Dissent in Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History of the U.S passages. Free Essay.

Published: 2020-04-28
Dissent in Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History of the U.S passages. Free Essay.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 882 words
8 min read

Howard Zinn's Voices of a Peoples History of the U.S is a creative collection of the history of America. The main theme of the literal work is dissension and how the American minority groups suffered after democracy was sold to the highly. In this expository essay, the look into two passages that from the book will further give the reader a clear picture of the idea the literal work is trying to put across. In the two speeches by Mary Elizabeth Lease, she out rightly airs her grievances to the government that promised hope and equity to every individual in the country. Conversely, the opposite is happening as the poor man continues to become poor while the rich men flourish. Despite the agony of the common person who is, toiling Wall Street is benefiting and controlling the government leaving the people helpless. Her idea of dissent encompasses the way the monopoly has made the common person a slave.

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The passage gives the picture of the government making the commoners come out of the frying pan and into the fire. The passage clearly depicts the government as a pawn of Wall Street doing their bidding and living the citizens unprotected. At the same time, another speech by Cesar Chavez to the Commonwealth Club of California dissents to the fact that the Chicanos are neither given their rights and how the masters are underpinning their efforts to freedom. The passage is an opposition of practices done in the farms where children were still laborers. The passage is a lament on how people were treated inhumanely and the dream he has of seeing the minority group of Chicanos on the map as equal entities to the free nation as the constitution asserts. The two passages are a dissent to the lack of constitution enactment and adherence that the administration promised to the common individuals in the nation.

In the first passage of two speeches, the author tries to convene a message of modern slavery to the common person. She gives a picture of how the regime is unresponsive to the actions of the wealthy who have seized the economy and controlling the government. In the second speech to women, she tries to give hope that there will be a change coming when the people will thrive and live in a harmonious environment with no oppression and degradation of the people. The author is hopeful that all would be well and the common practices of injustice by the rich would be eradicated where all commoners and the rich will have a level playing field.

Cesar on the other hand speaks of how farmers are living in poverty with the children malnourished. He is driven by the idea of growing up in a family of migrants who toiled and suffered daily to put food on the table. He hails the new union of farmers and reproaches the forces that seek to underpin their progressive needs. The passage is about the farm workers who are oppressed by the government that has continued to promise freedom and equity. It is a dissent to the common practices by the wealthy farm owners and a hope giving speech that they are overcoming the practices in the state.

Correlation of the two passages is intertwined by the common goal to rise above oppression of the poor. The two speeches are inclined to bringing a new dawn of justice to the people. As Mary strives to make the people know about the new government being ruled by the tycoons and oppressing the people, she seeks to give the people she addresses a hope of new future with a just and equal ground of opportunities to the rest of the burdened population. The two passages are a depiction of how the people in the historical America sort to fight impunity through rhetoric oration to convene the required message. They are both an advocacy against oppression. In many ways, they are both a going beyond tyranny and promoting a sense of freedom. The two passages are directed to the government while informing the oppressed they could rise above the bars set for them.

In a reflective dimension, the two passages invigorate the audience in the sense that they have to make amends to making their lives better. They both look into giving the common persons a platform to air their thoughts, not sit, and wait for things to change. In the two passages, the authors directly dissent on the governments reluctance on upholding the constitution that people established.

Lastly, the passages from Howard Zinns Voices of a Peoples History of the U.S are a dissent to the regimes at the time. They two passages in the essay assert to the fact that the administration at the time was reluctant in upholding the promises it gives to the people. As a fact, they give a picture of the atrocities the people went through in the discrimination period of American history. Voices of a Peoples history of US is deep and with numerous images of the past. It gives the reader the notion of how the nation was born.

Work cited

Zinn, Howard, Anthony Arnove, and Howard Zinn. Voices of a People's History of the United States. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011. Print.

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