Planning for High School Cell Phones: Change for Betterment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-26
Planning for High School Cell Phones: Change for Betterment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  High School Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read


Planning is a fundamental aspect of management. For better tomorrow of an organization, today's planning is vital (Barbosa-Povoa, 2018). This involves all the elements that occur in an organization. The plan aims to accomplish a specific goal of an organization (Barbosa-Povoa, 2018). In the case of High Schools adjustment to the use of cell phones on campus, planning also plays a vital role. In every organization, change is inevitable. To strive to bring change for the betterment of an organization is therefore crucial. For the case of adjusting High School to the users of cell phones is a vital step knowing the rampant growth of technology in the world. The coin has two sides, the head, and the tail. Despite the excellent part of the idea, there also emerges external resistance.

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The Schools Possible Respond to Change in the External Environment

With the developing world, the rampant increase in technology, the need to equip the learners to new technology is integral. The best level to provide learners with knowledge in technology is at the school level. This is the period where students get to learn and implement aspects faster. Therefore, this guarantees schools to drastically adapt to the changes following the rampant change of the world. Thus, the need for students to use cell phones at school arises. This is regarding the developing world. While planning, the schools should be in a position to expect resistance. Some of the parents, students, and even teachers may oppose the move. This should not make it impossible. That is why it is as good as gold for school management to create awareness before establishing the whole idea.

Comparison of a Variety of External Forces

Change occurs due to several reasons. Several factors result from changing. In the case of adjusting high school to using cell phones, technology is one of the external force. However, technology helps in globalization. With the increase in technology use and availability of the gadgets, they need to use it arises. The need to grow is fundamental. In this case, to avoid poor performance hence the use of cell phones can improve performance and aid in the growth of schools.

Why People Resist Change

When an organization proclaims the need to change, resistance arises for various reasons. This is because many people have their perceptions of certain aspects. Among the reasons why people oppose change is because of personality (Taylor, 2018). Research reveals that individuals with the positive-self concept are more prone to welcoming change because they have high self-esteem. This shows that there is a section of people who are always against change due to their personality. The feeling of uncertainty is also a factor (Taylor, 2018). When the progress of change is announced, people think of what would happen next. This raises the uncertainties, which makes people rebel against the process to retain their positions. For instance, adjusting high schools to using cell phones makes staff worry about losing jobs; at the same time, parents worry about the erosion of students’ characters.

Additionally, change of habits is also one of the reasons people fear change (Taylor, 2018). Individuals tend to resist change with intentions that change will disrupt their normality. For instance, the adjustment of high schools using cell phones will change the modes of operations in the school.


Barbosa-Povoa, A. P., Mota, B., & Carvalho, A. (2018). How to design and plan sustainable supply chains through optimization models?. Pesquisa Operacional, 38(3), 363-388.

Taylor, L. (2018). Innovation and its enemies: why people resist new technologies.

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Planning for High School Cell Phones: Change for Betterment - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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