Essay Sample on Personal Statement for Ph.D. in Chemistry

Published: 2022-11-22
Essay Sample on Personal Statement for Ph.D. in Chemistry
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Application letter
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 740 words
7 min read

I come from a small village known as Alhendyah in the southern part of Saudi Arabia's Al Medinah Al Munwarah province. It was during my high school years that I realized that I was fascinated by material science more than any other discipline. Through my passion for the science disciplines, I enrolled at Taibah University to pursue my undergraduate degree in Chemistry. My decision to study Chemistry was informed by the realization that it is the central science discipline. Upon the completion of my BSc, I moved to Muatah University to study MSc in Analytical Chemistry. It is with the same enthusiasm that I seek to enhance my knowledge and skills in the discipline by pursuing a Ph.D. program.

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Other than education, my critical thinking, technical, and communication skills come in handy when conducting research. Additionally, I pay great attention to detail when conducting research. Furthermore, my skills have been tested in real life experience as I worked on a research project devoted to the synthesis of porous monolithic silica materials for applications in separation science specifically extraction of trace materials from environmental samples. My skills were developed further during my postgraduate studies on my research on the quality of groundwater.

I believe that doctoral study is a significant milestone in my education and career journey. In my field, I believe a Ph.D. program will expose me to a reliable platform where I can use my knowledge and skills to impact positive change in the world. During my undergraduate and postgraduate programs, I had great faculty and facilities which intensified my academics and research.

There are several reasons why I believe KAUST is the best institution to study my Ph.D. first; the university is fully focused on science and technology disciplines. Secondly, KAUST advances these disciplines through distinctive and collaborative research. More specifically, it has biological and environmental science as one of its major academic research divisions. Studying at the institution will not only add my knowledge and skills in the field but also provide me with the necessary facilities to conduct research. Additionally, I will get exposure to the different research partners of the university.

Students at world-renowned universities across the world have revealed that their impact on the institution contributes to their reputation. As such, I will work hard to help improve KAUST in any way possible. For instance, I will be actively involved in all activities by the university to promote its inspiration in the communities such as voluntary work. The institution can also benefit from my experience in academic research in my current job in the ministry of education as I can be a part-time teacher in science-related courses as well as other disciplines such as management and leadership.

I intend to continue my research work in Chemistry. My main education goal is to gain valuable research experience to deepen my knowledge of chemistry. My future professional goal is to become highly qualified in the field of catalysis to address the water scarcity problem that is continuing to threaten the livelihood of our communities. More specifically, I wish to research on developing cost-effective materials for water treatment. For instance, through my undergraduate research project, I know that porous monolithic silica is ideal substances for such would treatment. However, there are yet to be adequate technologies to enable the integration of the substances in the filtration equipment and membrane. I also wish to teach in an institution that is committed to enhancing the quality of life in our country through social, economic, and environmental development. My strong aspiration and motivation to achieve these goals set me aside as the best fit for KAUST Ph.D. program because I will be committed to my work as well as the institution.

I can rely on my background in chemistry and water research to contribute positively to any research in these fields. Therefore, I would be most grateful if your institution gives a chance to join any of your groups in material science or water and environmental science to participate in one of your projects as Ph.D. students. Such an opportunity will open me a gate to realize my main objective to be a qualified researcher in the chemical science field who able to contribute positively to the development of valuable technology for humanity. I believe I am eligible to pursue the Ph.D. at your esteemed institution. I wish that you favorably consider my application.

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Essay Sample on Personal Statement for Ph.D. in Chemistry. (2022, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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