Free Essay about Personal Trainer Certification

Published: 2019-06-25
Free Essay about Personal Trainer Certification
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Categories:  Sport Profession
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1713 words
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Responsibilities of a Personal Trainer

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The main role of a professional personal trainer is to safeguard the community from expressive, physical, mental, spiritual, and monetary detriment. Professionals with a Personal Trainer Certification authenticate their competencies and augment their true academic value to their fitness clients, healthcare officers and other persons in their scope of the profession. The accredited title alone guarantees no efficiency in work but the ACE advocates for high standards for examining a persons proficiency in coming up with practical, effective, exercise programs. ACE has formulated and strictly established an ethics code that is professional enough and ACEs discipline applicable measures, and certifications receive third person recognition and approval especially from NCCA, which are Certifying Agencies. ACE enforces the ethics agreement through Professional Practices and Disciplinary Measures.

A Personal Trainer should complete twenty hours of ongoing education acclaim to get new certification since a new certification expires after two years. Progressive learning is a necessity for professionals to be knowledgeable on the latest research updates. Health updates are critical because of the rapid innovations in health science that focus on exercise. A personal trainer should keep the clients health information confidential. Disclosure of a customers health and fitness history is highly prohibited according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Also, Personal Trainers are supposed to write referrals for clients whose problems are way above their capabilities and line of specialization. Moreover, health professionals should aim at guaranteeing security for all people who entrust their health issues to them. The needed exercise tools and apparatus should be accessible and in the best working conditions. Hygiene is also crucial. Moreover, a personal trainer has more detailed, precise responsibilities for their client. The trainer must commence with analyzing their clients health history to decide whether the customer comfortably fits in an exercise program.

One should consult with health doctors, dietitians instead of solely depending on a personal trainer in a case where they need enhancements. A personal trainer has no approved credentials to recommend health enhancements. However, they should be enlightened on the subject of supplements such that they can direct their client to qualified dietitians.

Fitness Assessment and Methods of Data Collection

A fitness evaluation is one of the best ways to evaluate ones appropriateness level. It consists of a series of methods that regulate and dictate ones body fitness. Fitness Assessment takes into account the clients height, blood pressure, body mass and weight, muscular strength, and heart rates. One should sit in a chair, with their bases on the ground to measure their Resting Heart Rate, which is a persons heart rate at rest. The ordinary, average persons heart makes sixty or eighty beats per minute. The RHR gets higher as one grows older and it is lower for people whose physical being is at its best, which is they are physically apt. People involved in fitness programs should monitor their blood pressure. Systolic Pressure is the pressure during shrinkage while diastolic pressure is the pressure during the hearts letup. The sit and reach test is important for a more flexible lower back. This specific test relates the clients flexibility to time and likens their tally to means, medians, and modes for their sex and age. Screening for diseases is helpful too.

Furthermore, questionnaires administered to people with different body shapes and diverse health status help to collect meaningful, unbiased information. A questionnaire, though faulty in some instances, is one of the most effective methods of data collection. Steve Rogers, who is the first client, is better off with less strenuous sports and a diet that has more calories. The bottom line to increasing weight within the following three months is an intake of a diet rich in calories and going on with the necessary training exercises.

Malnutrition largely affects peoples health status and their overall fitness. Screening for malnutrition in Rogers case is essential to enable prompt and effective intrusions. Health personnel authenticate screening tools for precision and consistency. According to ISSA course concepts on nutrition, proper feeding is an important part of the training. Nutrition Certification educates one on the number of appropriate meals a day, macro and micronutrients, sports goals, and well-calculated intake of calories. The ISSA teaches these concepts because they know how radically proper diet and nutrition can perfect a clients physique.

12-Week Training Program

Phase 1: the first phase of the twelve weeks training program comprises of the following: 3-4 weeks time span, 3*12-15 with 30-90 seconds of rest, and lightweight intensity. This introductory level fixes the clients muscles and muscle tendons for more intense training. The individual progresses in preliminary power and acquires knowledge on the perseverance of the demanding parts of the training scheme program. Phase2: The main goal is to form body muscle, and strengthen muscle fibers. Doing high repetitions encourages a fast increase in muscle size. The phase takes a minimum of 4 weeks, the volume of 3*10-12 with 30 to 90 seconds rest, and a maximum of 50-75 intensity percentage. Phase3: The third phase advances the second phase. One starts to construct muscle strength by enlivening heavier weights but for limited rounds. This stage lasts for 4 weeks, requires 80-90 maximum percentage intensity, and a volume of 3-5*4-8 with 1.5 to 2 minutes of resting.

