Paper on Unveiling Human Service Professional Practices: Shaping Success and Fostering Social Support

Published: 2023-12-19
Paper on Unveiling Human Service Professional Practices: Shaping Success and Fostering Social Support
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Sociology Security Human services
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 638 words
6 min read

Human service professionals' practice acts are developed to cater to human needs and problems associated with humans. These services are aimed at embracing diversification in an organization to its clients. These social service professional practice acts offer human service one-of-a-kind virtues and values. Human services ensure that honesty and professional ethics are upheld, which in return encourages customer and community welfare, enhancing professional growth. An article by Furman et al., 2020), featured in the European Journal of Social Work in August 2020, provides an insight into these human service professional acts. These acts are: scrutinizing the public/private gap, resisting neoliberalism and new managerialism, direct care, social support, social security, gender analysis, organizational processes, diversity, and inclusivity.

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The public/private gap - Scrutinizing this gap is one of the human professional practice acts to ensure an organization's success. Despite the workplace being a public place, it is a private space (Furman et al., 2020). Personal actions to enhance unity by workers, such as, in a conflict with a colleague, seeking out the colleague to solve the problem before involving others. If the one-to-one approach fails, the professional can then look for help from supervisors or human resources.

Resisting Neoliberalism and new managerialism - These are terms used to define a specific practice's last two decades. Neoliberalism in professionalism is associated with policies and standards set up in an organization. These standards in human services professional acts are responsible to employees, clients, colleagues, employers, the public, and the profession itself (Carnochan et al., 2017). Over the decades, these practices have been liberated. New managerialism promotes inconsistency in the service of leadership roles of an organization. When the leadership is changed from time to time, the employees are adversely affected because every management comes up with their policies required of the employees. Resisting this neo-liberalism and new managerialism protects the core values, procedures, and standards of an organization (Furman et al., 2020).

Direct care and social support – These practice acts to employees ensure organizational success. Setting up seminars, sporting activities, and therapy sessions to help workers overcome anxiety, and stress arising from work overload is essential. Direct support also entails embracing cultural diversity, which will build inter-employee-to-client relationships.

Offering Social Security - Sometimes, the organization's system tends to be deprived socially and materially of its services. A case of social injustice arises since there are no necessary materials to be used by the employees. Sometimes, these employees bear the cost of losses encountered. UK welfare has developed a model that ensures the economy's principles overpower social and material principles (Higgins, 2017). Although the model may disadvantage organizations, it offers social support to employees.

Gender analysis, organizational processes, diversity, and inclusivity - Gender issues can result in discriminative activities (Carnochan et al., 2017). Administrative procedures need to be detailed and easy to capture for all the workers to be at par for efficiency. Cultural and linguistic diversity are also issues that need to be addressed. This practice hinders cases of indiscriminative acts against persons of some culture or language.


In conclusion, emphasizing these human professional practice acts ensures excellent service quality and increased customer upshots. When social systems are dissatisfied, an organization undergoes stigmatizing, unresponsive, and ineffective services (Higgins, 2017). Looking into the re-invention of human services is vital because it helps in urgent and challenging tasks. Human professional practice acts to provide a framework for individual-professional and community-professional relations.


Carnochan, S., McBeath, B., & Austin, M. J. (2017) Managerial and frontline perspectives on the process of evidence-informed practice within human service organizations.

Furman, R., Gibelman, M., & Winnett, R. (2020) Navigating human service organizations: Essential information for thriving and surviving in agencies Oxford University Press

Higgins, B. (2017). Reinventing human services: Community-and family-centered practice. Routledge.

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Paper on Unveiling Human Service Professional Practices: Shaping Success and Fostering Social Support. (2023, Dec 19). Retrieved from

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