal is written concerning the most recent statistics. Therefore, the business will implement the most advanced methods to ensure the security of our people. The business is requesting a grant of $15,000, which will be used to purchase equipment, train employees and paying salaries for the first year. Statement of Need

Residents of this area have severely complained about the insecurity that has been rampant for quite some time. The rate of unemployment is also on the rise considering the current economic situation that has been caused by the novel coronavirus (Fernandes, 2020). The majority of the companies and businesses have laid off their workers. Some of these jobless persons have resulted in social evils in the society. If this business is given the grant, it will be able to address these issues.

Project Implementation

This business will be legally registered as a contract security business, and it will abide by all state and federal laws. The business owner, who has acquired enough skills from the Colorado Technical University concerning security services, will use these skills to ensure the business's success.

In the business's initial stages, we will conduct aggressive marketing campaigns within the area to ensure that the business is visible to the public. Our campaign message will revolve around educating people on the importance of security and safety.

Goals and Objectives

This business has two main objectives. They include:

  1. Improving the living conditions of the people in the area through the creation of employment.
  2. Ensuring the security and safety of persons in the area.


This business is requesting a total of $15000. This amount will be used in the following manner

  • Equipment- $3000
  • Employee recruitment and training- $3000
  • Year one salaries- $5000
  • Others - $4000

Staffing and Organizational Structure

The owner will manage the daily activities of this business. Several other employees will include the security guards, who will be responsible for the security and safety implementation. To be recruited as security personnel, he or she must have some experience in the security industry, be of the age of majority, and be a self-driven individual. He or she should also have a heart for helping others in society. The business will be very strict with these qualifications and certifications during the recruitment process. This is because this business values service delivery.


Fennelly, L. J. (2012). Effective physical security. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Fernandes, N. (2020). Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) on the World Economy. SSRN Electronic Journal.

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Paper on Enhancing Security and Employment Opportunities: A Contract Security Business Proposal. (2023, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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