Paper Example. Pinning Ceremony

Published: 2023-11-12
Paper Example. Pinning Ceremony
Essay type:  Autobiography essays
Categories:  Education Students Nursing Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 696 words
6 min read

Good evening, may I accept this opportunity to welcome our notable guests, faculty, and friends to this pinning ceremony? On behalf of the second-year class, I would like to extend a sincere appreciation to everyone who has helped during the past two years. The guidance and unceasing support we have received from all of you are irreplaceable.

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Looking back a few years, I would never have thought I’d be standing here on my way to becoming a nurse. I had always admired nurses since my childhood, and I knew nursing was my passion. No one can deny that no matter how we got here, we’re all guided by the same calling to help people and show compassion when they need it.

It is universally known that nursing is hard, and it’s not easy to understand this unless you have been here. No one can explain the amount of transformation we go through; you get engulfed in critical thinking, applying the nursing process in every decision you make. It becomes a way of life. Nobody will understand the excitement that accompanies your first successful IV cannula insertion, not to mention your first successful wound dressing.

Therefore, I would like to recognize my classmates, and I want to appreciate the accomplishments we have made by getting this far. We still have some time to go before we become the most sought-after nurses. We have all struggled and ended up being drained physically, psychologically, and even emotionally. We have also had our fair share of troubles; this has not only helped build our resilience but has also made us better nurses. I have met some of the most resilient, hardworking, and loving nurses through this nursing program, which is a crucial indicator of dedication and perseverance. We are right on our journey to attaining our primary objective of becoming future nurses. I want to reiterate that we are all needed in this nursing profession. Whether you will decide to work in a hospital setting, home healthcare services, nursing care facilities, or schools, you will always be an essential facet. Nurses have the privilege to heal the soul, bodies, hearts, and minds of our patients, families, and ourselves. The patients may overlook your name. However, they will always remember how warm you made them feel.

As eccentric as this year has been, the outbreak of COVID-19 creating a world of uncertainty and a feeling of hopelessness, especially to us, student nurses following the imposition of lockdowns. We have been able to emerge stronger because inner healing had been planted during the past two years. These experiences have prepared us to adequately provide maximum care for patients with new emerging infectious diseases.

We believe the faculty has a vital role in crafting a sense of control and providing a stable educational framework for all the students. We believe that the most compelling way for the faculty to help students will be to stay in continuous contact with them beyond online teaching. As much as this new normal has to be part of our study life, we are hopeful that we will conquer.

On behalf of my class, I want to thank teachers for teaching us the components of becoming nurses. Without you, we wouldn’t have known neurofibromatosis and or how it’s treated. Without you, we wouldn’t have any clue what an autonomic nervous system is. Communicating with patients wasn’t an easy task; it’s become a norm in our daily activities because of your efforts. We appreciate your energy and your support in pushing us to the limits we never thought we could attain, you have also been the critical support system during some of the hardest times we have encountered.

Finally, to my classmates, you are some of the best friends I have encountered. We have wept together, laughed together, and studied together. Most importantly, we have had each other for consolation and backing whenever each needed it. We have a short way to come through, let’s keep the team spirit as we embark on online studies for our final semester. Thank you.

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Paper Example. Pinning Ceremony. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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