Phase4: This is the eventual stage of the training program. Accumulative energy in the second and third stages, aids one to gaining useful muscle power applicable in lifting Cleans and Deadlifts. The phase ends after 4 weeks. Volume and intensity are 3-5*2-5 with 2-3 resting minutes, and 75-95% respectively. After the successful conclusion of the 12-week phase, let your instructor put your capabilities to the test, get a week off and rest, then, recur the cycle to make strength advances. Since the client in question is an athlete, exercises done in this program should be in the clients field. However, there are no restrictions on taking part in other helpful exercises as long as they focus on strength.

The following nutritional strategies go a long way in boosting a clients health needs. A personal trainer has no legal ground to administer nutrition advice but to give general dietary advice is lawful. Steve Rogers, the client, should give some meals priority particularly breakfast. Missing meals deprive the client of some important nutrients hence it is inadvisable. Lack of nutrients makes one vulnerable to diseases, leads to energy loss, causes inability to exercise and to fail of the immune system. The client should also ensure availability of the tuck protein in every meal they take. In addition to muscle building, proteins make one feel satisfied for lengthier periods unlike starch, which takes a maximum of two hours to digest. Chicken, fish, beans, and lean beef are agreeable sources of proteins. Men of 19-30 years should consume 6.5 ounces in a day, and Steve Rogers, who is of age 27 falls in this category.

The 12-week training program recommendation is helpful to the client in that they will add mass, thus reaching their goal of adding some weight. For amateurs, a 3-day split is commendable. Nevertheless, essentials such as hefty exercises, free weights, and a rep range of 7-11 rep are a priority regardless of the level of the client.

Client Profile: Clark Kent

According to the given units of measurements, Clark Kent has a basal metabolic rate of 1880.5 while the daily calorie reduction is -120.1787. Karvonen. Formula states that target heart rate= ((max heart rate resting heart rate) * percentage Intensity) + resting heart rate. Clarks Target Heart Rate ranges from 136bpm to 181bpm.The following are an individual trainers responsibilities when working with an individual client: 1. Use of fitness techniques to examine the clients abilities. 2. Come up with practical exercise methods depending on the clients age and fitness stakes. 3. Develop the appropriate use of machines and devices of exercise. 4. Provide inspiration and motivation to the customer for the thorough training. 5. Ensure exercises with correct methods for the best outcomes.

Personal trainers use testing, observation, inspection, and medical examination to evaluate their clients fitness. Observation is less reliable, but medical tests and assessments identify the customers health weaknesses. The methods of data collection applicable in the case of this specific client are, clinical tests, observing and putting down the clients nutritional behavior, and head-on interviews. The mentioned methods of data collection and ways of evaluation give the personal trainer more knowledge of the clients medical and fitness history.

12-Week Training Program

The best 12-week program is the one that takes care of the clients goals. The program targets at increasing the number and frequency of reps finalized. 5-15 minutes warm up with low intensity does no harm to the customer. Ample training optimizes strength and stamina routine. Aerobic and resistance training program accelerate overall fitness. However, doing similar exercises leads to adaptation and reduction in strength. In the same way, increased intensity with reduced recovery and rest times is injurious. Hence, focusing on set clients targets is crucial in periodization.

Weeks 1-4 (Endurance): This phase targets at stabilizing cardiovascular and muscle strength and lays a foundation for high intensity in the next phases. It consists of 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions and an intensity that gives the client ample time to exercise in good body form. Resting periods should be short, between thirty to sixty seconds. Cardio workouts should take 30-60 minutes, 4-6 times in 5-7 days. The swiftness in this phase should allow one to communicate.

Weeks 5-8(Fundamental strength): Improving strength and endurance is important in this training phase. One should take three sets of 6-8 repetitions, which leave the client tired by the end of the 2 repetitions. Unlike in the hypertrophy phase, the client should rest for three minutes to allow more revitalization. Clark Kents aerobic training should be 4-5 sessions in every week with a high intensity where speaking is almost impossible. The training volume should be less than in the first phase.

Weeks 9-12. Strength and power workouts in this phase polish up the strength and endurance built in the previous stages. Volume intensity, the number of sets and repetitions decrease with strength training. The number of sets ranges from 2-3 while repetitions are 3-5. Also, Clark Kent should include in his routine squat jumps, push jerk, and, lunge exercises. Although the training volume should decrease, it should have double...

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