Paper Sample on Amazon in China

Published: 2024-01-10
Paper Sample on Amazon in China
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Amazon
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1652 words
14 min read


Amazon moved into the Chinese marketplace with no clear comprehension of what the e-market industry exhibited. It loomed Chinese people in a similar way several other American firms have already done. Amazon entered the Chinese industry by acquiring in 2005 for about $70 million (Dolata, 2017). During its first year of expansion in China, the company worked under the domain of and focused on goods such as CDs and books, making the change very seamless into the market of China. In 2008 amazon eventually altered the domain to its brand name and enhanced its offering to baby-related items and electronics.

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Failure of Amazon in China

Though amazon attempted to seriously replicate customer experience and ultimately enter China's market, through developing from an online store of books to a force of e-commerce, Amazon miscarried to attain its extension and fight to attain grip in China.


Amazon Company made several faults during its expansion, and mostly Amazon tried to fit its working western commerce approach to market china. The Chinese market consumers demanded various things because of traditional diversities between the American and Chinese markets, majorly preventing e-business. Further, there was a battle between China and amazon's government, resulting in some censorship and responsibility to rule by communist regulations and laws (Wu & Gereffi, 2018). Besides that, amazon further fails to utilize social media platforms to increase sales, lack comprehension of the china market, and deepen relationships with China's government and local commerce partners.

Amazon additionally encountered aggressive competition, with organizations such as Alibaba and EachNet. The eBay EachNet, which is the current name, was rebranded after eBay invested in the business. Its major operations are grounded on service-based e-business methodology whereby the firm offers online websites others may utilize to purchase and sell products. The group of Alibaba is a company owned by a Chinese citizen. The major business of Alibaba involves a business to business platform. Simultaneously, is a straight sale retailer with the same approach as Amazon and a significant competitor of amazon in online business in china and globally (Pacheco et al., 2016). Finally, because of geographical and financial existent from place to place, Amazon failed to safeguard China's operations and make successful innovative policies fully.

Learning Points of Amazon

Amazon to achieve desired to recalibrate its competitive advantages, which worked best in websites, and services to china consumers. One instance of this was the first payment challenge since several consumers were unwilling to pay for goods beforehand. Amazon to get the latest methodology and execute the money on delivery option (De Souza Sampaio et al., 2019). Besides the payment method, amazon also had to adapt its logistics operations by handling deliveries at home by employing workers to transport the retail. Therefore, all those trials may never be enough because of disparities in geography and finance. Another significant achievement depends on Amazon's accumulating incremental benefits, sudden innovations, and attaining its competitiveness in the numerical act (De Souza Sampaio et al., 2019). Finally, despite Amazon’s early efforts and investment, as the digital industry in China and globally keeps expanding quickly, the latest innovations may emerge obsolete prior they are completely executed. Thus, amazon requires maintaining agile concerning the latest difficulties that may appear and evolving rapidly with the latest innovative policies.

Sensible Choices

Amazon made operational decisions in its new markets, for instance, in Asia, where the company invested huge from the beginning to attain market stocks. The firm insured the market's competitive strategy since many market players, like eBay, entered the Asian market. Amazon actualizes the competitive policy through, as an instance, being the initial organization to release the following day delivery followed by others (Wayne, 2018). The company never started late in the Asian market, although many organizations were still developing by taking advantage of Asia countries' rapid development.

China's e-commerce market is amongst the largest globally, while Alibaba controlled about 75% of market shares in Asian countries through the launch of Taobao and Tmall (Wayne, 2018). On the other hand, Amazon entered the Asian market by acquiring the Company, and the firm begins operating the trade under the Joyo domain. Their policy was not antagonistic like other new markets and very slow to the position, despite the efforts and investments for competing, such as according to customers who never expected a refund for product difference whose competitors undercut the cost of Amazon by about five (Wayne, 2018). Their market erected at just 4%, though with developing chances that China represents for the e-commerce industry, Amazon's CEO is very positive for Amazon's forthcoming.

