Paper Sample on Surviving Abuse: A Personal Journey of Resilience, Seeking Justice, and Rebuilding

Published: 2023-12-20
Paper Sample on Surviving Abuse: A Personal Journey of Resilience, Seeking Justice, and Rebuilding
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Abuse Justice Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 720 words
6 min read

When I woke up every day, I usually felt like had a better and more peaceful day, but this was not always the case. They felt like hallucinations because my abuser would ensure that he did something to me. As a result of the continued assault, I suffered a severe injury on my left distal wrist, which fractured. Since then, I have lost the full function of my left arm. I am still going to my doctor for physical therapy, and he expressed fear that I might not regain the full strength of my arm again. I used to like playing basketball as one of my hobbies until my abuser interfered with my wrist because of repeated physical attacks. Due to this, I cannot play again, lest I risk getting hurt more in the arms. Also, because of the continuous assaults, my body has become weak, and cannot effectively perform even my house chores.

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I believe that I have been killed emotionally. Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I feel I am not the same again. I have weird feelings and beliefs about myself and how other people perceive me. I no longer feel happy in our home because it is the place I get abused every day. At work, I no longer perform my duties like I used to do, and my office performance has drastically reduced. Also, my lifestyle has changed because of the abuses. Initially, I used to eat well and have a healthy life, but I have lost my appetite for food nowadays. I have lost emotional touch with my friends, children, and even relatives because of fear of what they will see me. My abuser has attacked me in almost all the rooms in my house, and emotionally, I have disliked the place altogether. Because of all these, I decided to move to court to be granted custody of our three children. Fortunately, the court heard my plea, and I was granted an emergency permanent order of protection. He was, however, granted one-year probation.

My abuser continued his acts, and I decided to relocate. He traced me and shot my residence while he was still on probation. I decided to move away again from my new home and settle in domestic violence shelters to hide from my abuser. While I was hiding, the school administration where my children were learning notified me that my abuser went to school to look for the children whose custody I was granted. The school notified the police, and he ran away. The officers took a statement from the school, which can be availed to you. He was arrested for this act one month later, but my abuser took only 20 hours in the cell and was released on bond. He is still hunting for me as he is contacting my friends and relatives for my whereabouts. I started to develop stress disorders, and I even felt depressed. I decided to visit a psychiatrist and a counselor who gave me advice on what I should do.

Financially, I have endured massive losses. As I stated earlier, I suffered a fractured left distal radial wrist, which was not covered in my health assurance policy, and I have to settle that amount from my pocket. The cost of counseling and therapies I have been attending have grown and I am no longer able to pay for them. As a result, I have accrued a lot of debt. My abuser destroyed most of my furniture while shooting at my new residence, and I incurred substantial financial losses. In the course of shooting, he destroyed my 42-inch television and a refrigerator, which cost me a lot of money. They can no longer function. Besides, I have been paying school fees for my children all this time, which has further strained me financially. Nevertheless, I have lost income in the course of my absence from work because of the injuries I sustained during the abuses. I have also incurred financial losses during my relocations to new residences.

Therefore, I believe that it would be in the best interest of this honorable court to look at my plea with a gentle heart considering my condition and the issues I have raised in my statement and the evidence presented to help in your final judgment.

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Paper Sample on Surviving Abuse: A Personal Journey of Resilience, Seeking Justice, and Rebuilding. (2023, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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