Personality Assessment Reflection. Essay Sample

Published: 2023-04-12
Personality Assessment Reflection. Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Reflection Career Personality Personal development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 729 words
7 min read

Ideally, personality refers to the significant characteristics that define human beings. People depict different personal features, which encompass their overall behavioral aspects, including how they think or react. As such, a personality assessment is adequately described as proficiency in psychology that generally entails the interpretation, administration, and scoring of empirically supported measures of personality characters that have a crucial role in self-reflection and understanding. Self-reflection is vital to everyone as it is undeniably valuable to working, professional, and social aspects. Therefore, in any role, whether at work or school, self-reflection is a substantial part of learning. It immensely helps develop one's skills and review their efficiency rather than regularly doing things the same way. The International Personality Item Pool, commonly known as (IPIP-NEO) is a chief example of a personality assessment that hugely relies on self-reporting based on five broad personality domains, including Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness (Maples, Guan & Miller, 2014). Reflecting on my personality traits, the results from the IPIP-NEO test were fulfilling and enlightening. By undertaking the big five personality model tests, I concluded that some of the results represented are an accurate evaluation of my personality.

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In particular, concerning the extraversion section of the test, I scored a percentile of 86, which is a relatively higher score, significantly implying that I am a friendly, energetic, and lively individual. This is pretty much accurate because I am an extroverted person and always comfortable around new people and make friends very quickly. For the portion of friendliness, the test reported that I have a score of 97; for gregariousness, it was 92, activity level 60, for cheerfulness 76, and scored an average both on excitement seeking and assertiveness 56 and 54 respectively. Typically, the scores were, however, an accurate depiction of my personality as most people I interact with would attest to this, for they often describe me as action-oriented, friendly and always excited for new opportunities. I am thrilled spending much of my time with others going out and super excited while interacting with people in different social situations.

Regarding the trait of agreeableness, I scored 91, implying that I am generally a cooperative, pleasant, and sympathetic individual with a keen interest in the needs of other people. I scored relatively high on trust 79; for morality, it reported 61, altruism 89, cooperation 72, modesty 89, and sympathy 82. The agreeable rank from the assessment is, therefore, accurate as, in reality, I am supportive and well-mannered to all individuals irrespective of their status.

From the conscientiousness section of the personality assessment, it reported that I scored an average of 61, indicating that I am self-controlled, a reliable and organized individual. In essence, for self-efficacy, the test ranked me at 67, orderliness at 96, and slightly high on dutifulness at 78. At the same time, I scored very low on self-discipline, cautiousness, and achievement-striving. From the results, it is apparent that I am enormously regarded as a hardworking and reliable person. However, the scores regarding the achievement striving are inaccurate since I set achievable goals and work hard with determination to accomplish them. Therefore, I do not want to admit that the scores for this section are accurate since wherever I am assigned a task, I would work and ensure I complete it within the deadline. The next part was the neuroticism test, where I scored very low a percentile of 19, which indicated that I am remarkably calm, unflappable, and composed. However, I would term this as definitely accurate because rarely do I react to situations with intense emotions. Lastly, concerning the openness to experience, I was ranked an average of 48, which indicates that I enjoy being conservative, although I have the urge to attempt new things. This is somewhat true because I avoid complicated situations, and I am always looking for more natural ways to analyze and solve issues.

Overall, from my perspective, this was a reasonably all-inclusive assessment, the questions were engaging and enhanced consistency, and therefore it was a quality test. I am grateful as the results will positively contribute to my personality preferences and allow me to boost my strengths make necessary adjustments on the low personality traits to achieve higher as a student and for my future career.


Maples, J. L., Guan, L., Carter, N. T., & Miller, J. D. (2014). A test of the International Personality Item Pool representation of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory and development of a 120-item IPIP-based measure of the five-factor model. Psychological assessment, 26(4), 1070.

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