Paper Example. Personal Achievements Outside Work

Published: 2023-11-03
Paper Example. Personal Achievements Outside Work
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Job Accounting Professional development Personal development
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1772 words
15 min read

As the treasurer for a Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) for the student sports club, I occupied a position of great responsibility in managing the students' savings and investments. The position required many entries to effectively balance the individual and collective transactions For this, I had to know how to take advantage of the elements that technology makes available, such as electronic calendars and virtual agendas. Also, thanks to cloud accounting software, I was able to access and manage information from the smartphone. Due to the many tasks required, organizational skills were perhaps one of the most important skills in the position, and by managing to develop it successfully, I was easily able to perform the tasks that the profile of a professional accountant required.

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The following skills and competencies were developed:

  • Organization- One of the most important skills to master as an accounting student is the ability to carry out our work in an organized way. As an accountant, we are in charge of a lot of new information every day and organization is important to keep accounts healthy and confidential information safe.
  • Business Discernment – the tasks exposed me to the importance of being aware of the broader business and external environment and using judgment and insight to arrive at appropriate solutions.
  • Skepticism: in terms of common sense, being skeptical means not taking information to the letter, but delving into the problems and problematic situations that question the facts and challenging information to establish the real image of what is happening.
  • Evaluation: carefully weighing the information provided to make the best decisions; it may include estimating future trends or possible implications for the organization and evaluating them in a balanced way before making a recommendation.
  • Transparency: Being transparent when consulting and making decisions allowed to improve working relations. Accounting work was done in large teams, so maintaining a reputation for honesty was very important. Carefully considering the possible consequences of each action before making a decision was key in operational efficiency.

2. CLEARR Values


Collaboration is a sense of unity or enthusiasm for achieving a shared interest. The work team is essential for individual talents to enhance each other in spaces that allow them. The fact of carrying out joint tasks makes the team solidify to a new level every time one of the members contributes new ideas or points of view that had not been taken into account. A person will become more responsible if they feel that their opinion counts and if it is valued among colleagues.

Collaboration facilitates relationships between people on the same team or from different sectors of the same company. The search for training and transforming people into successful professionals is the premise of development in corporate environments, and there are many ways to develop employees both personally and intellectually. The alignment of corporate competencies increases the levels of knowledge, of productivity and makes the professionals reference in the market.


Responsibility is linked to the freedom of choice of the human being and acceptance of the consequences of acts carried out under that freedom. Acting responsibly implies assuming the consequences of our actions and decisions, both good and bad. It is also trying to ensure that all our acts are carried out under a notion of justice and the fulfillment of duty in all its senses, without the need to give us an order. Being responsible is a value because the stability of our relationships depends on it, and like all values, it is a foundation to strengthen our social and personal coexistence in the workplace.

Responsibility is one of the most essential values in organizations, a value that is demanded of professionals in the exercise of their profession, managers as they exercise the role of leadership and manage human, material and economic, and organizations as a representation of their social commitment and also as a group of individuals committed to the mission and values.

The fear of responsibility supposes an unfocused vision of freedom, not appreciating that commitments bind but protect at the same time. Learning to be responsible means assuming that the commitments are good, they make us mature and give us the joy of being consistent with our decisions, despite the effort that these involve. Accepting responsibility is a great challenge that we must experience to achieve a fullness in body and soul. We can always do something to improve our responsibility; for example, reflecting on everything we do and commit ourselves since we must know that the real consequences of it directly influence us. Also, we must achieve stably and habitually that our actions agree with the promises and obligations made. If we act responsibly, we achieve something very important, which makes us grow: confidence in ourselves and the confidence of others.

3. Experience and Skills

Besides having excellent numerical skills, I possess other skills that are vital for performing efficiently as an accountant which include:

Communication- Good communication skills mean expressing oneself clearly and convincingly according to the requirements such as informing, persuading, or clarifying. The ability to communicate allows us to be able to explain simply to the clients, colleagues, or bosses, concepts, or processes that can be complex for them.