Brazil joined China and India as among the globe’s biggest new markets, along with a bigger percentage of the inhabitants, uses a mobile phone in making payments. Thus, the nation has many levy codes, work laws, and other policies, making market entry procedures very difficult. Also, the infrastructures are not completed making the delivery operation of amazon hard. Amazon joined the Brazil market in 2012 for the first time and launched a Kindle app after profound negotiation with Brazil publishers who desired to control the cost in fear of aggressive discounting policies of the company (Nobre et al., 2016). Amazon managed to stay in rivalry with about 35 publishers with books in English and other languages. The organization began offering free transportation for its Kindle goods. Through these moves, the firm may expect a good future for its good steps in the country.

Several aspects made it difficult for the company to increase its stocks in the market of China. Concerning the operations of logistics, the strategy of Amazon was so sensible. When the company entered the Chinese market, the service of logistics in china was very poor. Amazon made a good and smart decision by establishing a delivery group from its employees. The company hired drivers who make many deliveries through their cars (Nobre et al., 2016). Due to this, the company has been capable of delivering rapid and fulfill orders on exclusive events such as New Year, Christmas, and public holidays.

Nonetheless, Amazon Company still encountered fierce rivalry. Its rivalries have further invested in their networks of supplies. Amazon is not fruitful in countries like China, and it requires distinguishing itself further to be capable of increasing its stock in China's market. Amazon minimized its risk and claimed its share in the market of Brazil by introducing the online store. Due to poor infrastructure, the company outsourced its transportation to domestic firms (Nobre et al., 2016). However, the company could avoid all the costs and risks by leaving transportation to Brazilians. Among the smart and good moves by the company is that it is not offering publisher discounts. The present discount percentage is very low as compared to the ones of competitors. Amazon Company has never been demanding in its discount negotiation for obtaining manuscripts from publishers of Brazil (Nobre et al., 2016). This policy has allowed amazon to ratify agreements with over fifty editors.

Emerging Markets

It is hard to comprehend precisely the achievement rate of developing markets that is never an issue for developed markets. The GDP majorly emphasizes financial growth. Markets must never be perceived as emerged or emerging basing on this only. A good way of measuring how much nations have advanced is one that considers socio-financial performance. The GDP as a socio-economic growth indicator is always a poor indicator of this performance (Hanrahan et al., 2019). It is, at worst unable to include any maintainable considerations and growth once the measurement occurs in non-monetary terms.

To measure the attainment in new markets, a firm must, initially, be capable of rapidly deploying its resources. Since the market transforms quickly in the nations, organizations require being ready to transform rapidly (Hanrahan et al., 2019). The rivalry may be fierce firms based there are overall capable of relocating their wealth between units quickly than organizations in industrialized countries. Also, for a company to succeed, it has to; manage affordability by reaching the people. The company must be ubiquitous, invest in supplies, create strong company brands and durability, and finally utilize the policy of playing to win and get the fights properly (Hanrahan et al., 2019). These are the fields where the firms and investors must measure success.

Competitive Landscape in China

When joining developing markets, international companies must also actively engage in domestic markets' growth instead of just adapting. Several international companies are getting their competitors in these new markets: local companies and no other international companies. Diverse companies offering e-commerce and home appliances services dominate in their emerging local markets like India and China (Hanrahan et al., 2019). In several scenarios, the truth that domestic firms have been outshining international firms may not be blamed on protectionists’ rules or one-sided rivalry.

Hanrahan et al. (2019). offered a lot of affirmation of domestics winning in different new markets and led people to discover the reasons behind them. It was established that three major aspects for why domestics markets are the winners outshining the international companies: first, the local firms are leveraging the technologies and skills at home; second local companies may turn rapidly to consecutive shifts that mean trials by international companies in adapting to domestic market lag behind growths; third is that the domestic integration offers a dual residence group benefit. Jointly, these three aspects make the local companies a big force to be figured.


Thus, the company must diversify and enter extra new markets as soon as possible. The strategy of expansion must target new markets in parts of African as well as Asia.By enhancing its development and strategy of expansion. The objective of several organizations or international firms is to expand and increase their development capability. In that scenario, Amazon Company must enter extra new markets with an immediate effect. Due to Amazon's success outside the American market system (Nobre et al., 2016). It has been below the projection, particularly in new markets like Asia, which encountered a huge rivalry from competitor Alibaba.

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Paper Sample on Amazon in China. (2024, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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