Paper Sample: A Guide to Effective Article Search Strategies

Published: 2023-12-09
Paper Sample: A Guide to Effective Article Search Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 702 words
6 min read

Finding articles includes the use of various approaches to identify the right articles to be utilized for the topic. In the current search guide, the topic includes Interpersonal communication.

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One needs to use the start of your search, which is found on the library homage. It allows the search throughout the article and book databases simultaneously. The majority of the article databases are not involved in the particular search tool (Callahan, 2020). To establish the most appropriate resources for the interpersonal communication topic, one may be required to visit the directly particular database.

Establishing the most appropriate databases for the research topic requires numerous steps. First, the general article databases were found to be helpful to a place that allows starting because they integrate both scholarly and popular journal titles that cover several disciplines. The next action in this stage includes merely choosing one of the identified databases and typing in the keywords to start in the search for appropriate articles.

The second step includes browsing for databases based on a given subject, including communication, if one aims at digging deeper into the resources that cover a particular discipline. When one expresses doubts regarding the given subject to choose, they need to look for the academic department that which the class is found to be listed. Once a subject is selected, the topic is then explored in one or two of the databases recommended for the search listed at the top of the subject list.

The third step requires browsing for databases based on the type if one wants to establish other format types, including newspapers, encyclopedias, statistics, government information, images, etc. Suppose a person has a citation for an article. In that case, the citation linker looks throughout multiple databases to establish whether there is access to the given article in a journal on the library shelves or online. If one fails to have the required information, they need to attempt googling the article's author's name and title.

Library search usually offers a single search box for the library sources and provides a feature such as my favorite, where one potentially save findings to allow for easy retrieval. Searching for the tile of a given resource, including a database, eBook, or journal, needs to unearth the item under research or new the findings' topic. Alternatively, one can restrict the search by the type of resource. Certain articles can be found through the use of Library Search, by searching for the title of the article and accessing all the electronic sources (Edmunds & Enriquez, 2020). Library search also allows search throughout several collections or databases. It means that a search can take place across massive resources at the same time. Besides, a search can be limited by creation date, subject, author, journal title, collection, and language, and allows one to refine and concentrate the research.

The library search usually assumes that one is searching for the overall words typed unless one combines or excludes phrases and words by using “NOT” or "OR." It is important to use double quotation marks that allow search for a given phrase such as interpersonal communication. When one wants to search for words with varying endings, it is important to apply an asterisk after the root of a given word (Schultheiß et al., 2020). For instance, comm* can help to find communication words.

After the search has been done and the articles identified, it is important to save them in a library search (Schultheiß et al., 2020). They can be saved to favorites where one needs to be signed in by clicking the sign-in link. An item is added to the "My Favorites” area, and articles are organized by assigning a tag that includes a meaningful phrase or word.


Callahan, B. (2020). LibGuides: Session Laws Library: Searching.

Edmunds, J., & Enriquez, A. (2s020). Increasing Visibility of Open Access Materials in a Library Catalog: Case Study at a Large Academic Research Library. DOI: 10.31229/

Schultheiß, S., Linhart, A., Behnert, C., Rulik, I., & Lewandowski, D. (2020). Known-item searches and search tactics in library search systems: Results from four transaction log analysis studies. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5), 102202.

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