Ethics- Ethics is essential in any job, but particularly in Accounting. The exercise of this profession requires a high commitment to norms and values, both personal and institutional. As an accountant, one must always keep in mind that, regardless of the type of information they have access to, they should never take advantage of it at the expense of the clients or above the law.

Creativity- accounting is one of the "most squared" careers in the job market since there are always procedures and steps to follow to the letter. However, this does not mean that accountants can work without creativity. Rather, managing accounts requires a constant effort of innovation and problem solving to get the job done as efficiently as possible. Critical analysis is a crucial aspect of creativity and involves evaluating, investigating, and taking into account its conclusions, having a wide range of information to analyze the case addressed so that it can make the most appropriate recommendations.

Responsibility- responsibility is one of the most important skills an accounting professional should have. Although the fulfillment of goals and times is basic in any job, accountants must be especially careful with delivery times and the seriousness with which they handle their commitments. Accounting professionals have to manage various projects with the same level of urgency, balance multiple tasks, and complete everything on time. Therefore, being able to work within deadlines and continually changing priorities will allow efficiency.

Proactivity- proactivity can define the success or failure of an accountant in the workplace. We should never wait for instructions or assume that people will give us exact directions on what to do. On many occasions, clients will hire our services precisely because they do not know what to do meaning we cannot afford to be passive in our work.

Strategic leadership- An Accountant must be a strategic business leader, assessing their ability to respond to business problems with commercially sound professional advice. Success is achieved not when theories are learned over and over again but comes from the practice of extensive and structured questions.

4. Additional Information

Through continuous training, research, and linking, I have developed a humanistic vision and critical thinking which would allow me to apply, promote, and disseminate knowledge in response to the needs of the company. These achievements highlight the commitment that I have to deliver competent services that respond to any given requirements.

My training and experience in accounting and auditing allows me to express the following:

  • Develop the control and analysis of the processes that generate financial information in the sectors of its influence, to support decision-making, using verbal and non-verbal communication, information technologies, and research processes from a national or international source.
  • Participate in the design of financial systems following good practices established by national and international regulations, proposing improvement alternatives that help maintain a solid financial structure for the company.
  • Participate in the evaluation and determination of the reasonableness of financial information, for internal and external purposes related to the tax field.
  • Promote compliance with tax, labor, corporate, environmental, and productive obligations.
  • Develop critical thinking, social responsibility, ethics, and humanistic vision, with the ability to lead productive projects and solve contextual problems.

Unique Skills and Abilities

I have a deep experience of the importance of my role. Accountability involves this first type of conscious decision to answer for who you are, not so much about taking responsibility for a set of tasks. I also live responsibly by being accountable to people who have authority over me.

I am committed to values and to the people who depend on me for their good. Commitment is the consequence of a conscious decision. It is necessary to reflect on what is important to oneself and then fight to protect and defend those values.

After making a decision or taking action, I bear the consequences if the matter goes wrong. Some people try to pass the responsibility on to others. For example, if a child fails in their studies mainly because they have little real capacity for study, some parents do not accept it and pass the responsibility of failure to school.

I spend time trying to foresee the possible consequences of my decisions before deciding. In life tasks, often the people react to situations, rather than study the issue and make a deliberate decision. Accountability requires not only to assume the consequences of the acts themselves but also to foresee the consequences.

I assume the negative consequences of my wrong actions. Indicators that this is so include, for example, knowing how to apologize when I have made a mistake or that I know how to rectify and not stubbornly go ahead in some matter, despite realizing that I have made a mistake.

I usually commit to projects after a serious study of the matter, thinking about the positive consequences that it can have for others and without depending unnecessarily on the opinion of others. Some people tend not to compromise unless a majority of others have already, or only when the issue is seen to be going well. Being flexible ensures that there is room for change to fulfill set objectives.


Dunbar, K., Laing, G., & Wynder, M. (2016). A Content Analysis of Accounting Job Advertisements: Skill Requirements for Graduates. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58-72.

Tan, L. M., & Laswad, F. (2018). Professional skills required of accountants: what do job advertisements tell us?. Accounting Education, 27(4), 403-432.

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