Personal Ethics Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-24
Personal Ethics Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personal experience Business ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 808 words
7 min read


The Decision-making process underscores goal identification, getting the relevant information, and weighing the alternatives before arriving at a final decision (Eby, 2018). While emotion may not be removed entirely from a decision-making process, as there is a great6 deal in listening to one’s gut, there is a need to gather all the relevant information to make smart decisions based on knowledge and intuition. What guides my decision making is the view of my deciso0n from an ethical standpoint as I use the value of ethics as a primary guiding approach in my decision making. First, I usually view the type of dilemma that I am up against and where I need to apply ethical principles (Ahmed, 2020). Then I conduct my research regarding the issue, including both outside and inside resources in my company that may provide specific expertise regarding the decision that I need to make, in conjunction with consultation with other executives, professional and company handbooks.

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I then consider my options as I brainstorm on numerous solutions to the problem with consideration to previous similar scenarios and how they were handled as I narrow down the fewest possible options. From there, I evaluate may potential solutions as I understand them from both the positive and negative aspects (Ahmed, 2020), focusing on the outcome of each decision and its long-term consequences. From there, I finally arrive at my conclusion with confidence and proper reasoning behind it before I opt for implementing it.

The guidance to my decision making comes from the relevant facts regarding my company or the situation in which I am. Also, it comes from asking around for other viewpoints as I stay relaxed and focused on the course. Similarly, my decision-making guidance is informed by learning from my mistakes and reevaluating them as I know from what went wrong the last time and using that knowledge next time to improve on my actions (Popovich, 2014). Furthermore, I look into the short- and long-term goals of my decision as I strike a balance between my headed and my heart regarding risk and reward as a guide to the conclusion that I am about to make. My final guidance would be based on my knowledge foundation, flawed logic, and sound reasoning, with recognition of the painful necessity of choice.

Vast Scenarios

Conversely, there are vast scenarios where I have stood up for my beliefs, especially in the realms of ethics. As a leader, I always have a firm view of defining and aligning my values with consideration of my raised morals. Despite the environment of relativism always strive to help those struggling, treating others as I would wish to be treated and appreciating everything, all in the quest of expressing my authenticity and encouraging my team to do the same by creating a good vision (Kuligowski, 2019). I also stand for my values by being aware of the bias in a diverse workforce and struggling to eliminate it by being open-minded and striving to maintain better relationships with other workers. Besides, I have always stood up for my beliefs by leading by example, especially in the reams of my choices, behaviors, and values, which has enabled others to adopt with such practices besides instilling respect and b building trust among colleagues.


Additionally, as a demonstration of my beliefs, I have always ensured open communication through transparency and encouraging feedback from my team. It is from such that most of my team feel confident in sharing their concerns and ideas. Therefore, my team can raise their viewpoints and think that they are being listened to (Kuligowki, 2019). According to the Community toolbox (2020), I have also demonstrated my ethical beliefs by caring for myself and caring for others by having a calm and capable demeanor, building trust, credibility, and respect. That is coupled with being open and genuinely approachable to help the team members keep up with the required circumstances. Finally, the demonstration of my beliefs is based on the realms of creating a good climate within the organization through the power that is shared and not abused. In conjunction, that is dealing with team members straightforwardly and respectfully, thereby making the organization operate ethically in the community, with a sense of security, togetherness, and dedication.


Ahmed, A. (2020, August 24). Decision making in business ethics. Small Business -

Chapter 13. Orienting ideas in leadership | Section 8. Ethical leadership | Main section |Community toolbox. (2020). Community Tool Box.

Eby, K. (2018, August 24). Business decision-making guide. Smartsheet.

Kuligowski, K. (2019, June 13). Four things you should do to be an ethical leader. BusinessNews Daily.

Popovich, S. (2014, September 18). Six secrets to making business decisions that get results.Entrepreneur.

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