Paper Sample on Capacity Building in Myanmar Parliament: Enhancing Staff Efficiency and Effectiveness

Published: 2023-12-04
Paper Sample on Capacity Building in Myanmar Parliament: Enhancing Staff Efficiency and Effectiveness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Government
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1656 words
14 min read

Introduction of the Study

Capacity building is a significant activity in all the elements of the professional life of the parliamentary staff of Myanmar. Each day, individuals encounter new circumstances that oblige them to respond suitably. Capacity building is crucial to parliament because it will help the parliament to have well-trained workers who are prepared to perform their jobs. Education and training of the parliamentary staff will help enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the parliament. Capacity building might relate to nearly every element of parliamentary work through administration, leadership, governance, development and implementation of the program, and partnership and collaboration.

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In Myanmar parliament, most parliamentary staff enter the workforce annually and require training to assist them in grasping their specific roles in the municipality. The current staff requires to be capacitated due to the quickly expanding technology and growth of knowledge necessitates continual retraining of experienced employees to perform the new tasks. The growth of this parliament in vast, complex operations whose structures are dynamic makes it essential for the staff to be prepared for more demanding services thus enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the parliament.

Continuous parliamentary strengthening efforts concentrate on building the capacity of the parliament in staffing and infrastructure such as establishing the library resources. The parliamentary committees assume the roles of proper strengthening mechanisms for members of parliaments (MPs) to enhance their information and managerial needs and want. However, for Myanmar’s parliament to carry on its assertive role, building new capacity will be as crucial as building internal capacity (Thuzar 2013).

Background of the Study

Building capacity in the fields where it has been selected to work is the mission, vision, and goals of the Myanmar parliament. In the earlier years, the parliament has enrolled the staff into capacity-building programs that offer job training and education. Capacity building has evolved as crucial to the success of contemporary organizations such as parliaments. Training is instrumental in nurturing and bolstering these competencies. Also, quickly changing technologies necessitate that workers incessantly hone their skills, knowledge, and abilities to tolerate processes and systems.

The effectiveness of parliament relies on the efficiency and effectiveness of its staff. The effective and efficient performance of the labor force is based on the abundance of the skills, knowledge, and abilities characterized by the labor force. Capacity building and development in parliament is an incessant act. The inevitable march of time and the continuous agitating for social change integrated to make adaptability and continuous preparation of the labor force as unavoidable as the acquisition of knowledge and skills. This cannot occur if the capacity building of the staff does not happen in a parliament. To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the parliament, every highly ranked staff has the duty and obligation to guarantee that the development of their workers who have the necessary knowledge and expertise.

Capacity building can be compared to sharpening a skill to replicate the trends in technology and other changes in Parliament. Productivity is the ultimate goal of ensuring high performance of the parliament and capacity building can be an accelerator to improve productivity. The aim is to ensure they contribute their gauge to the development of parliament. The objective of capacity building is to raise the efficiency of parliamentary staff with the subsequent increase in parliament productivity. This explains why a significant number of time and funds is anticipated in one financial year in parliament to enhance the skills of its staff at different levels.

Capacity building aims at equipping the workers with the knowledge necessitated to qualify them for a certain job title or to enhance their skills and efficiency in the position that they already have. The development of manpower depicts the growth and acquisition of wide experience of strategic advantages of parliament. Capacity building and development enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the parliamentary staff. Hence, the aim of the study is to understand the present state, procedure, and technique of capacity building used by the Myanmar parliament for their staff and it is important not to ignore the fact that any organization that has no plan for capacity building of its workers is less than dynamic for learning is a ceaseless process and amassed skills get obsolete when there is a change in the environment. Furthermore, a famous caption in Management of personnel argues that in case one thinks capacity building and development are costly, one should attempt ignorance. Whereas capacity building and development will catapult the effectiveness of parliament, ignorance will destroy it. Hence, staff just like machines require to be updated frequently or else, they will end up out-of-date. This research assesses the building of parliamentary staff in Myanmar.

