Paper Example: Personal Statement for MD Application

Published: 2023-02-12
Paper Example: Personal Statement for MD Application
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  University Application letter Medicine
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 915 words
8 min read

Being a doctor is a calling that few can manage due to the high demanding working environment and the high emphasis on professionalism requires dedicated learning and acquisition of practical skills on patient care. My interest in studying medicine can be traced back to when I was young, but I was split between choosing, among other things, Arts, and Computer Science. Time and life experiences significantly determined my final choice to pursue medicine as a career of calling. As a child, my mother experienced severe headaches, and she became less active in family meetings and events which attracted significant criticism from other family members. My mother was put through multiple traditional treatment methods to ritual activities that did not work. However, a visit to a doctor and a prescription of propranolol relieved my mother of her headaches ultimately, which was a significant turning point in her life and my life. My mother's relief from tormenting headaches encouraged me to become a doctor after which I enrolled in the Manipal College of Medical Sciences through hard work which was necessary to pass the nationwide entrance examination. In medical school, it was difficult due to the many course contents that were to be covered every year, but I was able to persevere. Since my childhood days, my involvement in the social activities such as organizing the free health camps and mobile camps in the rural setting of Nepal significantly motivated my engagement and dedication towards studying medical to be able to continue offering evidence-based care to thousands of people in Nepal who require healthcare services.

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The journey through medical school was not comfortable, but with a vision and dedication, there is nothing that the human will cannot achieve. My spirit and commitment towards acquiring practical medical skills became a reality during my actual encounter with patient care during my externship with Dr. Hameed in his clinic where I got to know of the difference between the United States healthcare approach and healthcare in Nepal. My engagement in social services activities in Nepal exposed me to the different healthcare services challenges that many people face, which significantly increased my obsession and desire to join the medical school to advance and acquire medical skills. During my social volunteer activities in the management and evaluation of the nursing homes and shelters for the homeless children, I learned that I could improve my capacity to serve the community by pursuing further education in medicine to continue helping the people in need of care by becoming a professionally acknowledged doctor. Medical school exposed me to essential practical clinical knowledge and expertise, which set a good foundation in my career towards becoming a doctor. My clerkship exposed me to different treatment approaches and diverse patient needs which increased my desire to improve my medical knowledge and competence as a doctor. Besides, during my internship as a medical practitioner, I established different gaps in medical practice in Nepal which was instrumental in my decision to pursue the residency program in the United States which will be helpful towards my acquisition of high medical competency and return to apply it in Nepal.

My decision to pursue the United States Medical Licensing Examination was due to its ability to push an individual patient care competency and seek to ensure that physicians have holistic professionalism competency in areas such as patient safety, system-based medical practice, professional communication, and interpersonal skills as well as the ethical and legal issues in the practice of medical care. These essential skills and patient care competencies will be instrumental in improving my qualification in providing evidence-based care. USMLE is based on a task-based competency curriculum in which is crucial in holistic patient care practice advancement. Patient care diagnosis is a delicate process, and USMLE plays an instrumental role in the acquisition of the necessary competencies that support the diagnosis process. USMLE was my choice because it is instrumental in the acquisition of critical patient management and communication competencies as well as the legal and ethical issues in patient care. The USMLE will, therefore, create a foundation of system based healthcare practice which is instrumental in ensuring positive health outcomes and patient safety.

The residency program is a crucial postgraduate training that can be a source of hands-on experience as a doctor. My choice to pursue the residency program was informed by the program ability to equip medics with skills through in-house training which can range between three to seven years of practice. The internal medicine residency program will be instrumental in acquiring critical medication skills competency, which will complement my existing knowledge. After the internal medicine residency program, I will pursue a fellowship in oncology which will be instrumental towards the acquisition of relevant skills in medical oncology. The fellowship will allow me to pursue research, science, and education in the field, which is possible in the United States due to the availability of mentors who are vital in guiding oncologists towards becoming competent. My initial three years' experience in different healthcare setting within Nepal provides critical backup and intercultural competency, which will be instrumental in the completion of the residency program and the fellowship in oncology. My choice to pursue my medicine goals in the United States is informed by the nation particular interest in patient care through investment and standards as well as the availability of resources and opportunities that are in alignment with my career goal to specialize my research and practice on genetics and oncology in the future.

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