Personal Statement Essay Example

Published: 2017-10-05
Personal Statement Essay Example
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  Application letter Personality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 574 words
5 min read

I am a driven and motivated person who looks to make a difference in life and meet my potential. Having dyslexia, I have managed to take up the challenge and view it as an ability and a multidimensional view that I have since developed. It has become increasingly essential to ensure that I create a working process that meets my dedication, thereby creating the ability to shift perceptions and surpass the worldview. I am driven to pursue my career, and I have developed the capacity to think outside the box while I look to apply different techniques in college and beyond. The Peggy Pain Academy honor for gifted students that is offered at McClintock High School is a testament to my conviction and dedication to surpass my limits as a student. I have also had opportunities for internships in different institutions where I managed to apply the models that I have learned in my classes.

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I am fully furnished with various skills including computer proficiency and am also an experienced drafter and designer. The experience that I have gained in design has enriched my experiences to develop and create unique models that can be later used in the departments needed accordingly. Proficiency in computer is essential in the present world, and any workplace as individuals look to develop tools and models that have seen a paradigm shift to better models. These attributes have been essential in forming developing different skills that I can use as an intern.

I have managed to develop good connections, and I can easily network. I have managed to work in various clubs including the solar car club and the garden club where we worked as a team. I am a good communicator and can work well within a team as I look to increase my experience and expertise in different areas and models that are essential for development. I have managed to create a working process that has been important in creating and developing valuable leadership skills as an individual. I have spearheaded the Garden Club and have been the lead engineer at Racing the Sun (Solar Go-Kart Competition). These platforms have been critical in forming my character and developing different skills that I am looking forward to using in various systems that I look to improve. I am open to the difference in attributes that are critical in giving the best designs that are essential to creating a working process and model in future.

The experience gained at the Adaptive Intelligent Materials and Systems where I have worked as an intern since 2015 to date has also had a significant effect in my field. At the Arizona State University, I have worked in development and maintenance of different systems and aspects that were specified. Also, I had been employed as a cashier at Dilly’s Deli for the past year experiences that has forged my current knowledge and skills in these fields. These aspects have been critical in developing the best tools and processes that have been essential in creating a working process on my way to achieving my goals and targets in engineering. I have widened my scope and in the process created a working model that has been essential in developing the best tools to excel in the engineering career. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge and developing different attributes in future as I look to develop the best instruments in the career.

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