Paper Sample on Educational Plan in Community

Published: 2024-01-03
Paper Sample on Educational Plan in Community
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Community health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1041 words
9 min read


In the process of integration of health literacy on the broader community and non-conventional healthcare settings, the educators must work together with the community players (Sato et al., 2020). Such educational plans within the community often enhance the skills and cognitive potencies of diverse groups of societal participants. They may be equipped with practical skills in managing and proactively preparing for chronic conditions and public health concerns. Through collaborative efforts involving educational and health experts, individuals in the non-conventional settings are encouraged to work through social constructivism towards lifelong management, prevention, care and intervention of health conditions through societally-acceptable frameworks. This layout presents a case for the educational process involving the issue of community and individual mental health.

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Educational Programs

According to, the topics included in the Community-based educational and health program include Chronic diseases, injury and violence prevention, Mental illness/behavioral health; Unintended pregnancy; Oral health; Tobacco use; Substance abuse; Nutrition; Physical activity; and Obesity prevention (Sato et al., 2020). The critical roles played by the program include health improvement, disease and injury prevention and life quality enhancement. Since 2010, the community-based programs have set out strategies that assist in health outcome improvement according to the objectives set out by (Lara et al., 2018). The methods intend to reach people outside of the traditional healthcare sectors, including Schools, Worksites, and Communities.

The programs intend to reach the community through their existing social structures. The use of such existing structures ensures maximum societal impact while reducing the resources and time needed in program implementation (Lara et al., 2018). Individuals and groups targeted through these educational systems often possess close contact, both indirectly and directly. As such, the program believes in the leveraging of community factors and systems in healthcare improvement instead of the reliance of a properly functioning medical care systems. The societal players must change their social, organization political and physical environments while intending to improve their overall health. As a collaborative unit including experts and community players, the organizations aim to improve health outcomes through shared norms, belief systems and attitudes (Lara et al., 2018).

Method of Instruction

The primary method of instruction for this educational plan shall be the use of participatory group work. Through community and expert facilitation, the community players shall be allowed to engage in open discussion sessions that leverage the skills of both the community individuals and health practitioners. While lectures may be employed at specific points while explaining the technical concepts in mental health, most of the educational experience shall involve collaborative learning through social constructivism and connectivism (Lara et al., 2018). The facilitators shall encourage closer interactions of the pre-existing social structures.

The facilitators shall plan the instruction times both through online and face-to-face educational situations to ensure proper engagement and participation. The face-to-face situations shall be organized over the weekends and in the evenings at the convenience of the majority of participants.

Formative assessment – as the aim of this learning process is not to take tests or attain specific qualifications, the assessment approach shall be process and improvement-based. The participants shall be assisted through their zones of proximal development through the process and task feedback. The assessment process is completely low-stakes. It is solely focused on helping improve the understanding of the individuals around the concepts.

Literacy Information

The educational process shall target a diversely constituted community setting. This population comprises individuals from all levels of education, profession and ages. Community leaders shall work alongside the experts in guiding the interactions of the educational plans. Also, youth populations shall be intensely engaged in educational processes. These youths are often deemed as the most vulnerable groups in the mental illness conversation. They are differently proficient in both formal and informal education (Reder, 2019). The demographics also consist of either gender and with different ethnical backgrounds and technological proficiency.

The literacy levels of the participants shall be diverse and complex. The program shall be offered to individuals and groups with a varying educational and technological background. While the youths are technology savvy, the older individuals are more traditional and reserved with technological prowess (Reder, 2019).

The literacy levels must thus be considered intimately by the community health education programs in the process of devising teaching and learning contexts. The language of instruction and mode of delivery is affected by the literacy levels of the participants. Furthermore, the educational theories used must depend on the perceived abilities of such diverse demographics.

Literacy Considerations

From the diverse population targeted, the facilitation should aim at a heterogeneous grouping of the individuals (Lara et al., 2018). Heterogeneous groups aim to incorporate the different abilities of the community. Their learning processes shall be based on differentiated grouping of community learners based on their zones of proximal development. It must be recognized that individuals with diverse abilities, preferences, interests and learning profiles experience educational situations differently. Differentiated instruction thereby helps to leverage the groups with such differences in diversity while allowing them opportunities to collaborate with new demographics (Sato et al., 2020).

Learning-by-doing is one of the most relevant educational approaches that assist in ensuring constructive learning processes in community-based health learning programs. As such, the nursing experts must collaborate with the community leaders and provide project-based learning for all the community participants.


The present brief analysis represents a community-based educational plan that intends to assist in a community learning process around mental health and wellness. The author also attempted to outline the learning plan for this educational program. As in most educational systems, the literacy levels of learners determine the educational theories that shall be ideal for the learning context. In the present context, social constructivism and differentiated learning approaches are the ideal techniques.


Lara, C. S., Crispín, A. F., & Téllez, M. C. L. (2018). Participatory rural appraisal as an educational tool to empower sustainable community processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4254–4262.

Reder, S. (2019). Developmental Trajectories of Adult Education Students. The Wiley Handbook of Adult Literacy, 429–450.

Sato, K., Ikeda, T., Watanabe, R., Kondo, N., Kawachi, I., & Kondo, K. (2020). Intensity of community-based programs by long-term care insurers and the likelihood of frailty: Multilevel analysis of older Japanese adults. Social Science & Medicine, 245, 112701.

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