Paper Example. Personal Nursing Philosophy- Florence Nightingale

Published: 2023-12-14
Paper Example. Personal Nursing Philosophy- Florence Nightingale
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Profession Diabetes Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 980 words
9 min read

The field of nursing has become one of the most essential and useful areas in healthcare practitioners. The domain has been widely associated with higher levels of dedication and sacrifice in the quest to address the needs of the patients. Even though numerous accounts have highly emphasized the need for experience in the field of nursing, each patient provides a set of different challenges that each assigned nurse has to undertake (Deliktas et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the field of nursing has remained competent and more reliable in the healthcare system. Florence Nightingale pioneered modern nursing, where the essential foundational background was implemented to ensure that nursing is a calling, dedicated to serving the patients. Nightingale's philosophy in the nursing fraternity has been widely associated with the patient's environment, which plays a vital role in helping to reshape the field of nursing, and how they offer their services in the quest to help patients recover.

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Description of the four concepts meta paradigm

According to Koffi and Fawcett (2016), a metaparadigm refers to a nursing theoretical approach, which provides structural concepts for how a discipline should critically function. In the field of nursing, the application of these theories consists of four fundamental elements dedicated to addressing the patient. The theories target to address the patient's wellbeing, health, environment, and nursing responsibilities towards the recovery process of the patient.

Humans (Patient)

In Nightingale's philosophy, a person has been defined as one of the four elements of the meta-paradigms (Sayani, 2017). Additionally, more effort has been channeled on the human, or the patient, since he is the one receiving the care, to help improve his health. Therefore, human or patient becomes one of the critical element in Nightingale's philosophical approach.


The treatment process may be defined as one of the determining variables that guarantee the quick recovery of a patient. Even though this is the crucial reason for a higher number of recoveries in hospitals, the environment of the patient speaks volumes. The surrounding plays a vital role in maintaining wellbeing and maintaining the health of the patient. As a result, this promotes the recovery of the patient. Therefore, the environment of a patient is a changeable thing that helps push for changes in the recovering process of a patient. The environment of a patient could change based on the needs of the patient, health, or even the nurse's demand. In this case, an environment that promotes a patient's health helps to retain most of the patient's energy, which is used towards self-healing. Nightingale outlined that the environment speaks on how the patient is likely to recover. Therefore, the environment should change based on the needs of the patient, and the assessment of the nurse, taking responsibility for the patient.


Health is a dynamic process that requires constant checkups and readjustments to help maintain the optimum state of health. Nightingale relates health with six distinctive elements that justify health progress in a patient. Some of these elements include well-organized drainage, fresh air, pure drinking water, proper lighting, as well as general cleanliness. These elements define highly effective concepts through which the health of a patient is promoted and assessed.


Nursing refers to the process of manipulating or interchanging the patient's environment to help provide comfort during the treatment process. Despite the role of administering drugs, and regular checkups on the patient, the nursing process, requires to monitor the patient's medication and their environment continually, to obtain maximum recovery. In Nightingale's philosophy, she uses the word nursing for want of a better. In this case, the word has been limited to signify its role, which is beyond the administration of patient's drugs. Therefore, nursing aids in a patient's maintaining a healthy life and heal faster through monitoring and managing their environment.

Application of personal Philosophy in the nursing practice

Diabetes Mellitus is becoming one of the global issues, with increased morbidity and mortality. Even though the increase in cases related to diabetes mellitus increases the chances of mortality, poor health, environment, and nursing practices within the healthcare facilities increase the chances of patients receiving low healthcare services.

The unavailability of proper nursing services threatens the life of the patient and the surrounding patients. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of the nurse to apply Nightingale's theoretical approach to help address the differences.

The process of nursing in Nightingale's philosophical approach is defined by administering services such as drug administration and moving of the patient from one location to the other. As a result, this concept can be applied by nurses in their domain to help provide a cleaner and more conducive environment for quicker recovery.

Under Nightingale's metaparadigm concepts, health is a dynamic element fostered by different elements such as light, proper drainage, and pure drinking king water for the patient. These elements define the health of the patient, especially for those suffering from diabetic Mellitus. A nurse can provide these elements as a way of ensuring that the patient is well suited and has a higher probability of recovering.


Nightingale's philosophical approach towards nursing is highly centered on the patient and their environment. Nightingale emphasizes the need for a cleaner and more conducive environment for the patient's wellbeing and recovery. Patients provided with a conducive environment have higher chances of quick recovery, as opposed to those cared, under a congested and staffed environment. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility to adhere to Nightingale's philosophy as a means of ensuring that patients recover faster.


Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing Students' Perceptions of Nursing Metaparadigms: A Phenomenological Study. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(5), e45.doi: 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000311

Koffi, K., & Fawcett, J. (2016). The two nursing disciplinary scientific revolutions: Florence Nightingale and Martha E. Rogers. Nursing science quarterly, 29(3), 247-250.

Sayani, A. H. (2017). Nightingale's Theory and its Application to Pediatric Nursing Care. i-Manager's Journal on Nursing, 7(2), 38.doi:10.26634/jnur.7.2.13696

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