Statement of the Problem

The area of jurisdiction of the Myanmar parliament faces low effectiveness and efficiency of the parliamentary staff. However, the key challenge is that most of the workers possess low-level skills and knowledge that negatively impact the service delivery substantially. This is in consideration of how poorly the capacity-building programs have been coordinated. The good news is that the government of Myanmar can allocate enough capital to cater for training and workshops to surmount the issue if tapped, activated, and well-channeled. This research is associated with the capacity building of workers in the Myanmar parliament and is deliberated to discover the efficiency and effectiveness of the capacity building program in the Myanmar parliament.

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to assess the capacity building of parliamentary staff in Myanmar. The general objective of the study is to explore the effect of capacity building on the operational capacities of staff in a public sector organization, a case study of the Myanmar parliament. The specific objectives are:

i. To determine the effect of capacity building on parliamentary staff.
ii. To present the problems facing the capacity building of parliamentary staff in the Myanmar parliament.
iii. To assess the benefits of capacity building on employees and Myanmar as an employer.
iv. To provide the likely suggestions on the policies.

The Hypothesis of the Study

The hypothesis of the study is highlighted below:

Hypothesis 1

Ho: Capacity building does not contribute positively to staff performance in the Myanmar parliament

Hi: Capacity building contributes positively to staff performance in the Myanmar parliament.

Hypothesis 2

Ho: There is no significant relationship between human capital training and staff performance in the Myanmar parliament.

Hi: There is a significant relationship between human capital training and staff performance in the Myanmar parliament.

Scope of the Study

The study covers the effect of capacity building on the operational capacities of staff in a public sector organization, a case study of the Myanmar parliament. The basis for the case study is to demonstrate if there has been any substantial impact of capacity building on public sector performance in the Myanmar parliament.

Significance of the Study

The research will be advantageous to all public sector organizations particularly the Myanmar parliament and their staff as it stresses the need and emboldens the establishment of policy guidelines on the effective and efficient capacity-building program. It will assist managers of many organizations to generate notions and solutions to issues grounded on the appropriate way to run capacity building in their institution to attain the desired aims and objectives. The study will be significant to the government, parastatals, and firms. Also, the study will assist scholars to know more about capacity-building programs as a tool for enhancing the performance of staff. Ultimately, it will be significant to students as a resource and will form the foundation for more research studies.

Definitions of Terms

Capacity: Planned increase of the rate of out, knowledge, management, skills, and other capabilities of an organization via reimbursements, technology, and incentives.

Organization: A social unit of individuals that is structured in a systematic way and administered to satisfy a need or pursue collective objectives continuously. One of the characteristics of organizations is that they constitute a management structure that evaluates the relationship between functions and positions and designates the duties and responsibilities to conduct the specified tasks.

Performance: The attainment of a designated task gauged against the recognized standards of precision, expense, and pace. Performance is perceived to be the attainment of an obligation in a way that releases the performer from the liabilities within the contract.

Organization of the Study

The dissertation is broken down into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the dissertation. It starts with the description of the research, and background information, particularly the capacity building for parliamentary staff in Myanmar. It is preceded by the statement of problem obvious by the relationship between capacity building and the efficiency and effectiveness of parliamentary staff. The third section of the chapter is the aim and objectives of the study. Also, the chapter highlights the significance and scope of the study and describes common concepts to allow the audience to understand the dissertation well. The final section is the structure of the dissertation which gives the audience an overview of every chapter.

Chapter two provides a review of the literature on the capacity building of parliamentary staff in Myanmar. The introduction section of the chapter will provide an overview of the subtopics that will be discussed. The empirical framework of the chapter will discuss definitions of concepts, benefits of capacity building to the parliamentary staff, benefits of capacity building to Myanmar parliament as an employer, organizational strengthening activities and capacity, the impact of administrative structures, and monetary rewards on public sector performance. The theoretical framework of the chapter will strive to explore the theories that relate to the impact of capacity building on the efficiency and effectiveness of parliamentary staff. The conceptual framework of the chapter will provide a visual or graphical representation of the concepts on the topic under study.

Chapter Five will explore a summary of findings, conclusions, implications for practice, recommendations of the study, limitations of the study, and recommendations for further research.

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Paper Sample on Capacity Building in Myanmar Parliament: Enhancing Staff Efficiency and Effectiveness. (2023, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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