Paper Sampe on African-Linked Artifacts and the Clovis Culture: Exploring Global Significance

Published: 2023-10-16
Paper Sampe on African-Linked Artifacts and the Clovis Culture: Exploring Global Significance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Ancient history
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1285 words
11 min read

In conjunction to the first part of artifact analysis and contemplation of its manifestation, brings about the abrupt adventure of African-linked artifact along Canadian Pleistocene records one of the most excellent and utmost prompts of any culture even known during and after prehistoric times. The objects are based on religion as for this African-linked case; it brings about Clovis culture which has rapid growth rate due to the discovery and acquisition of exotic stones used together with the elemental sediments such as iron, ropes and jewellery. The habitual facet together with physical objects has a significant role in the manifestation of behaviors which it links up with geographical, social relations regional penetrability amongst portable archeologist inhabitants. This essay will vividly examine, assesses and analyzes the integration of the earlier researched African-linked artifact about people's culture and locality across the globe.

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According to various explicit studies and research shows that African-linked ornamental work results in the prompt archeological adventure of sociological globalization in terms of Clovis artifacts along with North American brochures just like ornaments in the textile museum has led to a progressive expansion of various norms known since prehistoric time (Goebel et al. 43). Recent appraisals show that the emergence of Clovis culture in West America ranges from 13,500 to 12,800 standardized years before the current one and in East America which amounts to about twelve thousand five hundred calBP (Ferring and Gingerich 69). In consideration to the prehistoric artifacts production dates, Clovis tools such as fluted lancelet, missile points, impelled and jagged end-scrapper, animal bones, ivory dowels make up the initial artifacts obtained from North America.

Additionally, the study states that the long-asserted seal of Clovis culture, which is accompanied by a high growth rate in acquiring exotic stones is majorly used in the production of outfits (Speth et al.). Due to devoid in the inadequacy of hard evidence, the acquisition of exotic stone on Clovis culture leave majority in suspense, whether it was acquired indirectly which insinuates the sand passes through a series of steps between intercessors or foundation and operators (Ellis, 201), or if it was purchased directly which mentions that the Clovis fragments obtained stones themselves. Concerning direct attainment, it still leaves people with a series of the question whether its accomplishment was as a result of the collision of bands or was as an impact of long-distance slogs to the cradle.

Even though there is the existence of archeological equity for materials which correlates with various diverse potentials, the rapid growth of culture depends on the validity of long-distance attainment of nuggets regardless of steps followed .in acquiring it. Low concentration of Clovis in Northern America leads to a corresponding decrease in the population density within the states as the authentication of learning stones pave the way for the introduction of substandard topographical wide-spread societal interaction and territorial penetrability among stalkers culture. When considering peeling tools designs as an example, it seems to assume the global regulation of Clovis machinery even though having direct and frequent artwork skills. The implication of societal social network in which physical assets are swapped between mobile hunters is an alternative option of acquiring long-distance artefacts through clutches and mediators.

Acquisition of ornaments made from stones as an artifact may face a noteworthy hindrance invalidating the production process of long-distance stone which connects archeological position to specific protrusion. Simulated documentation of raw materials used in making Clovis ornaments relies on the qualitative narrative of macroscopic and infinitesimal properties. The two properties have various challenges in the production of Clovis tools and stones as it is limited in the provision of distinctive features of the artifacts thus leading to difficulties in the naming of various ornaments and tools. Furthermore, documentation of objects that is, stones and element pigments such as iron, calcium among others based on their physical properties tend to be difficult and tedious in differentiating them into their constituent elements (Luedtke 57). Experimental results of both macroscopic and microscopic tests seem to be abnormal and give difficulties in relating typologies and environmental authenticity. The complications in the actual natal and identification of this relic condense its extensive artistes the decisive essences of thought-wise discrepancies hereafter the predominant worldwide misperception. The performers were utterly incapable of making up their attentions correctly among advanced progress, imaginative description, and creative construction of the garnish, in addition to the loss of focus on the ornamental’s final requests (Emma 68).

According to various studies, the following are the mitigating measures which should be undertaken towards uncertainties in the naming and identification of multiple artifacts: the archeologist should embrace trace-element analysis for each Clovis stones and pigments. This method is majorly used in the identification of obsidian objects due to the consistency of the chemicals used in the identification of elements produce a distinctive property similar to those of obsidian. Even though obsidian being standard and readily available method, it has some defects when used in documenting macroscopic elements as it gives low results.

Determination of the origin of sourcing apparatus from diagrams and other cryptocrystalline silicates and the required raw material for the production of Clovis ornaments experiences serious challenge on production process due to heterogeneity and overlay of the chemical configuration of the artifacts. According to the study, the problems examined from the chemical composition of objects leaves North America as the most dominant content with a high number of Clovis long-distance stone ranging from seventy-five to eighty per cent and white river silicate dominating at northern Colorado four hundred and fifty kilometers west of Eckles (Holen). The study results suggest that the initial geochemical analysis supports the theory of Clovis and African-linked artifacts, and most of Paleo artifacts are produced from Wyandotte's map. Due dominance in the production of the long-distance Clovis stones in western America and Canada, geochemical properties of objects supports the creation of ornaments but has week assumption on the production of exotic stones as it depends on either direct or indirect approaches thus paving broader communal interaction limits. Basing our thoughts on the study results, direct procurement of artefacts by humanoid and ferrying by groups seems to be the best mitigating measure on the artifact production process. Subsidiary attainment, on the other hand, cannot be dismissed even though it has limited sources of artifact production since it can be manipulated through logistical forays and becomes useful to some extent.


When direct estimation attainment is geared up, it was noted that some of the Canadian caves cost less than the ones in America which have two carcasses missile with broad tips which could be quickly apprehended as a reserve. In a nutshell, artifact sourcing methodologies seems to understand by experts only who has better knowledge and skills on raw material handling across the globe.

Works Cited

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Paper Sampe on African-Linked Artifacts and the Clovis Culture: Exploring Global Significance. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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