Pollution Essay Sample: E-waste, Vehicles Smokes, Home Waste

Published: 2022-05-03
Pollution Essay Sample: E-waste, Vehicles Smokes, Home Waste
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Pollution
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1526 words
13 min read

Laptops and electronic gadgets

In today's generation, a million keeps joining social sites every day, and the most fun and trending sites are mostly youths dominated. The increasing numbers of online youths generation also implies that they possess laptops and some other electronic gadgets for their entertainment purposes. Spoiled computers, phones and tablets, iPods and other electronic gadgets are the most common kinds of waste that any youth can be associated with. These are some of the non-biodegradable form of waste to the environment; therefore, they have a significant danger to our atmosphere and soil. There have been increasing tons and tons of e-waste as twice as the rate every new technological invention.

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The pie-chart below shows the number of global E-waste products and their composition

Most students, in one of every three, has a spoilt gadget at his possession. How finally is he going to dispose it, the decision depends on him. This is an indication that youths are responsible for a quite large amount of the e-waste in our environment. The decisions they make every day will somehow determine how they care about their own environment. Carelessness in disposing of the e-waste ends up with emission of harmful gasses to the air or a contamination to our soils and sometimes even water contamination. Since students own most of these gadgets, they should be the main target if our goal is to eradicate e-waste in our planet. Through a good awareness programs maybe via massive internet campaign motivating and educating on how to recycle the waste, celebrity support of the same idea and media motivation will help reduce a lot waste that could have cause great danger to our environment.

Vehicles smokes

According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, automobile smoke contributes to more than 50% of air pollution. This smoke goes directly to the atmosphere and affects the ozone layer. This subjects all living organisms on earth with the direct expose ultra-violent sunrays. These can lead to killer diseases like cancer. These smokes also have a wide range of how they affect our ecosystem. Carelessness disposal of vehicle parts will finally find its way into our soils and rivers. This is how they get to interfere with our food chain. Those people who will get to be diagnosed with respiratory, reproductive or low immune complications will directly feel their effect. We are also exposed to the risks of acidic rains; these rains get into our soils and change its PH levels causing complications to plants life. The rain that falls back into streams and rivers will directly affect the aquatic life. Therefore, the cars we drive everyday make us active contributors to global warming. More and more students driving cars means more harm to our environment. Young individuals under the age of 30 contribute most of the students' population. These youths should not only consider the benefits of using a car daily but also the negative impacts it can cause to the life of all living plants and animals.

The vehicles start polluting the environment from their production stage coming to how we use it every day and disposal of its faulty parts is a threat to the environment. This should not be ignored since the chain is causing a massive impact to our ecosystem in every stage of a car process. Youths have the chance to make the right decisions and save the planet. It will have to take a lot of sacrifice but kindly it will be the right thing to do. If half of the students decide to leave their cars at home and come with friend`s car or come in groups using one car will be a great favor to our ecosystem. Carpooling can also be a solution here where the students might all agree to travel on their school bus on their journey to and from school, use a train or take a bike ride or walking to school if it`s near where you live. These students come from different places in the city, therefore with their knowledge of car parts recycling processes and companies, they will also help reduce careless disposal of these wastes out in the streets. If all youths participate in recycling what can be recycled from the streets, so much of this waste will be disposed in the right manner. Almost three quarters of the car parts can be recycled since those car owners live in the same streets these students live. If the students ensure that no waste is disposed anyhow they take all what can be recycled from the communities they live with, these will help reduce tons of these wastes that were carelessly disposed.


Peer pressure is most commonly experienced in the youth generation. The first smoke most people engaged to was because of peer pressure. In a research study, randomly 650 students was selected and they were handed a questionnaire that would ask questions about their experiences beliefs and study their habits in relation to smoking. The result revealed that Male youths were more exposed to smoking than girls are. Most of the smokers start smoking at the age of fifteen, and shockingly is that friends are the ones who introduce us to smoking. So roughly, a student who is at the age of 15-20 may probably have that one friend who is smoking. Therefore, due to curiosity, the myth of trying to forget your stress, the urge for the highness feeling may lead any student to get tempted and start smoking since one of his friends is already engaged into it. Some reasons why most of the youths got trapped in smoking because of addiction, company, not having an idea of how to start quitting and maybe the social setting around them. Very few smokers showed an interest for quitting smoking in the future. Studies show that number of smokers in schools and the amount of substances being smoked is extremely increasing amongst students.

With this information, it is high time that parents, schools and all the stakeholders involved in the daily life bringing of an adult; should take quick measures and start addressing the effects of smoking in the young generation. From cigarette production, to its consumption not only harms the environment but could also cause direct effect on smokers and other passive smokers around him serious health problems. These health problems include lung cancer, complications during delivery and other respiratory diseases. Cigarettes when burnt release so many different harmful chemicals into the atmosphere that go directly to affect the ozone layer. Some of the cigarettes left on the ground affect our soils PH and productivity. If students actively participate in conserving the environment they should be ready to go into their own habits and clean them up too. For example, if half of the all of the students who smoke cut off their cigarettes consumption everyday by a half of what they normally use, that will mean we have reduced the amount of unwanted substances in our atmosphere by a half and will have contributed to their own healthy living steps. The youth population especially students, can have a great impact in reducing smoke waste in our universe and help protect our ozone layer.

A graph showing number of student smokers percentages.

Home Waste

So many people ignore to recognize the amounts of e-waste released in our homesteads and workplaces in which still pose a danger to our environment. Though the effect of residential and workplace pollution is very minimal but if it again can be reduced that`s better when it comes to environmental conservation. In some workplaces we might be breathing contaminated air from gasses emitted through various operational processes, we might also be exposed to direct contact with toxic materials which if handled carelessly may cause serious health problems. In addition, the most common pollutants, dust maybe experienced at many of our working stations. Some people are allergic to dust and may get seriously ill. In our homesteads, we may be exposed to minimal indoor air pollution but there a lot of control measures, we can do in support of the conservation our environment.

In more than three quarters if every family there is a probability of an adolescent youth and most importantly a student. Therefore empowering our students in school with the correct measures of how going green in our homes, we will be helping in the conservation of our environment. Some of the measures that students will ensure are being taken seriously at our homes may include closing the taps whenever we are not using it, so as to avoid unnecessary loss of water. Switching off the lights off whenever we are not in need of them(apparently not the security lights), switching off all the electrical appliances that are not in operation or don't need electricity at the moment, i.e, laptops, iron boxes e.t.c this helps to conserve the energy which we are not using. Switching off hot-showers when not in the bathrooms.In addition, the way we dispose of our waste in our homesteads and working places determines the effect we cause to our ecosystem. If we...

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Pollution Essay Sample: E-waste, Vehicles Smokes, Home Waste. (2022, May 03). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/pollution-essay-sample-e-waste-vehicles-smokes-home-waste?pname=speedypaper.com

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