Paper Example - People Are Not Their Disease

Published: 2023-08-16
Paper Example - People Are Not Their Disease
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Disorder Drug abuse Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 584 words
5 min read

For many years, individuals with drug and alcohol problems have been identified as addicts and alcoholics. Mostly society perceives these people as addicts because they lack willpower. However, research shows that addiction is a major chronic brain illness influenced by environment and genetics. Addiction may involve substance use such as inhalants, alcohol, cocaine, inhalants, nicotine, and opioids or behaviors such as gambling. Numerous individuals in this world die each year from the addiction disease, yet a small percentage of this afflicted group seeks assistance. Many times individuals feel intimidated, afraid, and ashamed because they face a lot of stigma from society. The community tends to perceive addicts as useless, thus making these groups of people feel judged. According to Hillios (2013), people are not their disease, therefore calling them addicts only isolates them more from society. Hillios reflects on the challenges addicts face by asking where people turn after the detox program. She states that the community should not define these people by their backgrounds. By using this statement, we identify an individual with a disease rather than their personality through the illness. Hence enhancing respect for the dignity and worth of all people. Thus I agree with the statement that people are not their disease.

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Developing an addiction to drugs is not a sign of weakness or character, and it takes more than willpower to overwhelm the challenge. Addiction disorders are multifaceted situations that influence the reinforcement, reward, reinforcement, memory, and motivation systems of the brain. Addiction problems can arouse certain emotions, which may lead to health issues, poor establishments of relationships both at work and with family members. Thus, the community should educate these people on the effects of the drugs. People matter, and society is the key to helping shape the future of these individuals by training them on the recovery process.

There should exist different services for people with addiction to help them recover from the disorder. A society can establish a long-term residential treatment that offers care all day. The service should include an emphasis on the resocialization of the people and utilize the program as an active aspect of therapy. According to Addiction Campuses (2020), treatment should engage the individuals in activities to assist residents in evaluating damaging self-concepts, beliefs, and destructive trends of behavior and adjust to new constructive methods to socialize with other people. Also, behavioral therapies can aid in motivating individuals to partake in drug treatment, provide strategies for dealing with drug desires, educate methods to evade drugs, and avert relapse. Establishing behavioral therapies can assist individuals in improving relationships, communication, family dynamics, and parenting skills. Also, forming group therapy can help enforce behavioral contingencies and social reinforcement that enhance a non-drug-using and abstinence lifestyle. Thus with the capability to participate in activities such as camping, mountain climbing, and hiking, addicts can increase confidence that is often required to remain restrained.

In conclusion, society needs to stop portraying addiction in demoralizing methods as people are not their disease. Addiction is a chronic relapsing state, and re-engagement is vital to assist people in recovering. The government and healthcare facilities should educate the community on the power in the voices of recovery and shatter the stigma. Individuals do recover and become contributing members of society. The future of these individuals matters, and it is challenging to deal with their disorder on their own hence they require guidance.


Addiction Campuses, (2018). Long-term inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs.

Hillios. J. [TEDx Talks]. (2013, October 30). Transcending addiction and redefining recovery. YouTube.

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