Persuasive Essay Plan

Published: 2017-10-11
Persuasive Essay Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Justice Penal system
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1200 words
10 min read

Purpose: To Persuade

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Proposition Statement: To persuade my audience that Death Penalty is worth thinking about and demands worth consideration about the society to think what is worth.

Title: Death Penalty

Greeting: Good Audience Class

The Introduction

I. The Attention Grabber: Do we agree that a person should be subjected to death penalty or not?

II. The Relevance: Its worth knowing whether its essential to subject a person to death sentence or not.

III. The Credibility: As a person, I do not think that death sentence is worth it. With a death sentence, we would be inhuman. I wish it was possible to give away with a death sentence

IV. The Proposition Statement: My hope is that I would persuade you to believe that we should not support death penalty

Transition: Many of you might think that I am wrong, but I do not believe in killing a person. Let’s give one a chance to live.

Persuasive Speech

Introduction: The society has utilized punishment for a long time to deter would-be offenders from engaging in unlawful activities.

In case murders are executed in the form of execution and death, would-be murderers would consider thinking twice before engaging in murderous activities since they would fear to lose their lives.

Attention Getter: Because the society has significant interest in hindering murder, it focuses on utilizing the major form of punishment to allow it prevent murder, which takes the form of a death penalty.

Thesis: The paper discusses as to whether death penalty is an ideal practice to exercise in the present society

The Body

1. Death Penalty Should Be Endorsed

I. Main Body: For many years, criminologists undertook analysis concerning the rates of murder to determine whether they reduced the number of convicted murderers who were executed, even though the results did not reveal clear results.

- In 1973, however, a new analysis form was introduced, which revealed that for each executed inmate, it became possible to spare around seven lives

- It became possible to spare lives since others were hindered from committing murder (Citation # 1 - Hood & Hoyle).

II. Undertaking Execution

a. Even though certain studies concerning deterrence are not conclusive irrespective of whether it is uncommon to apply the death penalty, it takes many years before carrying out execution.

b. Swift and rare forms of punishments serve as the ideal for deterring crime (Citation # 2 - Hood & Hoyle).

III. Country Perspective

a. The notion that certain countries or states that fail to utilize the death penalty experience lower rates of murder as opposed to the case of the jurisdictions that practice it, it does not serve as deterrence failure (Citation # 3 - Bedau & Cassell).

i. The states revealing higher rates of murder might even experience lower rates in case they fail to utilize death penalty

ii. Death Penalty has the capacity of deterring higher rates of crime unlike the case of other kinds of jurisdictions, since individuals fear death compared to other things (Citation # 4 - Guernsey).

IV. People Fear of Death

a. People fear death when inflicted upon them through deliberate means by law as well as courts

b. The things that persons fear the most are among the ones that deter criminal activities most.

c. The death penalty threat might hinder certain murderers who it might be challenging to deter.

d. Death Penalty serves as the major penalty that might facilitate in hindering prisoners in death sentences from murdering offenders in the process of being arrested or even guards

e. Even though it might not be possible to deter such kinds of individuals, nothing else can hinder them (Citation # 5 - Guernsey).

V. Role of Law Enforcers

- The law enforcers are the ideal kinds of individuals responsible for hindering individuals from being subject to special risks.

- Death penalty also deters criminal activities in the event of executing a murderer (Citation # 6 - Bedau & Cassell).

- It serves as an incapacitation form just as the way it is for imprisoned robbers who are prevented from robbing the streets.

- It is essential kill vicious murderers to hinder them from committing other murders, either in the society or prison in case they get out

- While serving as a deterrent as well as a permanent incapacitation form, death penalty would play a vital role in terms of hindering crimes in the future (Citation # 7 - Bedau & Cassell).

2. Opposing Death Sentence

I. Main Point: Death penalty must not always serve as a way of hindering murders in future.

a. The individuals who support the notion that deterrence facilitates in executing particular offenders are the ones who should support that death penalty facilitates in deterring murder.

b. For many years, overwhelming conclusion reveals that death penalty, does not deter criminal activities more when compared to life imprisonment (Citation # 8 Guernsey).

II. Death Penalty Effect

a. Death penalty results to negative an opposite effect, meaning that the society is brutalized through death penalty use, thereby resulting to a rise of additional murder events.

b. Even in the case of many individuals who support death penalty, they fail to lay any significant emphasis on deterrence as a severe justification for sustained use (Citation # 9 - Guernsey).

III. Country Cases

i. Concerning the case of the U.S. for instance, the states that refrain from utilizing death penalty portray lower incidences of murder unlike the case of the states that employ the practice.

ii. The same case applies to United States when likened to other related countries that do not employ death penalty (Citation # 10 - Guernsey).

IV. Death Penalty Ineffectiveness

a. Death penalty fails to serve as a way of deterring crime since most individuals who kill other people do not anticipate being captured.

b. The persons might also fail to weigh the prevailing differences between a probable execution as well as a life imprisonment before engaging in certain actions (Citation # 11 - Hood & Hoyle).

c. Often murders are carried out in events of anger of passion, or by the criminals who abuse substances or the ones who acted in an impulsive manner.

3. Conclusion

- No substantive evidence exists to reveal that death penalty serves as an ideal compared to life imprisonment

- When in prison, the individuals serving life imprisonment frequently settle into certain threats.

- They are pose minimal threats to violence when compared to other criminals.

- The idea of life without parole serves as an ideal option for particular states.

- The prisoners who receive the sentence never leave prison.

- The society’s safety without utilizing death punishment.


Bedau, H. A., & Cassell, P. G. (2011). Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case. New York: Oxford University Press.

Guernsey, J. B. (2013). Death Penalty: Fair Solution Or Moral Failure? New York: Twenty-First Century Books.

Hood, R., & Hoyle, C. (2012). The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press..

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