Parental Rights to the Children - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-13
Parental Rights to the Children - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family Parenting
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 903 words
8 min read

Having bestowed Parental obligation is an essential responsibility that no parent should take it for granted. It offers legal authority to the parents in deciding about significant traits of their children's life. These aspects could comprise career mentorship for a directive career path mimicking his/her talent or passion, education process, spiritual development on strong faith, and the ecosystem the child resides.

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It is vital to consider the child's ability depending on his/her capabilities about passion and talent when deciding the naturing career path for the child. Ex felon has the obligation as a parent to try gaining back the parental rights to her child after coming out of the custody. The child oughts to get parental directive in deciding what he is passionate about through identifying the appropriate characteristics of the child that match with the possible future career path (Perry-Jenkins et al., 2020). Parents efficiently contribute a large percentage in modeling the child through brain development comes from numerous aspects concerning a child's psychological abilities. If she regains the rights to her son, she will best determine the child's abilities like handling difficult tasks like engineers, working in an organized environment like personnel in the medical field, and a mixture of the two. Doing so will help the child brain development that effectively assists in future career and ensure credibility and competency in his/her profession.Getting back the parental rights to her son will base the arguments that the child owes his mother the best education that contributes to his future endeavors. The child could be taken care of by the guardian, who has the potential to educate the child or fail to have the financial abilities to offer the best education that his mother anticipated to have for her son. Release from custody acts as an opportunity to get educational rights for her son (Ludeke et al., 2020). Educating the child by the parent encompasses many things like parent communication to the teacher to ensure the best behavior and instilling the best learning practices that are difficult to get from the guardian. If the child's behavior is strange, parents can schedule and cater for the counseling programs that could bring a fundamental change to the child's behavior.

Spiritual development for the child while young is very fundamental to the child since it triggers characters that make the child fit in today's society/community when it comes to the ethics and code of conduct. Spiritual values that emanate from Biblical teachings and other vital religious programs promote most of the positive child's provoked abilities. They could be hidden while young and result in a wrong diversion like being naughty and associating with other peers who violate the laws and other peoples' code of conduct (Pechmann, Catlin, & Zheng, 2020). Thus, it is evident that she must get back the spiritual rights to her son because children receive much dedication from parents in comparison to other individuals like guardians. This right to the child effectively explains more about mental development when it comes to relationships and interrelations governed by a personal understanding of Christianity love and hence living in peace and harmony within the community.

The parents have the mandate of ensuring that the environment their children reside contributes positively to their development. They have an essential duty of ensuring that their children grow in a drug-free ecosystem. This environment eradicates poverty to evade poor health that attributes to low critical thinking. Parents must take it as their right to ensure that their children get food and adequate shelter in the environment they reside over time. The impacts of losing these significant aspects of life may not only lead to a lack of survival but also adversely affect their mental development negatively. Poor nutrition leads to low thinking capacity and hence ultimately influences the child's educational background. The child similarly oughts to grow in a residence that is free from hostility, either coming from the family members or emanating from the neighbors (Vaghri, Flores, & Mojtabavi, 2020). Therefore, the child should be close to her mother and benefit from living in a conducive environment. It promotes good education, healthy nutrition, the spiritual background that extraordinarily implicates strong leadership abilities, and a positive attitude towards handling problems that embrace the human core values. She should have her son's rights back after the release from the prison.


Ludeke, S. G., Gensowski, M., Junge, S. Y., Kirkpatrick, R. M., John, O. P., & Andersen, S. C. (2020). "Does parental education influence child educational outcomes? A developmental analysis in a full-population sample and adoptee design." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. accessed on 13th September 2020.

Pechmann, C., Catlin, J. R., & Zheng, Y. (2020). "Facilitating Adolescent WellBeing: A Review of the Challenges and Opportunities and the Beneficial Roles of Parents, Schools, Neighborhoods, and Policymakers." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(1), 149-177. Published on 7th August 2019,, accessed on 13th September 2020.

Perry-Jenkins, M., Laws, H. B., Sayer, A., & Newkirk, K. (2020). "Parents' work and children's development: A longitudinal investigation of working-class families." Journal of Family Psychology, 34(3), 257. accessed on 13th September 2020.

Vaghri, Z., Flores, R. L., & Mojtabavi, S. (2020). "Promoting Healthy Child Development: A Child Rights Perspective. In International Handbook on Child Rights and School Psychology (pp. 175-195)." Springer, Cham. Published on 19th May 2020,, accessed on 13th September 2020.

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