Paper Sample on Exploring Product Design Processes: Student Perspectives and Problem Solving

Published: 2023-10-16
Paper Sample on Exploring Product Design Processes: Student Perspectives and Problem Solving
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Management Students Customer service
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 460 words
4 min read


I support the assertions raised by the two students on matters regarding the product design. They have highlighted that the design process covers the imagination and creation of a product that is expected to offer a solution to the end-users problems providing a solution to a given issue (Geissdoerfer et al., 2016). The students have highlighted that the success of product design involves first understanding a consumer, their problems through the utilization of their behavior, needs, and habits.

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Taylor’s Response

I support the statements made by Taylor that have highlighted the efforts being made by Starbucks Coffee Company to find a solution to a prevailing situation in the market. The author has stated the various steps that are followed in the process of product design. At the end of the design process, it is essential to build a prototype that is followed by the testing of the solutions raised.

Jennifer’s Response

Jennifer has worked on stating a product design process, which is offering a solution to the knowledge gap that students have in their learning process. Most of the materials they are using are based on European information, showing that there is a need to explore details about other parts of the world. Some of the solutions offered include visiting Lake Victoria and the Zuma rocks (Iyer-Ahrestani, 2015). In this case, the student has managed to fully implement the processes of the product design from start to the end.

My Paper

There is a high correlation between the product design processes taken by Taylor and Jennifer and what I have provided. My design process is a simple one making it easier for a reader to understand how to undertake the product design process. I have managed to highlight a problem in the market and what can be done to resolve the issue. After reading the students’ designs, it can be noted that the main concept in the design process of first understanding a problem that the end-users are experiencing and follow the various steps of the design process to generate a solution (Prudhomme van Reine, 2017).


Geissdoerfer, M., Bocken, N. M., & Hultink, E. J. (2016). Design thinking to enhance the sustainable business modeling process–A workshop based on a value mapping process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 12181232.

Iyer-Ahrestani, S. (2015). Investing in Africa: It’s No Longer Just About Natural Resources. Investment Advisor, 35(12), 20–21. Retrieved from

Prudhomme van Reine, P. (2017). The culture of design thinking for innovation. Journal of Innovation Management, 5(2), 56-80.

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Paper Sample on Exploring Product Design Processes: Student Perspectives and Problem Solving. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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